Open Heavy Load of Study

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
It was getting to the point of the year where almost everyone had become in study mode. Students had their head stuck their noses into their textbooks or repeatedly writing notes. Samantha of course was one of those students. She wanted to do well in her classes, especially her exams this year. She had been mostly seen in the library or in her common room, her nose stuck into her textbooks. Sam walked into the library, noticing that the library had been quite busy then she thought it would be. Luckily she had found a free table that had a couple of seats around it. Samantha placed her books and notes onto the table, took at seat, and went straight into her studies, completely forgetting the world around her.
Sawyer knew he probably could have picked a better time to go to the library, but he'd been born and the knowledge that there were a few older back issues of Gobstones Today lurking in the library had been too tempting to ignore. Now though, he was regretting it, the library already well packed with students in various modes of studying for their exams. He was half expecting to see his sister tucked in a nook somewhere, but after some searching, he'd come up short finding both her or even a seat or table that wasn't already occupied. "Hey uh, can I sit here?" He ended up asking an older girl, feeling awkward holding his little stack of magazines when she was clearly prepping for her exams. But it was either this or Sawyer sat on the floor, so he just had to solider on.

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