Helena's Multi Plot Post !

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omg helena has characters ,

Heyoo. So this is my master list of active characters. I've mentioned my favourite seven below, but if there's another that you want to plot with, just let me know! So here's a little bit about each of the seven, post here if you have awesomeness. ♥​

daisy harrison

Daisy is a bit of a wild one. She used to be a good, religious girl, but after the death of her mother she kind of settled into the mentality that life is expendable. She loves her brothers and father, but apart from with them, Daisy is very irresponsible and unpredictable. Like, you'll expect her to say or do one thing, and she'll go say/do the opposite, just to screw with you. She's a bit of a hippie, and loves nature (her father runs a surf shop and she owns a horse named Bob Marley, lol) and dancing in meadows and weird things like that. She's been known to partake in underage drinking/partaying, but she's a nice girl, really. She has a big heart and doesn't mean to hurt anybody. But because of her recklessness, she probably has done so unintentionally. Daisy's a flirt, but she's never actually done anything, because she's scared that people only like her as a tease, and once they get what they want, then they'll see how awkward and plain she really is. Daisy's a very joyful person, and can appreciate the beautiful things in life, but people for the most part disappoint her, and she builds a wall up to avoid any negativity or hurt.

PLOT TIEM So Daisy has always been attracted to "bad boys", but I think it would be sweet to have an "opposites attract" type of plot for her. What I'm looking for is a nerdy sort of boy to tutor her. At first she would just treat him like anyone else, but after a while Daisy's usual overly-friendly comments would start to actually mean something and they'd be a cute, but odd, couple. So she would help him to be more confident, and he would help her to be more genuine and .
christian valente
Christian here is my resident schemer from New York. He's actually quite likable, as most of the time he acts cool, enigmatic, a bit of a Jim Morrison-type. In reality, though, he's a very pessimistic and sarcastic guy who happens to be good at twisting words and making things happen. This kinda stems from an insecurity he has, being very ambitious and afraid of failure. He's developed a drinking problem because of this fear, which I'd really like to plot more (aka stumbling around and having a meltdown, because he's aggressive when drunk). The man's not evil, just knows what he wants, which is to deal with less morons. :p Chris will probably have a lot of casual friends, groupies of his band, musical buddies, fellow partiers, etc. Enemies are eeeeasy to come across, as when Christian decides to dislike someone, he won't hesitate in dealing them a sharp insult. He can be quite impulsive in that way. Romance-wise, flings are not rare, the man will flirt with anything breathing. Any relationship deeper than that would have to be very special, I think. Also, he's a mama's boy that gets very protective of his baby sister. Don't tell him I told you.
sofia valente

Sofia is pretty chillaxed. Unlike her brother, the girl has no idea what she wants to do in the future. She's content just playing her records and being a hipster princess. Jk, Sofia is nice, but a bit standoffish. At Beauxbatons she has hardly any friends, and keeps to herself in the library most of the time. Her upper class parents decided against sending her to a private school (as her brother went to like a trillion and it just made him a rebel), so she's fairly down-to-earth. She loves music, but her talent lies in filmmaking, as she's always making little cute, surreal videos (think Sofia Coppola (omg name twins not intentional) meets Wes Anderson). Despite being quite independent and insular, Sofia has a great sense of humour, and continues the trademark Valente trait of sarcasm. Sofia likes fashion and things like that, but I wouldn't call her girly. She currently has a bit of a crush on Micah Harrison, but more friends (both at Beauxbatons and away) would be great to have. She's very anti-drama, so more likely to befriend boys than other girls. When it comes to enemies, bullies are really all I can think of, since her individual nature could make her a target. Yeah, I think I'll say that she gets bullied a little bit already.
dominic hirsch
Dommmm! So this guy is probably my most developed of the lot (check out his bio HERE if you like). He's from Surrey, and has cyclothymia, which is a form of bipolar disorder. That means his emotions can shift from low to high quite unpredictably. Generally, though, Dom is a sweet, thoughtful guy that always puts himself down and tries to make others happy first and foremost. He's the nicest of my characters, but also the most troubled personally. Right now he's in love with Clare Walsh, so no love interests needed. Just friends that will try to cheer him up if he's having a bad day, or people that don't know about his disorder and might get annoyed at his "dramatics". Dominic is more of a homebody than a partier, but he's friendly enough to have a decent amount of friends, I think. Enemies don't really apply here, unless it's something one-sided. He lives in New Zealand, but his mother owns a bakery in Diagon Alley, so he returns there very often to see her or help out with accounting and stuff, so he could meet anyone on either side of the ocean.

PLOT TIEM Dominic is a journalist, and most of his articles are about crime and Death Eaters, things like that. I was thinking that it would be interesting for him to actually face one. Maybe he starts getting threatening letters, and then one day he's attacked or abducted or something. He doesn't like using violent magic, but it could be cool for him to defend himself for once. xD
tempest sun

Tempest loooves to dance, specifically hip hop. She's grown up with intellectual parents (a lawyer and a healer), but is more the athletic type herself. Tem is very abrasive and hard to make friends with, but one you do, she's probably the most fiercely loyal of the bunch (girl's just fierce in general lololol). Her straight-forward "take it or leave it" nature can easily be irritating, but she's really quite fun if you can catch her in a good mood. She's a bundle of energy, but tends to be quite bossy and rude, even without meaning to. Tempest comes from Boston, but recently transferred to Durmstrang (from Salem) because she got in an embarassing bit of trouble (she had a crush on a teacher, and being the hot-headed girl she is, crossed the line). Her language and manner can be pretty colourful, but Tempest is starting to grow up and be a bit more ladylike these days, though she's still quite the immature tomboy. Some fellow dancers/active teens would be great to have as friends, as well as rivals and plenty of enemies.

PLOT TIEM In terms of plotting any relationships, I see Tempest best in a love/hate kind of thing. Like with a sporty guy that has all the same fieriness as her, meaning they could clash on nearly anything. They'd be so similar, but wouldn't notice it at all. Blah, I'm writing this late at night, so excuse the lack of making-sense-ness.
evelyn mosca
So I wasn't planning on making any more characters, but then sorting came around, and.. here she is. :p Eve is a Muggleborn Gryff, so as you can imagine she is preeetty stoked about magic and HNZ. She lives with her grandparents in California, but dreams of one day moving to New York. She gets her love of Broadway from her gran, and is always singing and acting and making up stories. She's a bit of a method actress, so you can expect her to dress up or put on an accent or just pretend to be someone else for a day. But ever since discovering it she has become obsessed with quidditch and the magical world, so has no idea what direction she'll take in the future. Her attention span is too short for just one life, anyway. Evelyn is sweet and hyper, with an adventurous spirit. She's pretty nice, so friends should be easy to make. Then again, she's very forthright and stubborn so enemies could be just as plentiful. She has a biography, which I recommend you check out HERE.

PLOT TIEM So the thing is, Eve is nearing puberty and all that jazz. While most girls are starting to notice boys, this one is isn't. She is, however, going to develop a crush on her female best friend. It's really due to her own over-enthusiasticness blurring the line between friends and more than friends, but yeah. When the Yule Ball rolls around, Eve's going to be upset when she sees [bestfriend] dancing with a boy. :o The two will manage to stay friends, but it will be a tad awkward at first, obviously. So yeah, Eve needs her friend!
josephine kane

Josie here is probably my most grounded character, and usually takes life in her stride. She's a smartypants, and is currently working towards her PhD in Psychology. She wants to help young people in particular, and at 26 she still connects with them and understands how much teenagehood can suck. Josie is very nurturing and caring, but more in a friendly/sisterly way than a motherly way. Her career is important to her, so children are a long way off. Babysitting her sister Bailey's kid is enough for her. She's very calm and collected, and rarely gets upset - in front of other people, at least. She comes from a family of four kids, she she knows how to hold her own and has a good sense of humour. Josephine is very passionate, and has a strong interest in politics and charity, and used to be quite the rebel before settling down after university. Now she's engaged. The fiance and her are both kind of busy/workaholics, but they're cute together. Alexis offered to play him, but I'm not sure if she still intends to. Friends would be appreciated, any intellectual or likeminded people, age doesn't matter (as many of her PhD classmates are in their 40s and 50s). School friends from HS are cool too.
<COLOR color="#000">zavier & izaak
garrett hedlund? hnnng. oh please pretty please !
lol k cause izaak's best boyfee is mia he's kind of
in dire need of some male company. i know there's
a tiny bit of an age difference but i'm sure that
won't really matter, nuu? anyhow, i can see these
two clashing on occasions. i think it's safe to say
that izaak's far more loosely wound... perhaps that
would benefit zav? idk. buuut i think it would be
fun if they perhaps got off on the wrong foot and
then decided the other wasn't as bad as they'd
initially thought. lemme know what you think hm?
might dust off some other characters tomorrow
and post all up in here yo. but way too tired atm.
Hi there Helena! ^_^

I have some character's to offer for you.

Solenn Erina Goldameir
This character of mine is sweet and down to earth type of gal. Classy and elegant.
She's currently resides in NZ as she ran away from home. Originally from Beverly hills.
Solenn was home-schooled all throughout her life. Maybe Zavier or Christian? Friends or more?

Mizelea Amanda Brooks
Also known as Mizzy and other short of nickname,
this character of mine is very friendly and bubbly. Optimistic and likes to smile a lot.
Fourth Year Beauxbatons, loves to play the piano and often sings. Mizelea loves fashion as well.
Maybe friends with Sofia? I'm open for any ideas as well.
christian & bronte
bronte misses her biffle/loverboii! we need to get
these two together soon... aka you need to reply
whenever you fancy so we can get to our plot, yah!
<COLOR color="#000">dominic & valkyrie
this chick is my death eater. i haven't done much
with her so i'd be very willing to have her attack
dominic if you would like but i think we would need
to apply for a plot approval.
sorry 4 the sucky replies ~~

izaak & zavier
Nng, yes, they should start a club of attractiveness. :p Well Zavier's not really as uptight as I managed to make him sound, so I doubt they'd clash badly. Probably compliment each other, actually. But yes, I agree, maybe at first they were all "hu dis guy" but now they're better friends? With the age difference, I'm guessing they wouldn't have met at school? Zaiver was a Gryffindor at HS. Izaak was the same, right? Maybe they did know each other briefly at school, and that's when they got off on the wrong foot.

solenn & christian/zavier
Well Christian would've definitely hit on her, but since she's classy nothing would've happened? Zavier would probably be friends with her, I'm sure. No specific ideas are really coming to mind right now, sorreh. xD

mizelea & sofia
Naw, yes, I think Mizelea would be a nice friend for Sofia to have. There's a slight age difference, so they wouldn't have classes together, but maybe they're in the same extra-curriculars or something. :D

bronte & christian
Ahh yes, and he misses her. <3 Could we maybe leave that thread as it is, and start another? Because I think it works quite well as a short and sweet introduction. Gives us more opportunity to move it along, yadig? Unless there was something else you wanted to do with that thread?

valkyrie & dominic
Valkyrie would be great! It wouldn't be necessary for while, possibly when Dom is in a good headspace/settling down. And then out of nowhere he gets all these death threats which leads to more? :o Would that be cool?
<COLOR color="#000">zavier & izaak
mmm yummy, i'd buy their jackets :D:D my boo
was actually a slytherin at hwa. he does have a
few connections with hs gryffs. though i doubt
they would have met in school. that sounds sweet
though otherwise, the two of them actually do
have quite a bit in common as well. hah, i can
totally see iz playing the wingman even if zavier
wasn't up for it. 'haaave you met zav?' lolol XD
should we make them a sexy topic or something?

Hey Helena :D So I'm going to offer a few things up here but please be warned nothing would be able to start soon as I'm overwhelmed with RPs/plots at the minute as it is and with exams/moving to the States in two weeks I dun have a lot of time for RPing :( But if you're interested in whatever we can plot a bit and get back on track in a few weeks?
So first of:

Arabelle & Zavier:
Arabelle here is quite the wildchild. She came from a rich family background but was always a rebel, she was always made to be the prim and proper little lady that her parents wanted her to be, especially her mum - whereas she could wrap her dad around her little finger and he much perferred her being her own person compared to what her mother wanted. So instead of dresses and tea parties, Arabelle preferred climbing trees and playing the mud, type of thing. She went to Beauxbatons and didn't do too bad, for a wildchild she does have a good head on her shoulders.

When she graduated she started travelling a lot with a group of friends that never stayed in one place too long; they bungie jumped, surfed, rock climbing, paragliding etc etc all that jazz. She's arrived in New Zealand for a bit and looking for more adventures. So yeah basically, she's like a free spirit and is somewhat the opposite of Zavier which could be good for him, break him out of his shell sort of thing. I don't know, just something random.
Pat & Zavier: I don't know, this is random but their both healers, same age, maybe friends? That is assuming he works in NZ St Mungos? So yeah I have no plots in mind so it could be a typical getting to know you starter RP, new employees getting to know each other sorta thing, maybe if he's knew Pat can show him about because she'll have been there about a year by the time I'd get around to RPing...
Nadine & Tempest:
Nadine is one of my newer charries, 22, Professional Dancer. She's originally from America and was very into ballet until she had to go to Durmstrang. During her years in Durmstrang she had to teach herself ballet but she found it easy to sway from her roots and started to take in some outside influences in terms of music and style used...so in a sence it was still ballet but with hip hop influences. So she's now lead in Swan Lake and travelling with her company but takes a break from them every so often to join her hip hop company..maybe Tempest and Nadine could be trying out for the same lead role or something in an upcoming show so a sort of friendly rivarly for show but full on rivals behind the scenes, always trying to trip the other person up etc etc...there's a bit of an age gap so that might be a problem...let me know!
izaak & zavier
Oh, I must have been thinking of another character! Anyway, yesss, a brosephy/wingman-type friendship sounds great. If you want to, could you please start the thread? I have a couple to reply to already. xD

arabelle & zavier
Hi Pat! I'm quite busy for the next month or so too, so I'm on the same page in terms of waiting to RP, it's cool. Hmm, yeah, I think the two could be quite good friends, and show each other how to have a middle ground. I think a "friends in passing" thing could be cool. Like.. they hang out a couple of times, but then kind of disappear, and then reappear every once in a while? Since Arabelle is a freespirit that seems possible. xD

patricia & zavier
Naw, work friends! Yes, Zavier works at St. Mungo's but he's mainly studying right now. By the time we got around to RPing anything, he would probably have started proper work, so yeah, a "nice to meet you let me show you around"-type thread sounds appropriate. :p Would Pat like him? I'm sure he'd like her in accquaintace-y kind of way.

nadine & tempest
Hmm, well Tempest is still in school, so she doesn't really do shows. But maybe it's just a one-off competition? Still, I like the idea of a rivalry, that would be funny. :p Tempest would want to beat her fair and square, as opposed to dirty tactics. Nadine could do that, though. It would just rile Tem up and make her work harder both in her dancing and in coming up with insults. xD Or maybe at some point they have to work together, and their styles clash (as Tempest is more Latin-hip hop than ballet-hip hop)?
christian & bronte
sure that sounds great! could you start though?
<COLOR color="#000">dominic & valkyrie
yeah sure, just hit me up whenever you need her.
Arabelle & Zavier:
Friends in passing for these two sound great. She's a real wild child so she doesn't know where'd she'd be from one day to the next sort of thing and helping them becoming a happy medium sounds good ^_^

Patricia & Zavier:
Work friends would be great! Yeah considering the time it'll be before getting to RP properly I'd say training would be over. What would he be specilising in? And Pat can pretty much get on with everyone, she is a Hufflepuff after all haha!

Nadine & Tempest:
Yeah there is quite a few differences between these two so it would be hard to RP properly but I like the idea of a competition, like a sort of talent show where any kind of dance can enter so it doesn't matter about their styles clashing? Rivalery is always fun to do so I can imagine it being fun, especially if one plays dirty. It would also be fun if it was a muggle competition and Tempest realised Nadine was using magic?
bronte & christian
Cool. I'll start something this week when I find the time. Maybe kind of like an angsty thread? I'll just go with whatever. xD

valkyrie & dominic
Okay, thanks!

arabelle & zavier
Yay, that sounds cool. Too much exposure to one another would drive them mad anyway, methinks. :p

patricia & zavier
I'm not sure what he'll be specialising in.. probably Spell Damage or helping kids or something cheesy like that. :p What about Pat? Yeah, he was a Gryffindor but he's cool with Hufflepuffs.

nadine & tempest
Oh, good idea! If it was a Muggle competition, Tempest would want to yell out "she's cheeeatiiiing!!", but of course she would have to just bite her tongue and keep going, lol.
Zavier and Aisling

I have Aisling, who is bubbly, and outgoing. She is a nurse in Hogwarts and loves adventure. She is a little unsure of herself at the moment, as she recently found that she had a long-lost twin (Caysi Finnigan) and was adopted. She grew up in Ireland, and had no brothers or sisters (that she knew of), but was very popular. She is quite vulnerable at times, but will not take any nonsense. She has a strong social conscience and is a sweetheart at the centre of it all. Still though, she doesn't like a boring lifestyle and can go a bit crazy sometimes. She also has a temper, but only really lets it out when something is important to her. I was thinking maybe romantic interest or friends? What do you think?
aisling & zavier
Hey Maia! I think these two would be best as friends, as Zavier isn't really ready for relationships. Any, he would appreciate her strong mindset, but wouldn't really know how to deal with her temper. xD Since they come from such different backgrounds, would have to connect with her some other way, like through shared interests or something. Yeah. :)
updated with two new characters ! june 6th
Alyss and Evelyn: Sounds like a girl Alyss would love to pick on. :p Alyss is a half-blood, and hates her mother who is a muggle, and considers her mother to be scum. Her father on the other hand is a pure-blood, who was murdered when she was in her first year, and she thought the world of him. However, she recently found out that he was a veela, and is not too sure what she thinks of her father now as she is being punished for what her father is, and what she is in consequence.

As a result of this, she takes it out on other people, (maybe Evelyn), and can be a real b***h. Also, she is going through puberty at the moment, so she’s going through a stage where people can get on the wrong side of her easily. Also, she doesn’t know what’s happening to her since she doesn’t talk to her mother. If Evelyn tells her she is acting like a jerk, Alyss would become a lot worse.

Well, that's just about it. What do you think? :)
Damn you for making me think. :glare: Jus' kidding! :wub:

Alexis andand Josephine.
Alexis is an Orphan, so she needs a sort of motherly figure. Because she has no kind of mother, yo! D: I'm cruel. :erm:

And we can has chuck Daisy and Justin together? ^_^
alyss & evelyn
Poor Alyss. I feel sorry for her but at the same time she sounds pretty mean. xD Unfortunately Eve isn't the most thoughtful person, so she wouldn't be able to tell that Alyss was going through any hard times or whatever. She'd just see a bully and instantly feel the need to point it out. -_- So yeah, I don't think these two will understand each other very well. I wouldn't want them to get into any physical/duelling fights, but a war of words between them is very likely. Do you agree?

alexis & josephine
Dr Kane :r Josie is the school counsellor, obviously, so she's good at doing the "motherly figure" stuff. Maybe Alexis could come to her with a problem and they start bonding or whatever? She doesn't have a subforum office, so I'm just saying that her office is in a part of the hospital wing or whatever.

justin & daisy
I presume you mean Cliffeton? And yep, we can do something with them. What did you have in mind? If he wasn't with Trinity she'd probably flirt with him. She's like that. :p
Ha xD
Flirty people amuse me. xD I have a girl who flirts with me.. all the time..
Anyway. Maybe just a go with the flow RP? ^_^

And maybe it could be a kind of not fitting in problem? xD
I cannot be bothered with any pretty coding right now (I know! What has become of me? I love teh codes) but we definately need to stick Daisy and Amaryllis together like we planned all along, Amy is flirty too, Daisy and Amy could just go around flirting with people's boyfriends even though Amaryllis bats for the other team trololol. Dey gon bring sexay back Slytherin stylez. But as for your healer in training, any chance one of the things he would do would be midwifery (I dun no cuz he so old skewl and midwifes are women but...) because I need one of them for a big plot I have coming up. Anyways, I am sure I can think of something more my dear triangle, so I'll probably post again later.​
Alyss and Evelyn: Sure, Alyss wouldn't want to get into a physical fight/duel with a firstie anyway since it would be too easy for her to win. :p So a word argument sounds good. :)

Also, Alyss doesn't want people knowing how she feels, and she would just retaliate to Evelyn. It wouldn't really sink in, but it would make Evelyn her personal enemy, and Alyss will be willing to do a lot to her own personal enemy. :p
Okay, I said I would come to look at this and I've finally gotten off my lazy butt to think of stuff, so hurr it is. I have two charries; one is Ness Boone, first year Hufflepuff, a bit spacey and awkward. I imagine she'll only know Eve. Ness is actually from NY (not NYC though, although she's been there quite a few times) and lives in London. I'm not sure if this is in character for Eve, but she might get annoyed with Ness's attitude? It's rather lassez faire so she comes off as disinterested, cold, or just rude. If they have classes together they might've been assigned to work on a project or something? Lol sorry my brain is fried from finals studying so ignore the fail plotting.

And then I have Kalei here, from Hawaii. She went to school at Salem for a bit before transferring ti HNZ where she was in Slytherin. She's now a mediwitch, and I've already applied for her to be a Death Eater (should be another four or five days or something I think) but she's not a bad person so to speak. She's mostly a Death Eater due to her father and his side of the family's influence, so you could say she's a reluctant one, and she certainly doesn't seem like a Death Eater to people who don't know her well. She used to think it was pretty cool but now she's getting confused with everything, and I think she'd know a couple of your charries.

First, with Zavier, she'd probably know him from around St. Mungo's. Kal isn't around as much because she's more of the "paramedic" type, so like...a traveling Healer I guess. I could imagine them (or at least her) joking around, maybe her trying to get him to lighten up a little? And I'm sure she could learn a thing or two from him as well, although she'd have to be cautious around him so as not to reveal her Death Eater-ness lolol.

Okay, then Kal might also know Dom, especially if he's in St. Mungo's. Idk how he would take to her, but maybe he could be suspicious? They could have sort of a tense friendship or something? I also wanted to say unfff Andrew Garfield <3 Okay I'll stop rambling now.
alexis & josephine / justin & daisy
Mmkay, both of those sound good. Do you want to start something for Josephine and I can start something for Justin later? Or shall we wait?

amaryllis & daisy
Awwww yeeeeah, the HNZ versions of our double triangleness! They should definitely troll thru lyf. Let me know if you wish to RP them or something. And regarding the midwife thing, I can probably help with that. I can just say that it's part of his training and he's a mid-husband or something. :p Would it be for one RP or a longer plot?

alyss & evelyn
Oh dear Lord, a proper full enemy? Eve would be so confused. xD She's a sweet girl really, so having an enemy would be something she's not too into. Maybe Alyss could be one of the first people to realise that Eve is gay, and make fun of her for it or threaten to tell people? Or would she not do something like that?

ness & evelyn
Actually I doubt that Eve would get annoyed at Ness. She's very imaginative and spacey herself, so I think she would be able to recognise that in Ness. Eve would hope that she warms up to her, though, because I think she'd want them to be friends. I had this plot idea that Eve develops a crush on a friend and ends up all upset when she sees her with a boy at the Yule Ball or something. Because she can be a little.. over-enthusiastic, and blur the line between friends and more. Do you think that could work with Ness, or no?

kalei & zavier
To be honest I don't really have a muse for Zavier, so I don't care to use him that much. But yes, all of what you said would be likely. Zav would ask a lot of questions about what it's like being a mediwitch/wizard, because he's interested in all that stuff.

kalei & dominic
Well technically, Dominic left St. Mungo's quite a few IC months ago, I just haven't remembered to take it out of his member title. xD Still, he goes there a lot to meet with his healer/therapist, so it wouldn't be unrealistic for them to meet somewhere around there, or the surrounding town. Dom would at first try to be friends with Kalei, but you're right, he could get suspicious. A lot of his articles are about exposing Death Eaters and all that, so he can kind of spot them? Anyway, they probably could be quite good friends, but yeah, a bit awkward and suspicious like you said. I know, he is teh prettiness, right? <3
I shall add the Alexis topic to my list. ^_^ it'll be up tomorrow. ;)
Alyss & Evelyn: Oh sure. Alyss would do that. :p She'd just not make it obvious that it's her. And awesome. :) Would you mind starting though? :)
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