Open Hearts, Roses, and Cupids

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Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Kingsley always experienced a small measure of nostalgia when she entered the dances in particular. The energy was different from the every day hustle and bustle energy of the school, and it was in this energy, in the seeing young girls walking arm in arm, in watching the various friend groups laughing and jostling each other that she fondly remembered her room four mates. She brushed the memories away before they swayed to the sad side and continued in, helping for a time to serve desserts. As she finished her 'shift' the professor grabbed a brownie, her favorite, and then began to wander taking the event in.
Matt was always glad when these events went by fairly quietly, he always expected something bad to happen and ruin it. He watched students enjoy themselves and smiled, a little sad he no longer saw his nephew and niece among them. It felt strange that they had both graduated by now. He headed over to grab himself a snack and spotted Professor Kingsley there. He smiled hesitantly. "How's your evening?" He asked her as he also grabbed a brownie.
The professor smiled at the Headmaster as he approached. She quickly finished the piece of brownie she'd been chewing, nodding in response to his question. "It's going quite well, just reminiscing a bit. The balloons are a nice touch to the decor" she added, eager to change the subject. "The brownies as well" she grinned as she took another bite.
Matt nodded as Cyndi said she was reminiscing a bit, he looked around. "It must be surreal for you, to leave." He told her quietly. "You've been here for a long time." In truth, Matt was sad to see her go. He considered her one of the professors he could always count on, it would be hard to find her a replacement. "You won't have to miss the brownies, though, I can give you some to go." He added in a lighter tone.
The professor listened, emotions swelling as she considered the words. She had been there a really long time. It was one of the reasons she felt it was time to move on, to make way for someone new and younger. That, and she had other dreams she wanted to fulfill, other motivations that were nagging at her that she wanted to realize. She let out a soft chuckle at his offer of brownies. "That would be very welcome" she stated. "Do you reckon you want to pull a Dumbledore and help my Gryffindors get one last win before I'm off?" she joked.
Matt laughed at Cyndi's question and shook hsi head. "Sorry, I'm way too afraid of Angel and his Slytherins for that." He said, taking a bite of his own brownie. "Though I think Ravenclaw is in the lead..." He pretended to consider it for a moment before sighing. "But I'm too afraid of Kahurangi's wrath as well, especially now that she finally has a shot at beating Angel." He said with a rueful smile.
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