Heart To Heart

Lilyanna Hope

asperger's syndrome | beaux astronomy prof
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Lilyanna could feel her palms sweat as she began to make her way up to the North Tower where she would meet her sister. The girl felt scared to be committed to something other than school, but ever since getting together with Diane, she could feel herself becoming distracted which was definitely not what she wanted. However, she liked the feeling of being loved and couldn't bring herself to admitting that she thought school was more important, no matter how much her grades were failing. The Yule Ball was something Lilyanna did not want to go to. It made her realise that she was more different than what everyone initially thought and for once she wanted to fit in. Luckily, Diane had understood and the Slytherin felt so much better to be able to spend time with her alone instead of at a noisy party full of people that might judge her for who she was.

As Lilyanna started to walk up the staircase directly to the tower, she balled her hands into a fist, her nails digging into her palm to prevent her from punching the wall. She hoped that Eleanor would be able to understand everything and simply needed someone to talk to that wasn't Daniel or Andrew and that would genuinley listened to what she had to say. Sometimes her sister could be understanding and she hoped that Eleanor was in the mood to listen. After all, out of every person it was always Eleanor that knew when something was up and Lilyanna appreciated that. With it being the first week back at school, Lilyanna figured she had to tell someone and refused to keep it a secret any longer. She found she was the first person there and looked out at the afternoon sky as she waited, trying to form up some kind of explanation for all of this as she did so.
It didn't take long for the second semester of Eleanor's OWL year to come around and the girl felt confident that she was doing well in all of her studies. She was slightly glad that the situation with Felix did not work out, but still found herself thinking about him sometimes. It felt horrible to be betrayed by a first love, no matter how good or bad the relationship was, and Ellie wished she knew he was like that before getting to know him. The girl tried not to let this upset her though, and when Lily asked to meet her in the North Tower after class, Ellie figured this would be the best opportunity to let go of it all and spend some time with her sister. After all, Lily did not seem herself lately and so the Hufflepuff knew that something was up.

Eleanor hoped Lily was going to show her something exciting as she made her way up to the tower. She knew her sister had spent a lot of time up there and maybe she found something cool that she wanted to show her? It would certainly take her mind off everything and Ellie would feel special to know something other people didn't. The Hufflepuff spotted Lily already standing at the top of the tower with a blank expression on her face. Ellie frowned, wondering why she made her go up there if there was nothing exciting to see. At least, it didn't seem like there was anything exciting, and as Ellie made her way over to Lily, she did so tentatively, and stopped herself a few steps away. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, hoping it was perfectly fine.​
Lilyanna could hear Eleanor's steps as she made her way to her, but she didn't turn around and kept herself focused on the clouds outside until Eleanor opened her mouth. At the question, Lilyanna did not answer as she did not feel as though that was how she wanted to begin telling her. Instead, she smiled slightly at her and spoke clearly, not wanting Eleanor to think it was worse than it really was. After all, as far as Lilyanna knew, Eleanor had just broken up with Felix and so there was no need to put any added pressure on her that was not necessary.

"There is something I need to discuss with you in hopes that I do not keep it to myself for too long." she told her, putting her hands to her side. She did not want to get upset and so hoped that a normal and relaxed posture would prevent that. "You may or may not have noticed my absence at the Yule Ball, and I think you went with Felix..." Lilyanna didn't know how to apologise for what had happened between them, and was really unsure if she should. Instead, she continued. "I stayed in the dormitory with Diane Winters, and, well..." The Slytherin could feel her heart beating against her chest and her palms were beginning to sweat again. She didn't know what Eleanor would think, and it seemed as if the only thing the same about them were their looks. "We've... we're... we're kind of in a... relationship now, which in turn... makes me Homosexual." Lilyanna refrained from looking directly at Eleanor and reverted her gaze around the room, not wanting Eleanor to see the tears falling down her cheek.
As Lily began to speak, Eleanor let her, and felt quite warmed by her smile. It wasn't often that she saw her sister smile and it in turn confused the Hufflepuff as to what was really happening considering her serious tone. For once, Ellie let her speak, listening carefully to what she had to say. Lily knew about what happened with Felix as she was one of the first people to know, and maybe that had an impact on whatever news she had for her, but Ellie stayed patient, knowing that the Slytherin had most likely prepared for this for a while and so giving her the upmost respect was what she deserved.

When she stopped speaking, Ellie held her breath, waiting to see what would happen next. Sure enough, Lily began to cry and it took everything in the Hufflepuff to not hug her as she knew better than to evade her sister's personal space. She took a few steps closer however and tried to be strong, not wanting to cry too in case she took it the wrong way. "I-It's okay." She quickly wiped away a tear that had fallen. She did not want to turn this into a pity session, and as soon as she felt it was her turn to speak, she did so in an attempt to make her feel better. "You know, my friend Ares is gay, and he's one of the best people I have ever met." she explained, not wanting her sister to feel ashamed for being different. She couldn't relate to how she was feeling, but she tried to sympathise nonetheless. It was then that an idea came to her head. "Hey, you know what? I still haven't come up with an idea for a Wild Patch Club event. Did you want to help me with a pride event? I'd love to do one on behalf of you!" Eleanor beamed, feeling as if that was one of her best ideas yet and she looked up at the Slytherin excitedly, hoping she would be fine with it.

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