Have a present

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Eleanor liked delivering roses and was glad she had signed up for the job. The next rose she had to give to someone named April Ward which was much easier to pronounce than some of the other names. The Queen of Flowers wandered outside to the Great Lawn and began shouting the girl's name, hoping she would hear and come over to her. "April Ward!" she said, swinging the basket of roses around.
April was really enjoying Valentine's day. She loved seeing everyone get roses, and really hoped that she would get one. As usual, she was spending most of her time outside, just exploring the grounds. She wished one of her friends were here to explore with her, but it didn't really matter. Suddenly she heard her name being called, she looked up to see an older girl swinging a basket of roses. Finally! April ran and did a cartwheel in her direction and grinned when she was upright again. "Hello! I'm April!"
The sight of a younger girl doing a cartwheel towards Ellie, made her jump. "Be careful!" she exclaimed, not wanting the girl to get hurt. Fortunately, she seemed to know what she was doing and managed to land upright on her feet without a scratch. "Oh, Hi April." she said, digging around in her basket of roses. "I have a rose for you somewhere..." When she found it, she held it out to her, hoping it would make her smile.

Dear April,

Although I haven't had a chance to properly spend time with you since Halloween, I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you, and that I hope you've been well.

Jessica Matthews
April grinned. "I don't have to be careful, I do this all the time." She jumped up and down eagerly. "Give it to meee." She sang playfully before the girl handed it over. She grabbed it and beamed, looking for a note. When she read it she grinned widely, it was from Jessica! She hadn't sent the girl one in return, but she was happy she had thought of April. "Thanks!" She told Eleanor, she was itching go find Jessica now and thank her as well.
The girl was extremely energetic and Eleanor tried not to laugh at her. Instead, she smiled at her as she read the note, wondering whether she liked it or not. She didn't seem to be upset about it or anything and so Ellie took that as a good sign. "You're welcome." she said. "I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day!"

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