Having a good read

Leah Winters

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OOC First Name
13" Sequoia Dragon heartstring
The sun was shining brightly across the lake front making more and more students want to come out and bask in the sun. Amongst these pupils was Leah Winters. She wore a blue bikini equipped with a matching bag and flip flops. She carried her bag as close to the water as she could and pulled out a towel from her bag, and spread it neatly onto the ground. She had made sure she was away from most of the students, and felt very secluded from them, although she was in plain sight.
Leah took a seat on her towel and slipped off her flip flops, dipping her toes into the cold water. She closed her eyes, and began to enjoy the day.
Alex had been jogging around the grounds of the school, seeing as he had been neglecting himself lately, resulting in him being puffed after a little sprint when he was with Maddiie a while ago. He looked over at the lake and thought how nice it would be to go into the cool refreshing water, just to cool off. He slowly began to walk down to the lake front, taking his shirt off as he done so, revealing his very un neat six pack. He was shocked to see Leah Winters down there. " Oh hey Leah , I haven't seen you in a very long time. How have you been?" He asked as he walked out until it was knee deep and he dipped his body under the water.
Leah looked around and saw Alexander coming her way. In the past she would have mumbled, "Oh great." And prepare for atleast thirty minutes of annoyance, but recently they had struck a friendship and a understanding, and he really wasn't that annoying to her anyway. "Hey, Alex." She greeted neutrally. It was still hard to be the friendly person that most people wanted her to be, but she could try with the few friends she had managed to make.
"I'm been fine. And you?"
" Yeah I've been alright I suppose." Alex said as he got out of the water and laid down next to Leah, soaking up the sun's beautiful rays. It had been a while since he had seen Leah and he had been wondering where she had been hiding all this time." How's your school work going?" He asked trying to make conversation with Leah.
Nodding, Leah watched her friend lay down beside her. She scooted to give each other a respectful distance, just in case his girlfriend happened to come by and see them so close together. "It's going pretty good. Just studying and whatnot for exams." The sixth year exams were said to be incredibly difficult. Almost as hard as OWLs. She couldn't think of anything to say and let it draw out into silence.
" Yeah I haven't been able to get to classes lately, a lot of personal things have been happening lately, and I just can't deal with them all at the one time." Alex said as he watched her scoot over, maybe it was the fact that he had a girlfriend, but I doubt Maddiie would think anything was going on between him and Leah seeing as he was so much in love with Maddie and he wasn't that type of person anyways. " I met your sister a while back, she is a really cool chick."
Leah listened to him without interruption. She was curious as to what would be going on to make Alexander miss his classes. She made a point to always attend class no matter the situation. She wondered if she should ask since they were friends, and decided to try. "Is everything alright?"
So he had met Natalie. Leah agreed with him. Natalie was a really cool girl, she felt a pang of sadness that she had not seen much of her lately. "Yes. My sister makes friends very easily."
" Not really though, but I don't really want to burden you with it, I don't really like dumping my problems on other people, it's my problem so i like to deal with it, but if you really want to know, it's about me and Maddiie." Alex said as he nodded in agreement with Leah about her sister, she was very good at making friends and she done it so well. " So have you met any cool people here yet?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
"You wouldn't burden me with it." Leah assured him. Although she was worried about her friend and his relationship with Maddiie, she was also partly nosy. "You haven't broken it off with her have you?" In truth, Leah was slightly jealous that she had yet to find anyone worthy of a relationship with her. Not that there was anyone lining up at the door for her anyway. "Not really." She answered.
" No, I haven't broken it off with her, I couldn't do that I love her to much to be able to do anything like that. She kissed Alex Cullen all because I kissed a girl a while before me and Maddiie got together, which is pretty harsh, but I suppose it is pretty screwed." Alex said looking at Leah as she said not really to his question about having someone she liked. " Why not, your really a nice person, well most of the time, but its just you. I reckon one day your going to make a guy really happy. Your a cool chick, and it would bring excitement with you."
Leah nodded, happy that Alexander had not broken it off with Maddiie. She raised an eyebrow at his explanation, and felt a little annoyance. How could someone kiss another guy just because their boyfriend kissed someone before they were dating. She had met Maddiie once, and thought she was better than that. Leah made a vow to support her friend, but not to pick sides since she was sorta friends with Maddiie as well. "I don't know Alex Cullen." She remarked. "I'm sorry you're going through that. That sucks." She smiled at Alex. "Know anyone?" She laughed.
" Yeah it does, but it's life I suppose I'll eventually get over it and get on with my life." Alex said making sure he wasn't going to whinge over it for the rest of his life. It would be absolutely stupid to do anything like that, let alone let it affect his education, it wasn't a smart move by him, but at the time he thought it had to be done. " Dominic Thatcher might be interested in it, but I know Natalie reckons that Justice Ene Kaos, because when she met him he was actually nice to her."
"She hurt you though. You have a right to be sad." Leah assured him. She couldn't see herself getting sad over someone, simply because the men she dated were only flings with no emotional attachments on them. She rolled her eyes when Alexander suggested two guys. She did not know Justice, however she had been mildly attracted to Dominic. "Eh. It's not a big deal." She replied, feeling a little embarrassed.
Alex could see she was embarrassed at him bringing up Dom and he couldn't help but smile. He tried to ignore her previous statement, he was trying to get over all the things that had been going on between Maddiie and himself and just tried to forget it." You know you seem as though you have changed a fair bit since last time I talked to you, you seem as though your really not trying to be nice, even though you are a little bit." He said with a smile, he liked putting Leah on show, she usually got so worked up about it, but he cared, but after every time him and Leah had a fight she seemed to be nicer to him afterwards.
Leah smiled at her friend Alex. She did want to be a nicer person, but it was hard because she was a mean and bitter person it seemed. "Thanks." She muttered, not really knowing what to think. She couldn't think of anything to say, so she looked out across the lake and enjoyed its beauty. She was mildly attracted to Dominic, but she doubted anything would come out of it. Especially since she had a habit to easily tire of her boyfriends.
" It's all good." Alex said his smile so big it exposed his teeth as it usually did. He knew she would find someone one day, either if that was someone who suited her, or someone who she would change for, either of them would be good, it would be great to see her happily with someone. " So what have you been up to lately? Have you been reading any good books?"
"I have been spending most of my time studying and reading." It was true. She had been cooped up in the library everyday for a few weeks. Exams were tough, and she was determined to pass them with an O in every subject. "Most of my books have been study books." She had not thought it possible to read so many books in such a short amount of time. "What about you?"
" Im not much of a reader, but I read a good book by a Muggle author called the Power of One, the Author's name is Bryce Courtney, he is a brilliant writer." Alex said as he looked up at the bright blue sky, and quickly got up to cool himself off in the water, before quickly returning to the spot he was laying previously. " You should read it one time, I'll even lend you it."
"Oh." Leah replied to his remark of not being much of a reader. "Atleast you read, though." That was something. Not everyone was obsessed with books like Leah. Her own sister preferred sports over academics any day. Which was why she had yet to attend Hogwarts. Thinking of her sisters low interest in finishing her schooling annoyed her heavily. But she quickly shrugged it off and looked at Alexander. "I'm going for a dip." She told him standing up and going into the water.
Alex smiled as he watched her walk into the crystal clear water, he was soon to follow her diving in fully and not appearing, he just wanted to freak Leah out a little bit, just to see what she would say and do. It was all good seeing Alex could hold his breath for at least five minutes, so he just waited, holding himself under by the reeds, looking around and seeing what Leah was doing.
Leah heard a small splash and looked around not seeing Alexander. Where is he? She asked herself. A thought came to her that he was probably hiding and was going to scare her. She hadn't seen any thrashing around, so obviously he couldn't be drowning. That thought only helped a little to curb some of her worry. "Alex?" She asked, looking around.
Alex noticed as she spun around, seeing as his eyes where open, and the water was getting murky now so he had his chance to scare her just a little bit, he swam up behind her without making the water ripple to much and quickly propelled himself out covering her eyes." Guess who?" He whispered in her ear.
Leah jumped a little. She had expected him to scare her, so it didn't have the desired effect. She had noticed that Alexander enjoyed scaring her and making her flip out over stuff. "Very funny." She told him. "If you keep doing that, one day you'll really be drowning but I'll think your faking." She wasn't upset at all, but her heart still pounded a little from the small fright he gave her.
" If I drown I drown, it doesn't really bother me, as they say when your times up your times up." He said with a smile as he took his hands down from over her eyes and looked at her briefly, before walking back up onto the bank and laying back down on the grass.
Leah followed Alexander back, and sat on her towel. "I suppose you're right." She agreed. She did not want to die, but you had to some time. "Well, don't drown anytime soon, okay?"

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