Help The Forgetful RPer?

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Adriana Clarke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
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So I had to take a long absence (kind of totally unexpected) due to my own issues as well as a family member's. So this site got pushed to the back of my mind. :( Sorry about that. But now I'm back! So let's get on with the show:


Adriana Clarke :
My second year Slytherin. She pretty much needs everything ranging from a group of friends to enemies and then maybe a love-interest. She's gotten a lot nicer over the past year and got a reality check, so she'd be less picky with friends. In her spare time she loves reading and singing like an idiot in her room when no one's around. Her family is pretty wealthy, and they love spoiling her. That's why she'll have temper fits every so often, if you set her off. But in general she can be sweet if she wants to. If you get on her bad side, that's a horse of a different color. She can be quite mean if you strike her as too clingy or too annoying. Finally, Adriana is quite vain. This is to a point where she carries around a mirror and checks her hair every five minutes or so.


Chloe LeBlanc :
My newly graduated Beauxbatons needs friends. What I'm thinking is that she'd have a tight knit group of women being her friends, compared to a bunch of guys. Maybe it would be something Sex and the City-esque? It would actually be kind of funny if one of them didn't care for Chloe's fiancee Ash Richards. That would definitely cause a commotion. As for her personality, Chloe loves to be a girly-girl. Shopping is a passion of hers and she tends to spend a lot of money on frivolous things she deems necessary. But in truth, she's very sporty and loves adventure. Right now she's starting a job as a dragon tamer. So, if you have any possible friends for her, reply below.


Aran Reynolds :
He's an artist/hopeful ministry member. Right now he needs absolutely everything. He's sensitive and very protective of his siblings, and is a complete flirt. Very rarely is he faithful in a relationship, but he's trying to find the person to change that. He's into both boys and girls, but has a slight preference towards girls. He's very creative and resourceful, and has a habit of talking his way out of any bad situation, rather than deal with the consequences. It's a terrible thing, but that's how she deals with things. Currently he's living in London, making sure both of his siblings are behaving while at school, and sometimes visiting his mother in Spain, or his father in Australia. Though he isn't wealthy by any means, he makes up for it in spirit and attitude, and plans to make a name for himself in the Wizarding World.

If you had any plots with characters you know I have, but I haven't listed here, lemme know! Also, I sort of developed a habit of writing very long replies. Just giving a fair warning xD

Hey Mimi! :hug:

I have Yerik Rhys here for Adriana, I'm currently looking for a Slytherin/Ravenclaw-Dark Haired-Pureblood girl. My post is here. I have no ideas for two yet, though I'll be pretty much full of it soonish. I'm open for any ideas of yours. ^_^ A little summary about Yerik is that:
He's pretty much of a smart-ass who loves to study and is the only thing he thinks of other than muggle sports and Quidditch. Others can be found on his Cd below the siggy. :r
- -Mintzy​
Hey! :hug:

I think at least she'd take a keen eye to him. ^_^ She would probably love spending time studying with him, and maybe catching a Quidditch game or two. Maybe she could have a one sided thing and then it develops into a mutual? Or vise-versa if that works for you.

I'd love to have a go at a test thread for them.
I have Johanna Murray a seventh year Beauxbaton who Chloe has already met...
Maybe they could bump into each other over the holidays or something like that??

I PMd you about Ryan and Adriana.. :D
@Johanna : And I replied :D

@Anna : Yeah! I'll dig those up and reply. ^_^
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