Help i need somebody

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Serinty Sky

OOC First Name
Ok so like Serinty is new and she's going to Hogwarts she kind of shy but she needs friends really bad. Her personialty is like shy but once you get to know her she can be outgoing she's just like her father who had just moved her to New Zealand to make sure she followed in his footsteps while her mother died when she was just five. So if anyone want to rp let me know.
I have two offers, one is Leslie West who can be a snob and mean but still has a heart to forgive and befriend anyone. Leslie just doesn't like people who likes gossip but likes people who goes shopping and just wants to have fun. Second is Persephone Kratos who is smart and kind and brave as well that she can stand up for herself and to anybody that needs her help from someone. She is also shy and silent when you first met her.

So, its up to you if you want the package or pick one of the charries :) just reply
ok i think she would get along with Persephone but i want to wait till i find out what house she's in before i start a thread
Its fine, just PM me if you got a certain house :)
There's Matthew. :D

Matt is very artistic, he is, just like Serenity, shy when you first speak to him. He loves drawing, painting, theatre, sports(muggle, and wizrad), and he becomes more outgoing as you get to meet him. He hates most Slytherin students with some exceptions. :p
Him and Serinty would get along because her twin wants to be Slytherin and she like why?
I can offer Gracie. She is a bubbly bouncy fun loving girl. She loves white roses and puppy dogs. Gracie also is a ravenclaw and she loves meeting new people. Friendly person
Yes omg I forgot sorry!
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