Having an afternoon snack

Jade Caja

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Willow 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Jade had had a full day, and was feeling tired and hungry. The only place to go to at this time of day was the kitchens. It was hard to know what she might find there, you never knew quite what the house elves would make for you. On the table she saw some juicy grapes. . She grabbed a couple, then sat down on the chair to eat them.
It was the finest day of the history, Lexi over sleep on her bed and didn't get a chance going at the great hall for sure she will be a laughing stock of the whole school for wearing a pajama on the great hall. She is now getting the nerd brain and was up late studying on the Slytherin common room, now her last chance to eat was to go at the kitchens an grab some nutritious food. Getting on passageways she got at the portrait of the kitchen and tickled the pear, didn't even bother to chance into something normal girls would wear. Getting inside, she focused her eyes onto a girl, she looked dumbfounded. "Sorry, I thought there wouldn't be somebody in the kitchens." Lexi told the girl but the truth is, she is so embarrassed at her outfit.
((I totally forgot about this topic, sorry!))

Jade was starring at the large cupboards which she supposed were fully of delicious things to eat. In her peripheral vision she saw a girl, younger than her enter the kitchen. She was going to laugh, but kept it in, conscious that that wouldn't be a very nice thing to do to someone at this time of day, laugh at them. "No worries, I don't mind at all." She really didn't, she was surprising herself this afternoon at how calm she felt.
Looking at her clothes she groan really loud, going at the pantry Lexi took some tart out and began eating it while taking a sit at the top of the kitchen counter. "So, what seems to be the thing for lurking in the kitchen except eating?" She asked the girl, eating the last piece of the tart on her hand. It was her favorite and she will die for it if she didn't saw any on the great hall. "I'm Lexi from Slytherin ... and you?" Please don't be a Gryffindor she thought on her head.
"Cool, I'm Jade, Jade Caja and I'm in Gryffindor.This kitchen's a good place to relax and eat." Jade checked in the pantry, and found some yummy chocolates. She ate two, and left three more in her hand for when she finished them.
Lexi bit her lips when she heard the girl named Jade that she's from Gryffindor. But she she shrugged it off, Lexi was expecting a friend but she think it will end up in a wrong side. "Nice, I thought you over slept too ..." Lex trailed off and bit on her newly opened tart from its plastic, "I over slept that's why I'm still on my pajama and I was late for breakfast." She explained and took a whole bite on her tart.
Jade finished the chocolate she had in her mouth, and looked up at Lexi. "Oh really? I use an alarm, that way I can be never late waking. Maybe you should get one." She didn't want to be mean, but it was a good idea after all. Shaking off that topic she thought she would ask about the tarts. "Are those good Lexi? I reckon I might have one myself."
Still have tart on her mouth she spoken up, "Actually, I have one myself but I accidentally throw it this morning that's why I over slept." finishing her last tart in her mouth. She might really need another alarm clock and won't throw it again, Jade then asked if the tarts are good "Yeah, would you like one." Lexi said getting off the counter table and going back at the pantry cabinet.
Jade laughed at Lexi as she talked about how she had thrown her alarm. "Maybe you shouldn't have it so close to your hands, and charm it to turn off after 5 rings." She turned back around to see Lexi getting another tart for her. Holding out her hand, she thanked her.
Getting two tarts, she handed one at jade and went back at the counter table. "So, anything new about Gryffindors?" Lexi said, well she doesn't know anything about Gryffindor. The only Gryffindor friend she has is Andy and they rarely speak to each other, she's always with that big headed Brian.

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