Heads will Roll!

Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
Posted on a wall near the eating hall were the top scores. Since Drumstrang didn't have houses it was open season on everyone and Sunako, though normally not competitive in nature, wanted something to call her own. Her grades where always top of her class. Not that she had to try all that hard. It was either work on grades or work on her potions or work on the lessons that where being given to her by the Guild. Either way she was always doing something and she was always making sure that it was perfect. Her name was right where it needed to be on this set of exams, at number one. Just out of curiosity Sunako scanned the wall at the top scorers from other years. She sniffed when she saw the names of the lower years. They where all scared of her. Just as they should be.

One of the seventh years caught her attention though. She hadn't seen him before though he was always on the top scorer list. Had he no pride in his achievement? Or maybe he came round when no one was here because he was a secret jock that didn't want anyone to know that he was also smart. But if that was the case than someone would have caught on by now. The student body was not that stupid. Sunako pondered and pondered who this seventh year could be and why she had never seen him. She could almost always remember the faces of the people that cowered in fear from her fed lit eyes but she was sure that he wasn't one of them.
Jack walked away from his brothers excitement, apparently once again he got high marks, both of them did. Jack didn’t understand, he was an idiot at times and never studied so how did he pass? Let alone get the highest, he even beat his brother every single time. “How do you do it Jack?” He asked himself walking past the score boards, every now and then he would check them out, not looking for his own name because he didn’t really give a damn but to see his brothers scores or his friends scores, once again he saw the same girls name, he knew of her, apparently she was a ***** with an attitude so Jack didn’t go out of his way to meet her but today it was pretty unavoidable since he was so distracted he ran right into her, he had not seen her since he was 6’1, he rolled his eyes and bit his lip, sometimes he hated little people.

“Sorry little person.” He said and continued walking, he called everyone who was shorter than himself ‘little person’ Jack thought it was cute to call people ‘little’ but some took it as an insult and yelled at him, which made him yell back, when angered Jack could be cruel.
Sunako had heard someone talking to themselves and saying the name "Jack". As in Jack Kaster, one of the seventh year top students? Sunako looked round just in time to see fabric in her face. Sunako was at 5"2' so this collision could have damaged her greatly if she hadn't bent her knees a little to make it so her head was going into his stomach. Really it didn't take a lot to do it seeing as he was so much taller than her. He seemed fine even called her 'little person' something that was quite new. Her nicknames behind her back ran along the lines of 'monster' 'freak' and 'twist' Sunako payed as little mind to these as she did to this one.

"Original. I would have gone with something along the lines of Oompa Loompa or something similar but then I suppose when one's mind works so slow 'little person' is the best that one can come up with." Sunako said as cracked the book in her hands open and put it in front of her face. Sunako's voice held no malice or distance. She sounded more like she was making observation than placing an insult but then one could never really know with Sunako since she rarely put emotion in her voice. Most people after this either shivered from the sheer look in her red glinted eyes or made realized who they were talking to and stepped out of her way. Ether way Sunako was expecting to get something to drink in the eating hall and take it with her to dungeons where she would continue her work transformation potions. She was already going through formulas in her head while going over the words on the page in front of her.
Jack was slightly glad that Sunako was not hurt, he didn’t like hurting people if e did not go out of his way to hurt them, it was just annoying, he rolled his eyes when she carried on though. “Why would I call you Oompa Loompa? That has to be the stupidest thing you could call a person, especially if they dont have green hair for starters.” He said sitting down and grabbing an apple, it was nice and red, just the way he liked it. “Maybe one should not call someone who is top of their year when they do not try ‘slow’ because it is obvious that they are not ‘slow’ but rather intelligent, though I would not expect you to understand.” Jack said in the same tone Sunako used.
Sunako was surpised that the boy had even started talking to her. When he said the comment about not calling someone that was top of their year slow Sunako could not help but put her book to her lips and laugh. "You don't honestly expect me to belive that a lumbering giant like you is actually Jack Kaster." She said almost in a demeaning way. She reached for a glass of heavely caffinated soda then observed what he was eating. An apple. This lead to thoughts of the poisoned apple that she had made no too long ago. Who it went to she wasn't telling anyone but she was looking forward to seeing if she could make another one.
The girls insult made Jack laugh. “Oh I apologise, I confused myself with my brother.” He said sarcastically. No matter how much his twin brother Ben studied he still came lower than Jack. “What were you expecting, some guy whose wish was to be a desk jockey for the ministry, or someone who loved to study?” Jack said rolling his eyes; he couldn’t see why people had a problem with him being smart; did he really look like the dumb blonde type? “Besides you dont seem like the genius either little miss judgmental.” He said, this girl reminded him so much of his sister it was almost easy to bug her, but he didn’t get the same satisfaction with annoying this girl than he would with his sister, since Tess was a girly girl and all it was fairly easy to get her angry."*Pour l'amour de Dieu"

Code* For God's sake
What Sunako was, was amused. "Temper now sir. Of course you don't look like the type to study his brain out. That would be just silly. One has to do something else to keep from going insane." She said smoothly as she opened her book again. All interest in Jack had started to fade a little bit. "I do not doubt that you are really this intelligent without trying. Goodness knows that lessons are not really that difficult anyway." She said again objectively. She shrugged her shoulders when he said that she didn't look like the type to be top student. "Most people quiver at my very presence and the few people that do talk to me are either looking to a servant type of friend to me which I dismiss quickly or sort of a partner in crime which I keep around for entertainment. What else am I going to do but look over lessons?" She said simply.
Jack rolled his eyes, this little girl was getting really annoying, she made no sense in Jacks eyes. “Why dont you annoy some other seventh year or scare some first year kid or something.” He said waving her off, Jack was quite a moody person and this was just one of his many mood swings, now he suddenly wanted her gone. Jack nearly swallowed his apple. “You mean people are actually scared of you?” He asked, she didn’t look or sound scary at all. Then again Jack was hard to scare. “There is such a thing called flying solo, it is far easier to get things done when you are by yourself, most of the time people slow you down, it is a fact of life.” He said, taking another bite of his apple.
Sunako looked up at him from book as she took a sip of her black current soda. "I don't see why I have to. Besides your the one that kept talking to me." She said. In reality she had just thrown a comment out there when he nearly bowled her over. Sunako had not meant for a full conversation to to start but once it had she saw no reason why she should be the one to end it. Jack was free to leave when he saw fit. Sunako nodded. "This is why." she said as she put her deathly pail hand on the table. A small clear white spider came down from her sleeve smoothly. Months of experimenting with them made Sunako find a way to take the jerkiness from their step. "I am often seen working with my spiders. This experiment batch has a bite to rival that of a Basilisk. And yes I have tested this out." She said again with little emotion in her voice. Yes she had set her spiders to kill other animals and had watched as they did it. This was nothing but science to Sunako. "I do that most of the time. People tend to gravitate to me for some reason. Like now." She said closing her book with a snap, picking up another cup of soda and making her way to the door.
Jack laughed slightly, in actually fact she had started the conversation, he would have been perfectly happy to continue walking by if she had not spoken to him. He rolled his eyes and decided not to comment, maybe when he was in an argumentative mood he would talk to her, she seemed like someone who could actually hold a decent fight with. Jack watched as she showed him a small clear white spider, Jack thought it ugly, he hated spiders but did not fear them. He just hated them, he had the urge to flick it away, but if what the girl told him was true he did not want to accidently get someone else bitten by it. Jack had to admit he did want to go after her and talk to the strange little girl more, but he didn’t, instead he fought the need and started eating a second apple, with a little wave in her general direction. Jack was one to challenge someone’s thoughts and beliefs.

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