Hello there

Kali Pratchett

Active Member
OOC First Name
Purple Smurf
Kali was beginning to get bored in the wizarding world, something she never thought would happen. She had no-one to share her excitement with, no-one to help her find things or find them with her. She just sat on a bench wondering what to do. She figured she could just find someone but it would have to be someone that would be able to 'put up with her' as her mother said. Kali giggled out loud at the saying in her head, she had always found it funny when her mother pretended she was a burden.

Kali looked around the street, seeing who would be good to talk to. She saw a bleach blonde hair girl in a mini skirt that she knew she wouldn't make friends with. Kali wasn't a mini skirt kind of girl, she preferred her old jeans any day. She saw some interesting people but they were all tall and looked quite a bit older. Then Kali saw her. There was another girl on her own across the street, she was dressed pretty coll like and looked a little bit mad, even from where Kali was sitting.

The brunette girl grinned and stood up, skipping over to the other girl. "Hello, would you like to be my friend?" Kali asked hopefully, she didn't like it when people said no, it made her sad and she didn't like being sad. She fiddled with the seam of her top as she waited for the other girls' reply.
Carson needed fresh air. She needed to explore her surroudings. More importantly, Carson just needed to get out. Go into the shopping area and do one of her favourite things, find clothes and try them on or even come up with new ideas that she could pass on to her mother for new clothing items. Seemed like a productive day or at least that is how Carson reasoned to herself. Throwing on her lovely and probably close to her favourite boots, Carson walked towards the Harbour. Would it be busy like it had been the past couple days or would it go back to the calm area it once was before all the students piled in? Carson almost hoped for the first option. Being here in New Zealand she had only made a few friends none that she considered close close yet. It was time to get a move on, if she was going to make her place in such a small town.

Entering the Harbour she noticed a few people. Certainly not bare but not a lot either. The few people that were there seemed to give her strange looks. Why was she always getting the looks, some good some bad and some the young blue eyed beauty was not sure whether they were meant to be good or bad. It was probably due to her outfits. Sure her clothing style was a bit out there, but hey why not express herself. And the best way seemed to wear West original outfits. Today's outfit included her all too famous leather jacket. It was her favourite jacket by far and it fit the young brunettes personality to some extent. Then there was a bright skirt, but belt, artistic top, and then those wonderful and surprisingly comfortable boots. Yep just another style day for Carson West.

Walking along the paved pathways, her blue eyes glanced around taking in her surroundings as she normally did. However she was so zoned on the total picture that she was caught off gaurd when a young girl about her own age came up to her asking if they could be friends. Impressive Carson thought liking how much spunk the girl had. Not many would approach a stranger and suggest to become friends. "I like you're style" Carson said not meaning the girl's fashion sense but surely that wasn't bad either but more her personality. "I'm Carson" She said extending her pale hand. "And who might you be?" She asked liking her own chances of making a friend right here right now.
Kali grinned, she hadn't been rejected. It too all of the younger girls will to not do her happy dance. "I'm Kali. I'm starting school this year, are you?" She did look her own age after all. Plus, Kali was loving her jacket. It was pretty awesome. She did feel a little bit under dressed in just her jeans and tee shirt, she would never be ashamed of her awesome shoes no matter what. She even wore them to her mum and Johnny's wedding.

Kali thought about the other girls name. "Carson is a bit of an odd name." She commented, still hoping she wouldn't be rejected or anything like that. what seemed nice to her always seemed to insult someone else. No-one ever got that she liked odd names. Her name was Kali after all, it means black and is the name of shiva's wife, the goddess of destruction. Not fitting for the girl at all.
The young girl's blue eyes looked over the girl. How peppy she seemed. A perfect match for a friendship for the young brunette. Finally someone around her that wasn't such a downer. "Nice to meet you Kali" Carson said making a mental note of her name. Her father would have a field day with that one. Though Carson was named after a historic figure, Kali was a name of a goddess. Very interesting choice. "Yes I'm starting school this year" Carson said with a smile apparent on her face. Though she almost wanted to ask which school. Where they all wizards and witches here? Her blue eyes glancing around the shops. Of course they were. It was impossible not to be if you were in a wizard shopping area. "First year" She continued a slight bit of her proud nature shining through with that statement.

A laugh left the softly lip glossed pink lips of the child. "Yes Carson is a tad bit of an odd name. It fits though" She said not bothering to go into the history point of view. Really it was boring. If her father wasn't such a history buff it would be more exciting. Well actually if her father wasn't such a lover of history, Carson's name might be something simple like Rebecca or Ashley. Not that they weren't lovely names. They just didn't fit her almost firely personality. "Kali's quite a different name as well" Carson commented briefly looking down at the other girl's shoes. Cute She thought before meeting her eyes again.

"So Kali what brings you to the harbour today?" Carson asked hoping that this conversation would be a nice one that branched into more conversations.
Kali shrugged. " like being here. This magical stuff is so exciting." She was a very optimistic girl. Besides, she loved learning and finding out things and being happy. They were her favourite past times. "Was Carson someone famous or does it mean something?" When someone said their name fit it usually meant something that they like or was the name of someone they could relate too. History was not her best subject, nor was it even a good subject. She didn't like the past, it had already happened, it was gone. The future was what mattered. She just hoped the magical world didn't have history though she knew they probably would. It seemed A lot of people think History is important.
Carson nodded in understanding. "It is rather interesting" She said with a smile looking about at a passing women wearing a dress poofy enough to knock a few people over and rushing through the less crowded streets. Carson wondered where the women was headed. Maybe she was heading away from a wedding disaster after she realized she didn't want to marry the man she was engaged to. Maybe it was a magical dance and she was the witch cinderella. Maybe she just had odd style and liked to rush about streets of shopping areas in ball gowns. Or maybe none of these answers were the reason, but certainly Carson liked to think up a story for the women's dress and behaviors.

Zoning back into the conversation at hand, Carson heard the girl's question. "oh yes. Carson is the last name of some explorer or something. Kit Carson or something like that. My dad's big on history. I hate the subject myself. More an english person. I heard they don't have english as a subject here though. Of course they have bloody history" Carson went on shaking her head at the fact she would have to deal with seven more years of history. "I heard there's also Astronomy too. Like star gazing. Now that will be lovely" Carson went one feeling as if she was doing too much of the talking. "I seem to babble at times. Never know when to keep my mouth shut. So if I ever go on for a tad bit too long be sure to let me know" Carson finished smiling knowing that it was true. This blue eyed child's mouth was never shut. She always seemed to have one thing or another to say.
Kali groaned. "So they do teach history? Well that's a major buzzkill." She could have a feeling she wouldn't pass that topic. She would catch up on her sleep more likely. "Wait, they don't have normal subjects?" She had figured it was like normal school with extra subjects added to learn magic in. She didn't know they were just going to cut out her current lessons. She liked those ones, especially maths. Kali was surprisingly good at maths.

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