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Jotham Kanu

Well-Known Member

<r><IMG src="http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t139/OverTheRainbow1234/Jothom - Chris Hemsworth/9.jpg"><s>
<SIZE size="50"><s></s><COLOR color="#000"><s></s>Righty-o. <br/>
This is Jotham Kanu(Kah-new). <br/>
He is a very social kid for being 15. <br/>
He has been Homeschooled for the past few years<br/>
and is completely tired of his mentors and therefore has join the<br/>
Durmstrang class in his 5th year.<br/>
He loves QUIDDITCH! <br/>
Watches alot of games and spends his free time practicing. <br/>
He is well versed in many of the positions <br/>
but Chaser would be his top choice.<br/>
I need some friends for this guy.<br/>
They can either be from Durmstrang <br/>
or maybe they met during homeschooling years.<br/>
He played on the German Home-schooled Quidditch team,<br/>
who played against a few schools and other countries <br/>
that features home-schooled teams.<e>
I could offer Carson and Kailey

Carson: Mean, looks nice in the inside but is planning an evil scheme on the inside. She seems all Miss. Sweet and Innocent but she is a devil in disguise ;)

Kailey: Miss. UNDERSTOOD and bullied by her family. She needs a guy mate and is really nice and kind.

Both Durmstrangs but I might be moving Carson to HNZ
Being that they are older then him
I can't really see him going out of his
way to try to talk to them, but if they
end up on the same Quidditch team then
they can be friends. If they aren't then
we'll figure something out :)

Carson might actually work better for
my Beauxbatons boy Dyfan, though he's 16
I can offer Tiffany... Shes going to go to Beauxbaton soon..

And she was a Beater before xD .. .


Tiffany's pretty sweet, bubbly, and fun... Although she can be worse than a devil when she's mad.

She's very good at acting, and music n stuff xD ...

Her mother is half English and Japanese, her father is Chinese.
I have Olathia or Zahna Kawamura. Or Andrew Spinnett.

Andrew is Head boy at Durmy, and needs more guy friends.

Olathia is a bit like Lykke >>
Zahna is her sister but she nicer and shes 16 :p
View my PD topic for more info :p
Andrew would be a good friend for Jotham I think he needs some guy to look up given that his father is a muggle and therefore below him in many ways :p

Tiffany Kuang said:
I can offer Tiffany... Shes going to go to Beauxbaton soon..

And she was a Beater before xD .. .


Tiffany's pretty sweet, bubbly, and fun... Although she can be worse than a devil when she's mad.

She's very good at acting, and music n stuff xD ...

Her mother is half English and Japanese, her father is Chinese.
I'm not sure where they'd meet, but having Quidditch friends for Jotham is a nice thing so sure.
Hmm... What if they meet up in the public Quidditch field((Idk if such thing exists lol)) somewhere in the UK?
Well he lives in Germany with his father and stepmom during breaks and they wouldn't let him go off anywhere, they are pretty selfish.

I can offer you

Mina Ghael... I'm transferring her to Durmstrang soon... And hopefully she'll make it in the team.

She's very sporty and active. She skips class constantly because she dislike sitting around, reading. She'd rather be outside, chilling with her friends.
She might just fit better for him :)
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