He is so LONELY

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Javarius Askolov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
This is Javarius. He is from Australia, and he was abandoned by his mother at an orphanage in Australia at the age of six. When he was nine he was adopted by a wealthy magical couple. He received everything he ever wanted, and he attended Durmstrang up until recently. Javar always felt like he did not feel truly loved, and somehow he was different from others. He never liked being spoiled, and he never liked all the attention he got from people in general. He ran away 5 times from his adoptive parents until they decided to kick him out and told him to not bother coming back. He stoaded(?) away on a cruise ship to New Zealand, and now he is on the streets. He is lonely and

So, he needs a home and a family or someone willing to take him in. He is difficult sometimes, but this time he will let someone take him in and try and help him get over the feelings that he will never be wanted again. A thread does not have to be made immiedately(?) for this because I am quite filled with a lot of other RP's. Post or PM if you have someone that wants to take Javarius in. :)
I have Sianna Piripitus as a possible adopter of Javarius. She adopted the Stewart sisters when they were younger as she cannot have children of her own and is always happy to take anyone in. She would love to finally have a boy in the house, having three daughters (and a two step daughters though the two oldest are leaving home soon) so yeah. She is kind and giving and will do anything for her children. If you want to know anything more if Sianna is a possibility don't hasten to ask.

Hey, I have a plot idea.

It would be a slow moving plot, between Stefan and Javarius.
He's leaving school, running away, so he's going to need a place to go. The long and short of it, is that currently he's living on the streets. I'm finishing up a last topic in Hogwarts, then move him to the members group.
Maybe they could run into one another, and see that they are in similar positions, team up. Stefan wouldn't ever be able to move in with an adult, but he'd trust a guy the same age as him.
What do you think?
Melissa: I think it would be good for Javar to have/ be around a family, but I don't think Sianna and Javar should RP together just yet.

Emzies: I think this a good idea. Javar has not made many friends, and I think he would be able to help Stefan even after he is adopted, so Stefan won't be completely alone. Does that make sense?
If you wanted Javarius could move in with the Moon's? They had done that sort of thing before and Sophie and Thomas Moon are well able to deal with difficult people :r
I think I get what you mean.
I was thinking that they could meet maybe one's getting into trouble, and they help one another, they end up. End up talking, saying they are both without homes. Sort of become friends in that sort of a sense. Not sure where it would go from their. But, we could just see.
I had a plan to have Stefan return to his house, it would be abandoned now, but, it's probably where he'd end up going. For Stefan things are unclear, since I haven't quite figured what to do yet.

So, whatever is best for you, is cool with me!
Javarius Lestrange said:
Melissa: I think it would be good for Javar to have/ be around a family, but I don't think Sianna and Javar should RP together just yet.
No that's perfectly fine. It's completely up to you. It was just a suggestion. Let me know if/when you want to rp with her.

Emzies: I think it would be interesting for Javar to meet another person on the streets. Just tell me when you want to start this because I am totally up for it!

Johanna&Mel: I will think about both of these because I honestly did not expect to get more than one offer, so I will think about both of these, and contact you. :)
Bobby Sanchez said:
Emzies: I think it would be interesting for Javar to meet another person on the streets. Just tell me when you want to start this because I am totally up for it!

Johanna&Mel: I will think about both of these because I honestly did not expect to get more than one offer, so I will think about both of these, and contact you. :)
Any time would be fine with me.
Would you like to start it, or shall I?
The topic is Here
Thanks Emzies.
I could always offer the Blacks who have taken in several childern not to mention they have some from marriages and such... They are loving and the house is rather busy people always in and out
i always have wolfie to take some 1 in if you need him hes there as a friend / put upper
Hey you guys. I have went over all your offerers, and I have decided to go with Melissa's offer. Thank all of you guys for offering up homes for Javar. A home for him is no longer needed.
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