Hard truth and the shock that follows...

Kasey Blake

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Kasey walked through one of the French malls getting some baby supplies and admiring all the cute little things that were being displayed in the baby section of the mall. She was behaving like a total expectant mother and all she thought about these days was her baby. It was the last week of her eighth month and she was excited and nervous. All the morning sickness, kicking in the stomach, clinic visits were at the highest point tiring her very much and although she was resting at home for the past month she was hardly able to do her duties as her wife. She used magic in all cooking, cleaning and she didn't like it that way but she had no choice. Her stomach had grown and her fashionable clothes were getting dust on them lying in the closet as she roamed in loose gowns.

She got some toys and some baby clothes and thanked the person who had been helping her. Now she had to make her way down the escalator and that she felt was the hard part always. Carrying the two plastic shopping bags in her two hands she slowly made her way towards the escalator trying to keep her mind calm and watching her steps.
Riley found himself in a mall somewhere in France. He ad never really been to France before but his quest to find the guy who split him and Adele up had brought him here. He had be told by his friend that the guys wife worked as an Auror in the French ministry. He had come here to see if he could spot her, he didn't think it too hard he had been told she was heavily pregnant and not to mention his source had given him a basic description. Riley was keeping his eye open and walking around a mall. He didn't really want to go shopping, since he was living with Cyndi again he didn't want his room full of clothes, he dint know how temporary living with her again would be so he didn't want too much stuff there.

With a sigh Riley walked to a set of escalators. He may just go and sit down somewhere with a drink, his legs were getting swore after walking around all day. As he stood on the escalator he lent his elbow on the side he looked at the person behind him. He didn't look long as that would make him look odd but he was sure that it was the girl he was looking for. He turned back to her and smiled kindly. "Hey you look like you may need a hand with those bags." He said to her.
Kasey put her right leg forward carefully and slowly lifting her second leg as well she made it on to the escalator. She breathed a sigh of relief knowing that all that was left was the landing after about 30seconds. She heard someone talk to her in English. She turned and smiled at the man that looked about her age. "Um...yeah actually, I am glad" she said as she handed him one of her bags. Due to him speaking in English she knew he was not from around here because all the Frenchmen spoke French and although it had been just a year Kasey had done her best and was fluent in the language.

"Thanks. I am Kasey Blake and you are?"she asked him with a smile. "You don't look from around here?"she asked the man a bit curious about him. The escalator brought them down two stories and she took her steps carefully and her feet touched the ground once again.
Riley was pleased to hear that she spoke English, it would make this meeting so much easier seeing as his French was very very basic. To speak it would only cause embarrassment to him. Reaching forward the young teenage Professor took hold of the bag which she handed to him. He didn't find it at all heavy but he was well built and lifted heavy things everyday. "Im glad to help you then. My ex wife had been pregnant so I know what your going through, well as much as guy can I guess." He said returning her smile. Riley had been very good to Adele when she had been carrying Lowan.
"Nice to Meet you Kasey Blake. Im Riley Smith." He said as h listened t her next comment.He chuckled slightly. He wondered if it was actually that he didn't look like he was from around here or if he didn't sound like he was from around here. "Nah im not from around here. Im only actually here for one reason really." He said with a shrug as he took a step forward when the escalator reached the bottom story.
"So do you work in one of these shops or are you just shopping?" He asked her trying to make conversation and pretend that he knew nothing about her. Technically he didn't know her, only the basics but as she had never met him it would seem a little strange to her that he would know what she worked as.
Kasey was glad that she had found someone to help her. When Riley Smith said that his ex wife had been pregnant and he knew what she went through she felt sadness in her. She couldn’t imagine divorcing Hadan or anything close to that. She swallowed hard removing that thought from her head as she reminded herself that not all couples were like them. They had never had a fight since they were married and for her it was perfect. "If I could help you in anyway over here, please do tell me" she told Riley. After all it was a foreign place and if he needed a map or other help she would willingly help him.

“No I don’t work here. I work in the Ministry of Ma…. I mean of Defence you know for France” she said remembering about being secretive about Magic. Muggles would not know about Ministry of Magic. “I am what they call an Auror, it’s a term for like those who protect the country from terrorism or something like that” she tried to explain not wanting to be a liar. "I'm just getting some home supplies and toys for the baby, he's due next week" she said with a wide smile. The muggle science had told them it was a baby boy and she had even started thinking of names.
Riley smiled as Kasey said that she would help him in any way when he was over here. He knew that probably wouldn't be necessary as he wasn't planning on staying here any longer than he had too, he wasnt a big fan of France, he had had a bad time here when he was younger. Thanks, il keep that in mind nut i dont think il be here much longer." "He said with a slight sigh. He was starting to get second thoughts about this, this could ruin her life. She was pregnant and this could be all too much for her to handle. Riley shook his head to get rid of that train of thoughts,he had to go through with this it was only fair.

Listening to her talk he noticed how she cut off and changed what she was originally was going to say. It was easy to know why though Kasey didnt know that he was a wizard she would probably think he was a muggle just being friendly for no proper reason. "Dont worry having to sensor what you say im kind of like you. Im a Professor at Hogwarts NZ" He said trying not to go into detail as there were people around them and he couldnt be sure if they would over hear them talking so he was being careful. "I have a friend who is an Auror, but in New Zealand." he said with a smile. "Terrorism." He said with a chuckle. He wouldnt have called the death eaters terrorist's. As she began to talk about her baby Riley smiled again. "Wow thats pretty cool, i bet your nervous. I was nervous when it was nearly time for my son to be born." He said remembering his feeling at the time
Kasey was glad that this man had helped her. She was a bit curious about what work he had in France, the idea of him being sent as an angel to help her through this shopping trip made her smile. She raised an eyebrow and then laughed as she came to know that Riley was a wizard himself. "I used to study in Hogwarts NewZealand myself, till my sixth year" she said with a smile. It was always a warm feeling to meet someone from her home country. "Well I didn't have another word to explain in muggle point of view" she told Riley with a grin.

Now that she knew he was a wizard she was more curious about his being here. "I'm nervous but my husband is helping me with it. He works in Ministry in NewZealand, Hadan Blake" she told Riley wondering if he might now him somehow. As they approached the exist of the mall she asked curiously "If you don't mind me asking,how come you came to France?" She was a curious person and the curiosity of why one would come to France when school was in session in New Zealand made her more curious.
Riley grinned as Kasey mentioned that she used to go to HNZ. He thought that was a scary coincidence but it was a nice one as well. They kind of had something in common with each other but that wouldn't change how things were probably going to turn out. "Yeah i know your husband all too well thanks." He said swallowing. He only knew the name from Adele and the rest he knew from Ryan, Ryan had ways to find out anything about anyone and he was a useful person to have around at times. He chuckled at her comment but didn't say anything about it. He didn't really know what to say right now.

Riley nodded as he listened to er explain that he husband was helping her trough it. He was glad she had someone here for her, he knew it could be scary on your own. He bit his lip as she asked him what business he had here. He sighed slightly. "Well actually Kasey im here to talk to you about something." He said looking down at the floor then back up at her. Best to tell the truth then lie, then it would just hurt more and he wasn't here to hurt her. Only the punk Haden who had ruined is marriage.
Kasey was surprised to know that Riley Smith actually knew Hadan. Things were a bit suspicious and although she was a clever Ravenclaw she didn't know the answer to this mystery. She could just hope that Hadan hadn't applied for a Professor because that work freak husband of hers was already working for the Ministry and a Qudditch team. She chuckled at her own thought. The smile disappeared when Riley said he had come to France to talk to her. To me, it means he knew me from before our..introduction she thought feeling scared now. She hoped Hadan was okay and so was her family back in New Zealand. "Yeah...do tell me please" she said trying to be polite in this situation where fear and suspense had gripped her.
Riley it his bottom lip and ran his hand through his hair he thought of the bet way to tell her. Maybe soften the blow or just be out with it. He wasn't used to having this conversation with people, after al he was supposed to be the person that cheats. Now it was the opposite way around and he was the one left who had to do the dirty work. "Well..." He started before he mouth snapped shut again. "You may want to sit down." He said first thinking of he heavily pregnant woman's health before he continued. "Im here to tell you that your husband is the reason why my marriage failed. Your husband slept with my wife." He said clenching his teeth strait after. This was hard for Riley to say, knowing the impact it was going to have on the girl, having experienced it for himself not so long ago. "You must know that I am s so sorry to have to tell you this. I just thought you had a right to know. If there is anything I can do to help you them just tell me. He said trying to offer his help to her. He didn't want to cause any unnecessary stress and he would do anything in his power to help her
Kasey raised her eyebrow as she heard him tell her to sit down. She was very nervous because she didn't know where all this was going. She could just hope that everything was alright but something told her that it wasn't. On hearing Riley's next words she swallowed hard because she couldn't believe it. No, it couldn't be , she thought. Hadan could never cheat on her, not when she was pregnant. "No ...you're lying. Hadan would never ...never do something like this" she told him refusing to believe what he had just told her. Although her heart wouldn't believe it, her mind had started putting the pieces together. How come he had known Hadan and her? It must be true. She had been betrayed. "Do..do you..have any proof?"she asked him as she wiped away the tears that were pouring down her eyes. It was as if her whole world had been turned upside down in just a minute. She had loved Hadan so much, how could he do this to her?
Riley shook his head slowly and sighed. "I wish I was lying. That would mean I would still have a wife but unfortunately for us both what im telling you is the truth." He really did wish he was lying. Things had gotten so complicated for this young Professor in such a short time. He was just lucky that he had his friends to help him through it, he didn't know where he would be with out them.
Linking his hands together involuntarily as she asked for proof. How could he have proof? Did sh expect a video tape on hand or something. "No I do but im sure if you asked my ex wife Adele Mathews she would confirm it. Or even mention the name to your husband im sure he would react to it. Even if it is very small." He said looking down at his feet.
The way Riley said his stuff really made her realize that he was not lying. The blow that hit her was so hard that no measurement of force could be stated to its comparison. If she hadn’t been sitting down as Riley had instructed her to do she would have fallen but at this moment she felt like sinking deeper into her seat. She was very sad and the feeling of being betrayed by the person she loved the most was very painful. As Riley Smith suggested talking to his wife Adele Mathews, Kasey shook her head. She couldn’t face the woman who had slept with her husband. “No..no, I trust you” she managed to say in a whisper.

Although she had accepted the truth, saying out loud that she believed him was like putting a dagger into her heart. She sat there for a minute, a thousand thoughts running through her head. All she wanted to do right now was burry her head in a pillow and cry her heart out in a dark room and not talk to anyone but she reminded herself of the baby whom she loved very much, now she loved the baby more than her husband. “When you knew…what did you do?” she asked Riley wiping away her tears only to allow more to flow. “What happened to your child?” she asked him. The horror of knowing that Hadan had been upset with the baby and didn’t want anything to do with her child and her, now that she was fat almost gave her a heart attack.
Riley sat down on a chair next to Kasey. He guessed that she may have needed someone close to her, even if she didn't really know him much or even if he was one of the last people she wanted to be around, he knew that he wanted to help her out. He didn't answer her when she said that she trusted him. That meant that she trusted him that her husband had cheated, that had to hurt. He sighed and put his hand on her shoulder, hoping he want over stepping any lines. "I am really sorry about this. Is there anything I can do?" He asked hoping that he could at least help her through this.
Choosing his words carefully as she asked him what he had done when Adele had told him about her and Haden Riley began. "Well of course I didn't believe her, I thought that she was messing with me. That was the type of girl she was you see, always liked to tease. But once I believed her we argued and I left her. I mean I couldn't trust her after she had betrayed me like that. Although I must admit when we first stated seeing each other I wasn't loyal, she knew this and was fine about it so I would have been fine with her doing the same but after my son was born I decided enough was enough and became loyal. but she threw it in my face." He said swallowing had as a lump formed in his throat. This was a sensitive topic for him to talk about but he knew sh was going through the same. "Well he is looking after him mainly because i have thee jobs I dont have much time off but when I am of work il be looking after him. I just want to b able to spend time with my son with out having to ask permission first so we cam to that agreement." He said as he linked his hands together again. He still felt a little awkward right now but that was only right, after all this was an awkward situation he as in and a wrong word could make a huge difference.
Kasey shook her head when Riley asked if there was anything he could do to help. There was nothing anyone could do thanks to all that Hadan had done. “Umm..no” she said her voice heavy and croaky. She heard as he spoke of how he had come to know about his wife betraying him and how they had dealt with it. They had separated and the baby had stayed with the mother. Was that what Kasey and Hadan were destined for? A sudden head ache had started and she was feeling dizzy now. She couldn’t imagine her life without Hadan or divorcing him, she loved him too much. “Can you forgive her? She only betrayed you once” she asked him. Right now she couldn’t face seeing Hadan in the eye because she knew she would only see the man who betrayed her. She didn’t know if heart was strong enough to forgive.
Riley sighed quietly and crossed his legs. It feel silent for a few moments but to Riley it felt like a lot longer. He started to get a stomach ache form where he was so nervous. Shaking his head he answer. "Its not that I can forgive her after this, but if she has done it once she can do it again and I don't want to be in a relationship where im always worried about my wife cheating on me. It wouldn't be healthy." He said speaking what was running through his mind at that time.That was the main problem with why he wasn't about to get back together with her. She may have regretted doing it and she may have burst out crying over it but that didn't mean that she could jut as easily go out and do it again. He didn't want to be hurt like that again although he had a feeling that Adele had broken his last strand that had allowed his to be loyal. He had worked so hard to be loyal for her and he had found it so hard. He didn't know if he could do it any more now.[
Kasey waited for his answer. She listened to his words. He was right, Hadan had cheated her once he could do it again. Maybe right now he is cheating me, seeing someone else. She realized how much they had drifted apart since their wedding. He was always busy at the New Zealand Ministry or playing Qudditch in her brother's team and she was busy with the baby and her Auror job. "You're right. It's not healthy" she said referring to her own problem. She sighed because she was feeling to sick to talk. Nausea was taking over and so was dizziness she thought it was best that she went home. "Thanks Riley" she told him as she took her bags in her hand. "for telling me the truth" she added thinking about how Hadan hadn't been able to tell her this and if he had, would she have forgiven him?

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