Open Heard There's A Giant Thing In There

Lilith nodded, not entirely sure about the whole upcoming election process, but she supposed it'd be interesting to at least follow. "I am looking forward to well this may sound odd, but I kind of am looking forward to the exams." She said a bit sheepishly. "Now let me explain myself, I just want to see how they are and to prove myself that I can do well in them and well I don't know it's just interesting to see how they are here and of course the whole process of studying and learning more and more. That might have been a bit of a cliche response, but I really just want to learn as much as I can." If there was a way to make a simple thing into a long essay or explanation she would always find it. "Though I am looking forward to all the festivities and then also at the end of semester to go home and see my pets and of course family too." Lilith let out a short laugh, in her humble opinion the way she has just said that was kind of funny.
Magne was a little surprised that she said she was looking forward to the exams. he let her begin to explain the reasoning, which he could completely understand. It made sense to him that that was why she might enjoy it. It wasn't something he liked as much, he was more interested in the learning fresh, int he doing elements of learning, practical over theory. it helped that for him, practical was easier than theory. "I get it," he said with a nod. It wasn't something that was for him, but he understood her thoughts with it. "Ball is fun," he said, and he was very much looking forward to that.
Lilith just nodded, not doubting it would be fun. "Big social events make me nervous often, but I want to challenge myself and test things that I'd normally stray away from, while here at school." She wanted the experience to be educational in as many ways as possible, which included real life skills such as socializing and handling her anxiety and nerves in bigger crowds. "Do you have any pets? Here or back at home, I mean." It should have been a crime she hadn't asked this earlier but better late than never.
Magne gave a little nod, such events didn't make him nervous but he knew that it could make other people nervous, he knew why it could too. It was fairly daunting. He didn't think it was that bad to challenge oneself, but he understod the why of not wanting to do it in the first place. "If you see me at event, come talk me," he said with a smile before shaking his head. "Nah, I live on boat, no space. You?"
Lilith smiled and nodded, it was nice to know the room would have another familiar face she could talk to just in case it got too much. Walking and taking in her surroundings she thought about back home and her pets. "Yes, we have two dogs, Mauri and Meeri and then two cats Sohvi and Sofia." She explained happily. "I really like animals, more so than most people, but my dog Meeri is my favourite, don't tell Mauri though. The cats well they have their own thing, they don't really care for us humans unless they want food." Lilith let out a soft laugh just at the memory of those cats and their not so social behavior around her family. "Living on a boat? That sounds nice, I like water and boats. There's something very calming about the way waves hit the shore or a boat. Though I do get sea sick sometimes, kind of unfortunate."

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