Headfirst Fearless

Kyndel James

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It was a nice warm sunny December afternoon and ten year old Kyndel James had far too much energy to be stuck in the house all afternoon. Whoever on earth thought it would be a good idea to keep a sugar loaded child locked away in her room all day had surely gone absolutely bat-fricking-crazy. Her father was at work, doing whatever muggle thing it was he did, and her mother was at home tending to her annoying little five year old brother. Kyndel was more than happy that she'd gotten her mother's genes...the ones that meant she'd be getting to go to a 'special school' next year, as her father liked to call it. The petite brunette desperately wished that she was already eleven so that she'd be able to escape her family for a while. It wasn't that she didn't love them because she did, dearly, it was just that she found them slightly annoying and a bit boring at times.

After begging her mother for over an hour, Kyndel finally got permission to go to the park near Brightstone. It wasn't much of an adventurous outing, but she'd take it over having to sit in the house all day and do nothing, but watch television. It seemed today that the park was pretty deserted with the exception of a few mothers out with baby buggies attempting to get their daily walk out of the way. Kyndel made a quick dart for the swings since they were all open, a rarity whether you be muggle or magical. All children liked swings. She quickly hopped on one and began to kick her legs back and forth gaining a little bit of height with each kick. The wind blew through her messy mop of brown hair and she closed her eyes and grinned. When she felt she'd reached an appropriate height she let go of the chains of the swing and launched herself into the air before landing in a squatting position on her feet. She stood to her full height and grinned as she dusted herself off saying to no one in particular, "Aha, I still got it."
Thomas walked through the streets of Brightstone, enjoying the bliss of the December air. It was a good month, not too hot and not too cold, and of course it held his favourite time of year.. Christmas! The time where everyone got together and they were all nice to one another. Maybe he was old fashioned, but he absolutely hated all of the violence that everyone seemed to cause or even just get involved in for the sake of it. I mean, what's the point of fighting someone else? You're just going to get hurt one way or the other.. and why did you want to go around getting hurt for the sake of proving that you were some tough guy? When half the time you weren't even tough at all.. it just doesn't make any sense to me at all. Thomas sighed inwardly, he never wanted to be a part of the violence, and he never wanted to have to prove he was some huge tough guy. Not too himself, and definitely not to anyone else. Thomas looked around Brightstone, and saw a park. Now that was where he wanted to go for sure, and it had a swing! Thomas began a small sprint towards the park. It was there that a saw there was another girl there, and he watched her do a nice little jump off the swing. He clapped.

"Nicely done!" Thomas called out, smiling to the girl. He envied people who had both the mindset and the ability to do something like that.. because it was something that Thomas would probably never be able to do. It was things like that that scared him and he'd never be able to do them again because he always thought he'd hurt himself or break a leg and die or some stupid reason.. he walked up to the girl and smiled. "I'm Thomas, and who might you be?" Thomas asked, trying his best to be a gentleman.
As Kyndel was dusting her hands off on her pants she heard someone clapping. She looked up and saw a boy about her age and grinned. Taking a bow she said, "Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week!" As he came closer to her and introduced himself Kyndel smiled and replied, "Nice to meet you Thomas. I'm Kyndel." The brunette noticed that he was about her age, maybe a year older and figured since he was hanging out around Brightstone he had to be of magical blood. Curiously she asked, "So how old are you? Do you like go to school around here?" She hoped that he went to Hogwarts here in New Zealand so that when she started next year she'd at least be able to find a familiar face.

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