Closed Head up in the clouds

Lilith Ilves

Trying my best 💫 Alt. Seeker 🐈‍⬛ Dreamer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Unyielding Alder Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
07/51 (12)
Lilith felt a little nervous walking through the library, she knew this would be good for her in the long run but what but it still didn't lessen the anxiety of having to actually talk about it to yet another person. Lilith reminded herself that this was the only way she'd learn to navigate through everything and that this was where she was pointed towards, it'd all be okay. Inching closer and closer to the door the Ravenclaw gathered all her confidence before bringing her fist up, it was now or never be brave, find the light little moon. Her grandma used to tell her and it was now more than ever that she used that advice as she knocked twice on the door.
A new year meant new clients, and Maria was glad she had all her things in order, ready to open new files and see what she could do for those needing her help for the first time. She had just finished setting up the office when she heard a knock, smiling as she opened the door. "Hi, you must be Lilith. Come on in - I'm Maria Madison, I'm the school counsellor." She explained, welcoming the girl in. "Take a seat - would you like a cup of tea?"
Lilith was startled out of her own head when the door opened and the wooden surface she had been staring at was replaced with a kind looking face. Smiling softly herself the second year took a step in looking awkwardly around, it should be fine surely. "Ah yes I am Lilith, you can call me Lili though if you'd like and no tea thank you, I doubt it'll be much use right now with the amount of nerves." She was more likely to throw up than to get anything down her throat right now, she just hoped the only thing she'd be throwing up were words. Taking a seat on one of the chairs in the room Lilith spoke again, her voice unsure. "Do you promise me you won't judge me or think I am silly? I already feel silly enough in my own head." In theory she knew that the counsellor wouldn't judge her, after all this was where she had been pointed towards so she must know something about these things, but the anxious part of her brain was telling her she would be judged.

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