Harley Smith

Harley Smith

OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Harley Smith. Harley doesn't know much about why she's named the way she is. Her and her parents never really have conversations like that. She assumes she doesn't have a middle name because her parents couldn't be bothered to think of one.

Date of Birth:
- 21st September 2021

Current Age:
- Eleven

Basic Appearance:
- Harley is around 4'11, which is slightly taller than the average for her age (almost twelve). She is slight with it, with no female body definition as of yet, and quite bony really; she is naturally like that. She's quite pale but her face goes blotchy red when she's angry. She's not very self conscious about her appearance, though she does make an effort all of the time. She has long dark hair that falls half way down her chest and is usually well groomed. She has eyes that are a murky brown-green colour. She does not spend huge amounts of time on her beauty but keeps herself in good hygeine and well groomed ie clean nails, hair etc at all times. She's only 11 so she doesn't really wear makeup yet. She has a widow's peak and a fairly angular jaw.

- Due to her past, one thing that can be said about Harley is that she is always cautious and fronting a mask. Her father's abuse and her parents ignorance first made her deeply sad to the core, which she now still is, though not many people see it. Over time though it made her develop a kind of protective shell, a strong, never nervous persona which she projects effortlessly to most people. She only lets her mask drop to people she loves dearly and who affect her.

That is not to say that she is always a stony, cold, implacable girl. She is funny once you get talking to her, enthusiastic about learning, intelligent and charismatic. She is very loyal to the people she cares most for, but everyone else she has a tendency to use and manipulate for her own function. She has a temper which while is not obvious, can shock people when she's deeply upset. She is sad, angry and displays potential for violence when she gets older if her feelings are not sorted out.

- Her mother, Pauline Smith, works in a call centre. She is a Muggle who married her father thinking that since he was a wizard, he was bound to be rich. Her father however, Francis (Frank) Smith, never worked hard and slipped into alcoholism. He is now abusive towards his daughter, physically and verbally, especially when he's drunk. Pauline does nothing because of her own fear. Harley obviously loathes both of her parents for these reasons, and sees Hogwarts as an escape.

- Harley recently bought a New Zealand Falcon named Peregrin, after one of her favourite fictional characters.

Area of Residence:
- Northland, a poor area of Wellington, is where she grew up. She grew up in a council flat in a box room, but she made the best of what she got, though her parents filled the rest of the place with an atmosphere of fear and hatred for her. She was never able to sit comfortable in that place.

Blood Status:
- Half blood. Her mother is a Muggle, and her father is a half blood.

- Born and raised in New Zealand, though her mother is British, explaining the pale skin unable to tan and the dark hair.

Special Abilities:
- She has more magical ability than her father and a higher intellect.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Playing the guitar comforts her. It's a memory of when she visited her cousin's manor, whose parents now sponsor her to attend Hogwarts due to her intellect. She also enjoys playing a variety of sports and is very excited to try flying.

Additional Skills:
- Harley is pretty sure she could get you into any Muggle car in her old estate if you gave her a bit of wire and a screwdriver, but she supposes the less said about things like that, the better. Sometimes her past called for it, when her dad wasted all the food money on beer.

- Highly intelligent, witty, cunning, can withheld some emotion, strongly cares for her loved ones, charismatic

Cannot contain her strongest emotions, anger problems, doesn't care about anyone she doesn't love at all and manipulates these people causing her to alienate them.

Describe your character in three words:
- Smart, social-player, angry.

Favourite place to be:
- Anywhere where there's long grass and a field, where she can venture in the calm emptiness and relax. She likes it best when it's night and there are stars in the sky.

- She has her older cousin, but otherwise, Harley doesn't feel she has any true friends. At her old school she was too angry and alienated everyone, so they all hated her and talked about her derisively. She plans to change this as she has practiced wearing a mask and making people like her.

Hogwarts House:
- Slytherin. Harley was surprised as she predicted Ravenclaw. However she supposes her extreme ambition and ability to play people pushed her towards Slytherin.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Harley dreams of being Prefect and then Head Girl. She loves the idea of having responsibility and an influence and being somebody of importance, as she never was in childhood. She also wants O's across the board so she can have the life she wants when she leaves school.

Best school subjects:
- N/A as hasn't started class

Worst school subjects:
- N/A as hasn't started classes

Extracurricular Activities:
- None yet.

- N/A

Current Job:
- N/A

Plans for your future:
- She wants to change her life completely. She wants to get away from her parents, become someone of importance and be able to set herself up for life, money wise. She wants to be a success and be someone people are impressed by. her privacy.

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