Open Head in the Clouds

Margo Fox

daily prophet reporter 🌸 old soul 🌸 '62 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Fairy Wing Core
09/2043 (20)
Margo was glad it was finally summer and she could sit outside and read her book while Gram did whatever it was she needed to do in town. She didn't mind coming along when there were errands to run but as she had gotten older she liked small taste of independence that came with doing her own thing. It made her feel like a grown up when she could simply walk around the harbour streets till she found her favorite spot. Today those plans also included reading the new book her aunt got her for her birthday. It was a collection of fairytales that she had never heard before and she had been waiting for just the right moment to start it. Margo let her feet dangle over the edge of the bench she had claimed for herself and turned the page of her new book slowly. She chewed on her thumb nail as she read the next page, and stopped paying attention to pretty much everything around her.
Kate finished writing the last thoughts into her journal, before closing the pink book with a small smile. She was glad that her mother had taught her how to properly journal, but she couldn't wait for the day when she knew how to lock and unlock it with magic herself. For now, she used the small key on her bracelet to lock the padlock, before looking around, taking in a breath of fresh air. Her mother was meeting some of her friends for tea and the saying 'children must be seen but not heard' was rife with the women. After making her initial appearance, Kate was allowed to wander by herself for a couple of hours.
The blonde girl saw another girl her age sitting on a bench nearby. Kate hesitated. She wanted friends, of course, but making friends included talking to someone. Most times, she chickened out, but Kate always felt bad after chickening out. With a deep breath and quick pep talk, Kate stood up and moved closer to the girl. She had prepared for this! "Hello! My name is Kate. Would it be okay if I sat with you?"
Margo was used to fading into the background and going unnoticed by adult and kids alike, so it took her a few seconds to come up from her book and realize that someone was speaking to her. She sat up straight and blinked a few times at the girl who seemed to be around her age was looking at her expectantly. "Um, sure. That's fine." she said quickly, trying to be polite. She didn't exactly want company but she knew Gram was always telling her she need to make more friends her age and would be disappointed if she knew she turned the way a potential friend. "I'm Margo." she said simply as she moved slightly so there was more room on the bench if she wanted to sit too.
Kate gave the girl a smile as she agreed to let her sit next to her, and moved so there was room for Kate. Kate sat down, clutching her journal in her hands, feeling slightly awkward and nervous. She had never actually done this before, but she knew her mother would be proud of her for being friendly. "You have a very pretty name, Margo." She meant it too, but had also learned that by repeating the person's name, it made it easier to remember. And forgetting someone's name was very rude. And instead of discussing the weather, finding a common topic was great for starting a conversation. "What are you reading, if you don't mind me asking?"
Margo looked back down at her book but couldn't focus anymore with someone sitting next to her. “Oh, thanks.” she said a bit hesitantly. She was used to the old people at the diner complimenting her name but it felt weird coming from someone her age. Or at least she assumed the other girl was her age. She was bad at guessing that sort of thing. "You have a nice name too." she said with a smile, since that felt like the right thing to say after a compliment like that even if she thought Kate was a pretty plain name. Margo picked up her book when Kate asked about it and she showed her the spine. "It's a collection of Russian folktales. My aunt got it for me. She travels a lot." she said, her answer coming out disjointed as she continued to add facts.

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