Heddwyn Ceallaigh

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Unyielding Chestnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Heddwyn Ceallaigh


General information

Name: Heddwyn Ceallaigh
Name meaning: Heddwyn \heddwyn\ is a boys's name is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Heddwyn is "Fair Peace".
Ceallaigh \ceal-laigh\ is a common Irish surname. It is commonly pronounced as Kelly or KELL-leeg. It is of Irish origin, meaning "Descendant of Ceallach," "bright haired," or "troublesome.".

Date of Birth: 15th of January 2027
Place of Birth: Kennewick, Washington, America
Blood Status: Half Blood, his mother is a Pure Blood witch and her father a Muggle Born wizard
Nationality: Half Irish, half American
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Education: Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 3rd Year
Occupation: None at the moment
Wand: Straight 10 Inch Unyielding Chestnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
Wood: 'Chestnut Drones' says the old poem - but Chestnut most commonly takes on the attributes of the core that it holds within it - though it may have a unique attraction to those wizards and witches who excel in herbology, taming beasts, and flying.
Core: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

Complextion: White
Hair Colour: Brown, medium length
Eye Colour: Blue, with spots of green
Body Type: Slim,
Play By: Richard Harmon
Clothing Style: Other than his Ilvermorny robes, Heddwyn likes to wear plaid shirts, hoodies, t-shirts, blue or other coloured jeans like grey or beige and sneakers
Allergies: Heddwyn has no recorded allergies
Hand: Right-handed, like most of his family members
[/td][/tr][tr][td]A closer look

Brief History: Born in Kennewick, Washington in America on the 15th of January 2027 to Bree Ceallaigh (Reid) and Reagan Ceallaigh. *WIP*
Personality: Heddwyn is an eager young wizard, trusting and hopeful. He is wary of danger, yet curious of the unknown, as are most children his age. In fact, Heddwyn's curiosity could be credited for his hardworking personality, usually getting good marks for his homework. Heddwyn only applies himself to what interests him, and regrettably, hour-long lectures of magical history never seemed to do the trick. unless Quidditch or the subjects Defense Against the Dark Arts or Care of Magical Creatures are involved. When among the few good friends that the boy has, Heddwyn can be a chatterbox sometimes. Heddwyn is also very open, he is willing to do and try anything at least once, which makes him a very well versed and a very experienced boy for his age, and as he continues ageing even in the wizarding world. This also means that he isn't judgemental, Heddwyn can seem to see the good in every person he meets, and is very kind hearted. He is willing to help, no matter the consequences - which gets him into trouble every now and again, but he gets it done.
Strenght: Heddwyn's optimism is his key strength, bright-eyed and eager toward most, if not all aspects of his young life. His cheery and easygoing personality works wonders for his social life, as he is always willing to listen when attention is asked of him. The problems of those he cares for become his own, and the boy will do his utmost to lend a hand through them all. As a result, Heddwyn is thought of as dependable and kindhearted, traits that are as much his weaknesses as they are his strengths. The boy strives for happiness, and one thing is certain; his tender personality will either lead to his success in meeting that goal, or his demise.
Weakness: Ever the optimistic thinker, Heddwyn always strives to see the good in everyone. No one is ever at fault, and no one ever really means any harm. While it is a trait that has allowed Heddwyn to be on good terms with most of the people he met throughout his younger years, some might argue that it's also the reason why the young wizard is often taken advantage of. Worse still, Oakley never seems to realize that he is being taken advantage of until it is too late. The young wizard refuses to believe that there are good people, and sometimes, not-so-good ones among the lot.
Patronus: A Rabbit
Patronus Memory: The first Quidditch match his father took him to
Boggart: A spider, Heddwyn has hated and feared spiders for as long as he can remember
[/td][/tr][tr][td]<COLOR color="#000">Family


Mother: Bree Ceallaigh nee Reid
Occupation: Ministry of Magic, Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement; Auror
Brief Description: -


Father: Reagan Ceallaigh
Occupation: Ministy of Magic, Dept. of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes; Invisibility Task Force
Brief Description: -


Sister: Sophia Ceallaigh
Occupation: Student at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 7th Year
Brief Description: -

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