Hello again.

Pascal strode through Obsidian looking round at the faces as he walked. He didn't like wizards but he as willing to put up with them to have a decent walk along the harbour. He was also keeping an eye out for a job. He had quit his job so he could move here and he wanted a simpler job which didn't require constant meetings and so much work at home. Jeanne-Claire had found a new magazine to work for in next to no time. Loads of magazines wanted her to work for them so it was easy for her.
Pascal continued to look round at the faces when he recognized someone. Keighla-Maria. God, help me. He thought to himself as he tried to keep his face hidden from her. She had been a huge annoyance to him when he went to school with her. He just hoped she had changed because he was going to go mad if she hadn't.
Keighla-Maria had noticed Pascal. She smiled as she noticed him trying to hide his face. She was in the magical world to buy a few things, yes she was a muggle herself but they lived in the fields just up from the harbor and her husband was magical so it was logical to shop down here for food instead of travelling to a muggle area.

Keighla-Maria walked up to Pascal and grinned, she had always enjoyed annoying him. She managed it in a variety of ways including giving him his own little nickname. "Well if it isn't mr Pasta Broccoli." She chuckled, it was what she had heard when they were first introduced and it had stuck. "It's been a long time." She noticed he looked like a very professional and successful person, unlike herself who was wearing her ripped and grass stained jeans, a checked shirt with rolled up sleaves and her hair in a bun.
Pascal sighed when he saw Keighla walking towards him. Great. He leaned against the fence next to him. "You're still doing the Pasta Brocolli?? I seriously hoped you'd forgotten it." He shrugged and took in her tatty unkempt clothes. "I see you're clothing hasn't gotten any tidier than it was." Pascal had always been a very tidy man and didn't like seeing people in dirty, torn clothes. "It may have been a long time but you don't seem to have changed one bit." He smiled at her and continued to look at the passing faces in the harbour. "What brings you here then??"
Keighla-Maria laughed at 'Pasta'. "Well really, why would I need nice clothes? I do live on a farm." She laughed again. She didn't laugh much at home any more, her work was serious and it took up most of her time. It felt nice to relax. "Oh, I've changed alright." she msiled and looked at him as though he was stupid. "I'm shopping, why are you here? To train dolphins(?)" She rolled her eyes at him and her use of sarcasm.
"Train dolphins??" Pascal shook his head. "I'm here for a walk. After twelve years of working for the government, I finally have free time and I have no idea what to do with it so I'm walking. I'm also looking for a decent job. Claire's already back to work so I need to keep the money coming in as well." Pascal couldn't remember whether Keighla knew about him marrying Jeanne-Claire but she would ask if she didn't. "Sophia needs shopping money and I want her to have it." He shrugged. "Why would you want to live on a farm anyway?? It's muddy and dirty and you'd never be able to go out anywhere because you'd have to constantly look after the animals. I thought you'd be able to get a better job than farming."
Keighla-Maria sniled and shook her head, he had no idea about anything. "Just because I can doesn't mean I want to, I'm not the only one that works there and I want to help Zed with it." She grinned. "I'm guessing Claire is your wife or something." She rolled her eyes, knowing him it would be a blonde, probably a model of some sort. He always had a particular taste but, then again, so did she. She had always gone for the slightly odd boys.
Pascal smiled. "Yeah. She's a model." He smiled. He loved the fact that he had found a woman who agreed with him with everything. All she ever wanted was for him to get his own way and didn't care what that meant. "Is Zed your husband then??" Pascal realised just how long it had been since he had seen Keighla. So much had happened in his life since the last time they had spoken. "And why would you want to help someone doing something??" He shook his head. "You are way too caring."
Keighla-Maria laughed. Again. "Only you would think that caring was a weakness." She shook her head again, in a way she had missed her annoying aquaintance, he always made her laugh. "Yeah, Zed is my husband and I want to help because I think it's fun. Plus, Piglets are cute." She smiled, Podge had just been diagnosed as pregnant, meaning more piglets for the farm. The farm didn't ship out meat, the pigs were family pets and the other animals made produce like milk or eggs.
"Of course it is. If you care about someone then they can be used against you." Pascal fake shivered. "Ew. Pigs. That's mud, poo and smell." That was all Pascal could think of when he thought of pigs. "We have eight dogs but we leave our idiotic step daughter to clean up after them. She's basically our maid. She goes to school, does her homework, then does the house chores. Simple as. Then Sophia on the other hand. She has to be the most amazing girl ever." Pascal didn't know about Sophia's extra-curricular activities which she used in biology.
Keighla-Maria laughed at Pascals' ignorance of the cute pigs. "Please, It's a fact that they are smarter and cleaner than dogs, not to mention that the 'poo' as you call it can be used as fertiliser for our plants and there is no smell. They live in a clean environment." She laughed again and looked around briefly, she knew her son was in here some where, that was another reason she had come into town. Her son had a habit of walking off, at first she got worried but, by now, he knew his way around and was smarter and stronger than he looked so she was fine with the seven year old rambling around. Even if he did look five.

Keighla-Maria was shocked with the treatment of his step-daughter. "And is there a reason she is different from Sophia? IS there something wrong with her?" She never agreed with slave treatment, there had been the option of getting elves for their farm, some thing Zed was happy with, but she refused to hire animals to do their bidding.
"Pigs still look disgusting to me. They cr@p in a pen full of mud and then roll in it. Yep, that's hygenic." Pascal shook his head. "And I don't care if they're smarter than dogs. I only get smart, hygenic animals. If they're not both, they don't make the cut. In other words, I'd never have a pig. Talk about gross." Pascal realised he was starting to pick up some of Sophia's weird teenage English.
"Yes. Sophia is an amazingly intelligent girl who cares about everyone and makes sure she looks at least a little decent before she walks out the door. Zascha has been flunking her grades, she's ended up in a few fights at school and she's happy to go out the door looking like sh!t." Pascal shrugged. "All in all, the jobs we make her do are punishment for the way she behaves when our backs are turned." This wasn't entirely true. Most of the time it was Zascha's flunking and fighting that gave him a reason to make up more jobs for her to do. She was doing the jobs in the first place because it was cheaper than getting someone else to do it. Jeanne-Claire and Sophia couldn't do it because they had school and work to deal with.
Keighla-Maria just shook her head at his ignorance about pigs. She knew this man wouldn't believe her no matter what she said so she wouldn't waste her breath. She also ignored his comments about his step daughter. Just as she was about to change the subject she saw Kris walking along by himself. It was odd how alot of people recognised him and waved or said 'Awww' as he went past.

"Kristoph!" She screamed to him, right in Pascals' ear. Keighla-Maria didn't agree with what he had to say so he deserved the screaming in the ear. She had a loud scream. She crouched down as her son arrived and looked at him sternly. He immediately apologised for going off with out telling her and shuffled his feet before noticeing the man next to her and looking at him.
Pascal moved away a few paces when she screamed. He knew she was loud but that was taking the mik. "Sh!t. Loud enough much??" He looked down at the little kid that was nw apologising to her. "You have to let them have some freedom. They never do anything for you if you keep them on a short leesh." He shook his head. "Although I do agree that some people definitely need a shorter lead." By this, he was referring to Zascha. She seriously needed to have eyes watching her.
Keighla-Maria frowned at him. "Language in front of my son if you don't mind and I think you'll see he has a long enough lead as it is." This time she turned to her son. "A seven year old walking around town on his own is bad enough but, jeez, when you look fie it's even worse. Honestly, you could at least tell me when you leave, you gave me a heart attack." She would've said 'You gave me and you father a heart atack' but they both knew it wasn' true.
"Uhuh." Pascal shrugged. "So, that's why you're yelling at him for walking around the area??" He laughed. "As you can see, everyone here is very kind to him so there's no need to be having a heart attack over the fact." Pascal didn't see why people bothered this sort of stuff with their kids. There was no point. Leave them to do what they want and they usually behave themselves.
Keighla-Maria turned back to Pascal. "Look, Pasta, you don't get to judge my parenting okay? I don't mind him walking around if he tells me he's leaving." She had to try and keep a stern face when her son asked the man in front of him, Why aw wou cwalled Pwasta? She loved the way her little boy talked, especially when he seemed so innocent.

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