Having a wander.

Declan Walker

Well-Known Member
Dec was wandering through the village, thinking about how good life had been recently. He was beginning to get tired, so he went and pirched himself on a nearby fence that looked stable enough to hold him. He was quite happy as he watched the odd person walk past him. Dec smiled at each and every one of them, but wanted someone to talk to him, not just smile at him then continue their journey.
Jason was walking away from the Medley. He was alittle tipsy after the drinks he had just had. This meant that he was alittle more confident tan usual and he was naturally confident, which was why he was a former Gryffindor at Hogwarts Scotland. As he was half way to where ever it was that he was going he noticed a guy smiling at him. Jay stopped and smiled back then went over and sat next to him on the fence. " Hello mate you ok." He gave him alittle playfull punch on the shoulder.
Jay laughed when Dec puched him back. "Well Dec its nice to meet you and my name is Jay. The one and only." Again Jay laughed then had to steady himself when he felt himself about to fall off the fence. He kept his balence and then shifted his position to a more sturdy stance.
Dec smiled then laughed a little. "Jay...right...well it's nice to meet you to yeah..." Dec watched as Jay became unstable on the fence. He laughed at Jay as he tried to keep his balance. "Woah, don't fall mate...have you been drinking or something?" Dec said, helping him to get back on track.
Jason laughed and shook his head. " I havent had alot and im not drunk so dont worry. My balence is just alittle off thats all." Jason sighed heavily.
Jason laughed. " Im not acctually drunk ok im just a bit tipsy......Hey im bord do you want to get a drink, i no a good bar not far from here." He smiled a bit at Dec. What an odd name Dec, probably short for Declan, which is an even odder name. Weird. He thought while he was looking up at this older bloke waiting to see ifhe was going for a drink with him.
Jay laughed then stood up and walked along side Dec, slowly. He walked in the direction of the three broomsticks. It was the best bar in Brightston but again not his favorite. As he walked the pub began to come into sight. he looked at Dec. " Ok mate first round is on me."

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