Heimdall Castle

Freya Heimdall

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 16" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Freya entered the castle and left her luggage for the housemaid to deal with. She would be staying in her usual room. She couldn't wait to get her arms around Njord, her son, she missed him terribly. Letters were no comparison to the real thing. But that would have to wait. She needed to find her father.

She asked the housemaid where he was and the timid girl indicated he was in his study. She promptly headed down the long portrait covered hall to her fathers cozy study. As she entered she saw the snowy haired man sitting at his desk working on bills.

"Hello Father" She said as she took a seat on the opposite side of the desk. The chair was new and still smelled of leather. It was quite comfortable in comparison to the ricketty coach she had just been on.
Wayland Heimdall looked up from his desk and large smile appeared across his face. "Hello my dear, what a pleasure. Did you have a good trip home?"
"Yes father I did" She really didn't have time for casual conversation so she changed the subject quickly.
"I don't mean to be blunt father, but I've come to discuss my little problem before I see Njord."
Wayland put down his pen and got up to sit in the chair beside his daughter. Her problem was all consuming to her and he knew how much she wanted to see her son so there was no time to waste.

"Well then my dear, tell me how your search goes?" He said with a look of serious concern on her face.
"Oh father, it doesn't go very well at all. I have managed to track the man responsible for the death of Njord's father to Hogwarts but beyond that I have nothing. I don't know if he is in Hogsmead or the school itself and I'm at a dead end." Freya looked on the verge of tears and her body was weary from all her searching. This search was straining her and she wished she could find him and get the confrontation over with.
"My dear, what about your Runes, have they not given you any clues as to which path to follow?" Wayland wished he could make it all better for her and wished she would stop searching but he understood her need for closure. And after so many years of searching, he could not ask her to give up when she was so close.
A tear slipped down Freya's cheek as she spoke, "No my Runes are confusing me. They show me friends and foes at the same time. Everything is a combination of good and evil and the paths appear to be crossed and intertwining but separate at the same time. I'm so confused." She began to sob now with her face in her hands. She could feel her father staring at her and the concern he had was palpable.
"Oh my sweet, hang in there. Njord will be home soon from his friends, you need to pull yourself together." He pulled her off the chair and gave her a big hug. If only he could take this burden from her.
Freya shuttered and took a deep breath. She heard fast, running foot falls in the hall and knew that Njord was on his way into the room. She quickly wiped her tears and patted her cheeks. She took another deep breath and smoothed out her robes and cloak.

Suddenly, with a blast through the door her son entered in a flurry of arms and legs and hair. He had grown so much since christmas and she barely recognized this blur of child rocketing toward her.
"Mother!" he shouted with a thud as he crashed into her. His arms wrapped around her with vice grip strength. "I missed you so much!" Njord was almost shouting but it was muffled as he had buried his face in her neck. He had grown tall. He would be tall like his father. And handsome, she had no doubt.
Freya pulled her son off her and held him at arms length to get a good look at him. The pictures that had been sent to her did not do him justice. He was beautiful to her. She did have a mother's bias but she was sure she wasn't wrong.

"Oh sweetheart, I've missed you too. How are you? Are you getting ready for your first year at Hogwarts?" She had decided to send her son to Hogwarts England. She knew the man who killed his father was near her so she decided that sending him to England was the best place for him. There had been much argument between her and her mother over the decision but it had finally been decided. Njord needed to be with kids his own age and she could not guarantee his safety at her school. Not with a murderer so close.
Njord looked at his mother and could see the red rimming her eyes. She had obviously been crying. "Yes mother, I'm ready. But....have you been crying?"
"Yes my love, I have been, but they are tears of joy. I'm just so happy to see you and now we have the whole summer to hang out and spend time together." She hated lying to him but it was for the best. He didn't need to know the real reason for her tears. He was too young to understand the search she had been conducting all these years and why she had to be away from him so much.
The summer continued in a happy carefree way. Freya and her family spent the days hiking and swimming and getting to know one another again. Her and her mother seemed to mend a fence or two. Their relationship was still fragile but not explosive like in the past. It made for a very peaceful summer.

The evenings however were spent researching and going over again all the information Freya had so far collected on the man who had killed Njord's father. She had interrogated several other minor would-be-death eaters who had played a role in the killing so many years ago and they kept leading her to more minor players. The final encounter gave her little information, except for the fact that the man had been in Durmstrang at some point. Whether that was as a teacher, or a student she did not know and the time line was sketchy at best. All she knew is that it was a man she was looking for and that he came to New Zealand in the past year.

She also spent a small part of each night crying for the lies she had to tell her son. And the lies she had to tell her father. He thought that she had gained her information through interrogation. He did not know that she had killed each one after the talking was done. A few feminine winks and a poisoned drink were all that was needed to rid the world of those maggots that sought to terrify the wizarding world with their dark magic. But they were weak and stupid and she knew that nobody would miss them when they were gone. She only hoped that if she was one day caught, it would be after the ring leader was brought to justice. Whatever form of justice that might be.
After many weeks of bliss with her son and her parents it came time for Freya to head back to Hogwarts. This would be her first year teaching and while she was nervous she was prepared. Her students were not that much older then her son so she knew how to treat them. She just hoped the students knew how to treat their superiors.

She sat in her room going over the lists of things she would need to take back with her and slowly filled her trunk with the items listed. Her Runes and Runes books were first on the list followed by her file on Njord's father and finally her robes and clothes. She just hoped that this year would be a little more fruitful in information gathering and less cryptic then last year. She needed to catch a break, as the search she was on was beginning to eat away at her.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Yes, come in..." She shouted.
Wayland entered his daughters room. It hadn't changed much from when she lived here as a teenager and he wished it could be that way again. Before the brutal death of Tyr, Njord's father. Wayland wanted nothing more in life then to see his daughter happy and safe. And while she was on her quest, that was not going to happen. It had been 12 years since Tyr was murdered and it was time his daughter let it go and move on with her life. He wished he could tell her that but it would only anger her and drive a wedge between them.

"Hello darling, are you almost packed? Your train leaves in a couple of hours." Wayland came across the room and sat beside his daughter on the bed.
"Yes father, almost." She leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I wish I didn't have to go back. I also wish Njord was coming with me." She closed her eyes and rested in safety of her father's arms, if only for a moment.
"I know min datter. But life must continue and Njord will be safe at Hogwarts England. I'm in contact with the headmaster there daily and his professors so you need not worry at all." He gave his child a loving hug and stood before her. "Now, you must pack more quickly or you will miss your train."

Wayland turned and left the room with a sigh. He would miss her. The house was always so much livelier when she was home.

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