Having a good read

" I don't really like the idea of it though." Alex said with a smiled as he watched her return to the towel, he didn't want to say this, seeing as he would get in a fair bit of trouble of Maddiie, if he would have said it, but Leah actually looked very beautiful, but he didn't care if she wanted to kiss someone else then he would do what he pleases. " You look beautiful today Leah."
Leah was taken back by Alexander's compliment. She smiled at him, feeling pleased. She had always thought Alex was handsome, but she wasn't sure if she was really attracted to him. "Thank you." She said, not really sure what to say.
"It's all good." Alex said as he looked up at the sky, giving someone a compliment was almost like second nature now that he had been, getting out and talking people. The breeze on his wet skin making hi nice and cool, but his skin had already began to turn pink due to the suns intense rays.
Leah nodded, not saying anything as of yet. She was not very good at giving complements so she hoped Alexander was not offended that she did not give him a complement in return. "It's hot today." She remarked.
" Yeah it sure is, I can't believe it is summer next month, its going to be stinking hot in January, when it comes around." Alex said, he noticed Leah didn't give him a compliment in return, which most girls didn't because they where usually embarrassed about how they where given a compliment in the first place. There where only very few who returned the favor of giving compliments and they where very hard to find. " So what do you have planned for the holidays?"
"I know. I hate the heat." Leah looked dreamily at the lake. "Atleast we have the lake to swim in, until we are discharged home." She really didn't want to go home because she dreaded being with her mother. She tried the best she could, but with the two men she had loved that had abandoned their daughters, it was always gloomy to be around her. "I'll probably stay at the Hogs Head or Three Broomsticks." She answered.
" That sounds pretty cool, I might drop in and see if I can find you there sometime, it gets really hot at home, and it is really boring when no one is around." Alex said as he though about the things he was going to do over the holidays he doubted that he would be seeing Maddiie after what had happened, he didn't really even want to talk to her anymore, it was a painful decision that he had to make, it was either be with a unfaithful women, because once you cheat whats stopping you from doing it again or be alone.
"Sounds good to me." Leah said with real sincerity. She did not look forward to be being alone all summer long and was happy that she would have Alex to hang out with. She briefly wondered if he would hang out with her alot to avoid Maddiie. She couldn't blame him, she would drop a guy off the face of the earth if he ever did that to her. She may have been with many guys but she never would cheat on them. Although, she thought with amusement she had been with guys who already had girlfriends. She smirked to herself.
" Are you going to end up going to the yule ball?" He asked changing the subject a lot. He was wondering whether she would be interested in going with him, if she was going to go, seeing as him and Maddiie probably wouldn't go together. If Maddiie and him made up in time he would have to tell he couldn't go with her, but if that happened he would find someone to go with her, just to make sure she wouldn't be all alone on that special night.
Leah looked at him strangely. "I thought about it." She answered. She hadn't found anyone to ask her yet, and she kinda hoped that Alex would ask her.
" Well since Maddie and I probably wont go together, would you like to come with me, stickily as friends though." Alex asked hooping she would say yes, he didn't want to miss out on the yule ball for anything, he had never been to the last one seeing as he had kept himself locked away in his dorm.
Leah smiled a little. "Oh. Yes, as friends! That sounds great." In truth she had not looked forward to being at the ball all alone. She hadn't expected Alexander to ask her, and she was happy he did. A part of her nagged that she would be making an enemy out of Maddiie, but what did it matter? She had no feelings for Alexander, and they were only going as friends.
" Well that's great then, I don't know how Maddiie will be about it, but she knows I wouldn't do something like that to her, even out of spite of what she done to me. I just hope you understand, if I can't end up going with you because of her, but if that happens I will definitely find someone for you to go to the yule ball with. You won't go with out a partner." Alex said hoping Maddie would understand his arrangements with Leah and not be angry with him over it.
Although Leah wanted Alexander to be happy, even if it meant ditching her to go to the ball with Maddiie, she was still a little annoyed that he would do that. Instead of flipping out, however she nodded. "Okay, then. But if it comes to that then you better find someone really, really hot." The image of Dominic appeared in her mind, but she brushed it aside. She found him attractive, but she didn't have any serious feelings for him, especially because they had only hung out twice.
Alex couldn't help but laugh at what she had just said. " well you will have to help me with that one, I might find it just a tad hard." He said smiling as he said so. "More then likely if it comes down to me having to choose, I might as well just not go, it would be worse if I go and see you there, I would feel terrible."

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