Harder Better Faster Stronger

Kylie Ortiz

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Bi-ro & Heterosexual
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pear Wand with Mermaid Scale Core.
Kylie wasn't particularly fond of Quidditch as she preferred other sports or activities but she did watch the world cup when it was on. Otherwise she mostly flew for utility rather than enjoyment so it was an oddity to see her by the Pitch for anyone that knew her particularly well. The sixteen year old was here to exercise so she left Ravenclaw tower with her hair in two tight braids and dressed for it, with a colourful top and monochromatic bottoms. She had left early enough in the morning so that she would not be gawked at by the teenage boys or stared at by the girls who might have done so and when she was finally at the pitch she put down her muggle brand bag and began to jog. She wished that tech worked around magic because she did prefer to run with music but it wasn't log before the girl was running at a faster pace and not paying attention to the lack of music. After enough time of cardio to warm herself up she quickly but carefully stretched her muscles out. If she had to walk all the way up to the tower day in and day out she was not going to have a pulled muscle. That much Kylie was certain of.

The girl reached into her charmed bag and took out two kettle bells she had placed inside before leaving her room and held them tightly in her hands, prepping herself to do squats with them. She chewed down on her bottom lip firmly before beginning her reps. Kylie was relieved that no one would see her feeling sweaty and was surely red-faced while doing this, even if she had the proper form. The girl thought that it might be embarrassing anyway to be found like this when only people on the Quidditch team seemed to do any sort of exercise at Hogwarts. While Castelobruxo wasn't the most fit of places, she had a few friends who were happy to work out with her and that was enough to make the girl feel comfortable. Now, as her mind was let to wander, Kylie wondered what her friends were up to and thought of how much she missed them while here even if she was glad to not be completely alone.
The idea of actually playing Quidditch had never occured to Matthew which was surprising because he was a big fan of the game. Deep down he knew that he just wasn't cut out to play the game, he much preferred muggle sports to play such as rugby amd surfing. The Ravenclaw did however enjoy flying and did so on a regular basis when he was at school. Matthew took his broom and made his way down to the Quidditch pitch, it was a warm spring afternoon and his tshirt clung to him which made him a little uncomfortable but he knew he feel cooler once hevwas in the air.

Matthew entered the changing rooms and changed into more comfortable clothes before picking up his broom and heading out onto the pitch. He wasn't alone however as someone else had a similar idea to come and get a work out in though her workout didn't appear to involve a broom. "Oh hey, didn't expect to see anyone else here,"
Kylie could've jumped out of her skin or thrown one of her kettle bells at the person who approached her as her mind and gaze hadn't been in his direction when he approached her and she raised the bell to do so, clearly looking as if she was going to throw it when she noticed that he was probably some harmless dope trying to get in an early morning workout just as she was. Only he had a broom. The Latina exclaimed, clearly agitated with him for distracting her, "A$s-face, don't scare me like that!" She looked back ahead and continued on with her work out, trying to steady her breathing as she got back into place. She couldn't care less if he joined her, only if he starred at her would she hex him harder than he could ever have felt. While Kylie was a very nice person there were certain things that were known to push her over the limit back at Castelobruxo and with the reputation she had there, no one ever dared but here there was no way for her to know what she could expect from the boys. Until she knew she looked down at her upper thigh where her wand was holstered then back ahead to keep her form.
Matthew clearly hadn't thought his approach through very well because when the girl heard his voice she seemed to jump and almost threw one of her kettle bells at her. That would have been painful if she had. "Err, sorry didn't mean to scare you, I just came to do some flying, you mind?" He wasn't sure why he was asking her permission, but given her reaction to him suddenly showing up behind her he felt that it was the safest option. The girl had some fire in her and he liked that, she wasn't a face he had seen a lot, maybe she was a transfer, or in a lower year, or maybe she was both who knew. "I haven't seen you around before, I'm Matthew," He smiled at her reaching out his hand, he hoped that by introducing himself he would ease the tension that had arisen between them.
Kylie was surprised that the boy had understood her. So many people here didn't speak a word of Spanish so it had been mostly just her and Pia, speaking amongst themselves in the language which came with most ease to them. A few people had told them to speak English despite it being a private conversation and it had agitated Kylie to no end. It made her feel like she was back in America, with her mother's side of the family who seemed to have denied their heritage. "You speak Spanish?" she asked for clarity. He spoke in English but seemed to understand her earlier words too. As he mentioned not seeing her before the girl shrugged her thin yet muscular shoulders. "I transferred this year," the Ravenclaw explained, her accent not as heavy as one might assume it would be. As he offered a hand to shake, Kylie brushed off the sweat from hers and held her kettle bell in one hand. "Kylie." Remembering now his earlier question the sixteen year old answered, "Feel free to fly." She shrugged again, clearly non-pulsed by the idea of someone flying. She could hardly control the sky.
The girl seemed surprised that he had understood her little outburst as she had been speaking Spanish. Matthew shrugged his shoulders at the girl, "A little," He explained in Spanish, he wasn't what you would call fluent but he could hold a conversation, his mother had taught him bits and pieces as he was growing up though he hadn't had much opportunity to use it at Hogwarts, he hadn't met anyone else who could speak the language. "Nice to meet you Kylie, how are you finding our fair school?" He asked as they both returned to speaking in English. The girl seemed to give him permission to fly but at the moment he was more interested in keeping her talking. "I could fly, but I think I'd rather join you in your workout, that is as long as you promise not to hit me with that kettle ball," He grinned at her.
Kylie eyed the boy suspiciously as he said he spoke a little Spanish. Not because it was a suspicious thing to understand her language but because she and Pia had routinely loud conversations throughout the castle in Spanish. Rarely Portuguese because neither were native to it but it had happened a few short times. Now Kylie was wondering if they had to be a little more covert about their discussions of topic. While neither had ill-intent they were private conversations and she revelled in speaking her language with another - even if they spoke with different accents. "I see," she answered. As he continued to pester her throughout her workout by making her breathing more erratic and distracting her off of her form, Kylie wondered more what the purpose of this friendly back and forth. While people were friendlier here than in Castelobruxo she hardly could see how another person might be so talkative so early or would rather talk than exercise. Clearly their priorities were different. "It's fine. A means to an end." It wasn't the school she cared about. Just like she had no pride for Castelobruxo. Simply put she wanted to learn all she could then begin her life. Kylie had no time for inter house drama or something equally as foolish. Instead she met the people she liked, kept them as friends while she worked hard on becoming a proper witch. The talkative student continued on to say he would join her so she nodded her head and said, "I don't have any weights for you." She assumed that he would have to cast a spell on some nearby boulder or something but Kylie was too busy to do so herself.
Matthew was finding the whole interaction with the girl to be quite strange. She didn't seem interested in talking to him at all but she seemed reluctant to come and say so. Kylie also didn't seem particularly impressed by her new school, he could at least understand that, it must be strange to come to a new school at such a late stage of in her academic career. "If you don't mind me asking, what made you transfer for fifth year? It seems quite late to change schools no?" He asked wondering how she would take the question, she would be well within her rights to turn around and tell him to mind his own business, which he might do if their positions were reversed but for someone who clearly wasn't enthused to be here, why was he? The conversation came back to her workout and she seemed fine for him to work out with her but she didn't have any extra weights for him. "No problem I can just fly," He said switching his broom between his two hands.

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