Help! I Need Somebody! Help! Not Just Anybody

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Cyan Zephyr

Well-Known Member
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Friends! Family! Beneath these spoilers are sights that will shock and amazing you Two eight year old girls from very different worlds, who need friends, enemies, and some good, old fashioned attention! Please feel free to plot with me as I take you through this wonderful world of Cole's Characters!


Cyan is a boisterous, and very naive young girl with parents who are perfectionists! At eight years old she is already relatively intelligent for her age, and strives to always do her best. Of course this means she's kind of competitive, but she's also very sweet. She has an odd obsession with dying her hair, and her parents spoil her so long as she keeps up with their standards. As a young child what standards could that be? Well, she has a full schedule with youth soccer, piano lessons, tap, ballet, and jazz dance classes. Her parents have high expectations for her magic as well, and have been giving her out-of-the-book lessons so she'd have a head start when she joined school. With all of these obligations, her parents have also searched for play dates for her.

Now, while I don't have her approved for Pure-blood, I'm still set in stone that her parents don't agree with muggle-borns. She doesn't exactly understand the difference, all that Cyan knows is that she isn't to have friends that are of that blood, and that because both her parents are magical (regardless if it's enough to make her pureblood or not). So for friends, she might be okay with mixed blood friends, and definitely with pure-bloods. Whether they accept her or not. Right now she really only needs friends and enemies - as she's a bit young to have any love. of course after her app is approved or denied - i can start more plotting.

made by tupperware!beware of caution. all of the quotes are from fight club.
do not steal or else or she will use the knowledge garnered from watching fight club too much
to make sure you never steal again. leave the credits.​



Now Kairi doesn't have a profile yet, but she's lovely I promise. Her mother and father both passed the day she was born, and she's been raised with her two cousins since. Angela has her most of the time, and while it isn't her birth mother Kairi doesn't seem to mind. She's a sweet, adventurous, and trouble making young woman. Often she likes to challenge her friends to do things that may get them in trouble, including tree climbing and broom racing. She absolutely adores quidditch, but is more the kind to watch and referee than to play. Her mind is too distracted to concentrate.

I need tons of friends for such an amazing girl who makes so much trouble - and many of those friends could easily only be fore a day. She's super trusting and kind, unless challenged. Then she becomes fierce and ambitious to get ahead - a trait that most likely came from her mother who was bred in a family of fierceness, which Angela also has. She might be able to have future plots, but I'm not too interested in thinking about boyfriends as Angela will be VERY protective over the young girl, having made her own mistakes with boys during her schooling.

made by tupperware!beware of caution. all of the quotes are from fight club.
do not steal or else or she will use the knowledge garnered from watching fight club too much
to make sure you never steal again. leave the credits.
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