Hate isn't a strong enough word

Beau's head snapped up as he heard a voice, he looked up at the boy he recognised as the boy he shared a dorm with. "Excuse me?" he snarled, standing up purely because he didn't like to not have a height advantage. He glared at the boy, "Do you have a problem?" he said his tone bitter, sneering, "Because as far as I can see, no-ones invited you here. And no-one wants you here," he snareled, the fact that someone else had seen his pitiful attempt at flying was bad enough, he would of course defend himself to no end, he didn't care that the boy was older then him, that made no difference, he had fought with his brothers who were older then this pitiful excuse of a boy standing in front of him now.
Brandon merely laughed at the younger boys brashness, he looked to the girl with a smirk on his face. She was cute and this little thing was obviously playing up now to save face. Brandon stuffed his hands into his pockets, no point in pulling out his wand and stupefying the twit, after all he still had to share a room with him.
"Keep your shirt on, it's the quidditch pitch anyone can be here. No law saying otherwise" he gave them both a quick once over and couldn't help but smirk again. Why was she wasting time with the young chit and why was Beau if he remembered correctly, getting so uptight about Brandons presence? He hadn't thought he had walked in on a rendevous of sorts but maybe he had.
"Should I leave you two love birds alone then?"
Beau smirked, "Whatever," he said dismissvly, he wasn't planning on flying again anyway.
He rolled his eyes, "You really think thats going to provoke a reaction?" he said laughing humourlessly at Brandoms 'love birds' comment. "Anything else you wanted to get off of your chest?" he asked sarcastically.
He was utterly enjoying himself now and as much as he would have preferred to stop the banter and just let the kid get on with whatever he was up to, he found he couldn't. He had seen this girl a few times early last year and then it seemed like she went off the face of the planet and now here she was again, hair shorter looking alot skinnier and taller but still as intriguing as ever. He hadn't paid too much attention to many girls last year but the odd looking Gryffindor had managed to catch his eye and probably only for her oddness. He was hell bent now on getting her to notice him, by any means necessary.
"Isn't she a bit old for you?" he was surprised she hadn't spoken up yet, his room-mate was doing enough for the both of them.
Andromeda retracted her proffered hand from Beau when another boy came their way. She did not recognise him but gauged him to be older and therefore a second year. Allowing the two to converse, she stood up holding her broom tight in her hand. She didn't like how the older boy teased Beau but he seemed well able to stand up for himself, she smiled to him and began to excuse herself when the older boy made a quip about them being 'love birds' and how she was too old for Beau. Andromeda's heart lurched, it wasn't that she ever considered dating or anything remotely close but it hurt when someone made fun of her. She smiled to Beau when he said he had dated older girls than Andromeda, grateful that he hadn't balked at the idea.

Turning now to face the other boy she simply glared at him with her amber eyes.
"If you wanted the pitch all you had to do was ask, standing there spouting nonsence will only make you look like a fool. No one else" she turned to Beau, "Good luck with your first flying class, you'll be a pro in no time."
She meant it too, those who sometimes expressed the most nerves usually came off the better for it.
"Maybe I'll see you around again sometime" she flung her broom over her shoulder as she moved to walk past the other boy, making sure he saw the flash of light reflecting from her prefect badge. It wasn't a bad thing to let him know she had some authority over him.
Beau smiled at Andy, "Cheers, and thanks for all the help," he said sincerly, turning his gaze from the boy to her, "Yeah see you around," he said with a wave as she left.
"Bet that wasn't what you were hoping for," Beau sneered to Brandon, who had obviously taken a slight interest in her.
A smile played across his handsome features, Brandon knew he was goodlooking but had never before hoped that they would help him stand out. He liked the way she answered him, stood up to him with backbone and held her own. He was as tall as her and watched as she walked past him. There was no reason he had for answering the comments she tossed at him, when Beau put in his 2cents worth though Brandon wanted to thump him.
"What would you know" Brandon sneered back before looking back at the retreating figure of the red haired girl, he certainly wasn't going to ask Beau if he knew her name what was the point. The boy would obviously get it into his head that Brandon liked her and he'd hear nothing but heckling from him after that. Nope, Brandon would find out on his own there couldn't be many other girls at the school who had flaming red hair and amber eyes with the palest skin to match. No, there certainly weren't.

He turned away from her and ignoring Beau went to the broom shed. Brandon had never bothered to buy his own broom, never really seeing the need to last year as it was just their first year learning and this year he decided he would consider it, perhaps get his parents to buy him one for Christmas.
"You not flying any more then? Oh that's right you don't fly yet".
Beau sneered as Brandon watched Andy walking away, he knew even though he had only known her for a few hours, that she would never even consider Brandon and thats what made the whole thing amusing.
He laughed at the boys pitiful attempt to wind him up, "You know you really do need to learn better ways of getting a reaction out of people. Your techniques are almost pitiful," he said patronizingly, tutting. He stayed standing glancing around the pitch, he knew he would never fly on this pitch but even he had to admit that the sight of it was amazing, the three hops standing triumphantly at each end of the caught reflecting the sun, he could imagine a competitve game going on right here.
Andromeda continued to walk off the pitch, stunned more with her own lack of being able to fly or even to build up the old passion she had once had for it. She kept her head held high as she finally left her old haunting ground, though all she really wanted to do was run and hide it in the ground like an ostrich. Her hand went instinctively to her left leg and anger ripped through her. Perhaps she'd get up earlier another day and get herself down to the pitch before anyone else was awake. She needed to know, really needed to know if she had lost it entirely. Without giving the taller boy a second thought, Andromeda hoped that Beau would get the courage and nerve up to keep practising. She sensed he had potential but feared that his dislike for flying would put him off it before he even really got a taste for it.

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