Happy Valentines Day!

Flora Ayley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Flora was in an exceptionally good mood that day. Flora was always happiest around holidays, she just loved them so much. Flora had already covered her parents shop from head to toe in pink and red paper chains and handed out her cards to all her friends in England and there was just her brother Joshie and Dante in New Zealand left. Flora had only ever talked to Dante once in person but they had also sent each other a few letters and couldn't bare to just send his card through owl. Thats not how Valentines worked! So here Flora was walking up and down Obsidian smiling at everyone she passed by and waiting for Dante to show up. Flora had her card for Dante clutched in her hands for fear that she would drop it in the street.

Flora's feet were starting to hurt so she went to go sit down on a bench by the docks and rest for a bit. Her shoes were from a year ago so they were a bit tight on her now. Flora hoped Dante showed up soon, the only reason Joshie had agreed to take her here was because he had to buy a last minute present for the woman. As soon as he was done shopping she would have to go back to the Hogs Head and floo home to mummy and daddy. Flora noted that allot of men seemed to be last minute shopping. Silly people, don't they know that the best gift you can give on Valentines day is love Flora thought dreamily.
Dante walked through the streets of Obsidian, searching for Flora. He had taken a liking to her when he had met her last, and he had wondered why she had wanted him to come and see her today. Sure, he didn't mind coming out to see his friends, but he usually liked to know why. Dante knew it was Valentine's Day, but since he didn't have a Valentine, and probably wouldn't for a while now, it didn't matter to him if he spent the day with Flora today. He didn't expect her to be his Valentine, but it was better then spending the day on his own, and he really hated to be on his own. He liked being able to spend the days with people he knew, or even his family. He just liked to have something to do other then sit at home, and watch his cat wander around his house. The cat he had only gotten recently.

Dante walked through the streets, heading towards the one place where he knew she would be, since he knew her so well. Or, he liked to think he did. He chuckled to himself, and walked over to her when he saw her. Smiling, he stopped infront of her, pulling her into a small hug, and stepping back before it could get awkward. He chuckled. "Hey there, Flora. It's good to see you, today." He hoped she hadn't expected him to get her anything, because he really had forgotten, and he couldn't go and get one now. Dante smiled at her, and wondered if she had gotten him anything. Dante really wasn't one for Valentines Day, because he had never had anyone to spend it with before, and this was the first time he had even spent it with a friend of his. He rolled his eyes, and just smiled at her.
Flora jumped up from her bench when she saw Dante coming towards her. She had missed Dante for a the few months they hadn't seen each other. Flora hugged Dante tightly for the few seconds he did hug her. "Its good to see you too Dante! Here this id for you!" Flora said excitedly as she handed him his card. Flora hoped he liked it, she would be devastated if he didn't. Maybe I should have made his blue, what was I thinking? Boys don't like pink lacy things! Flora thought nervously. Flora still didn't understand what Dante was thinking when he rolled his eyes at her. What was she doing wrong?

Flora decided to push that from her mind and grabbed Dante's arm dragging him down the streets, "So how have you been Dante?" Flora asked absentmindedly. As they walked down Obsidian Harbor Flora smiled when ever she was a happy couple, "I hope I find someone to feel like that about one day" Flora said with a dreamy sigh. Her dreams didn't revolve around finding love, but they were a big part of it. Flora saw how happy her parents and brother were and wanted to feel like that someday. For now though she was just happy being friends with people. Ten years old was to young to be thinking of love.
Dante smiled at her when she hugged him back, and slowly followed her when she began to tug on his sleeve and drag him over. He didn't mind if she wanted him to go with her and see things. He liked spending time with her, and he could quite easily stay here with her for the rest of the day. He wondered whether or not they would ever be more than friends, and really couldn't be bothered to contemplate the idea right now. It didn't worry to him what happened to him in the future at this point in time, as long as he could spend time with Flora right now. She was one of his best friends, and that was all that mattered to him right now. Dante would worry about his future when it came to him, and not before that time. He didn't like to think that he was worrying about his life before it even happened, and he would hate for that to happen, because then he wouldn't be able to enjoy his life. Dante still couldn't believe she was dragging him halfway across the harbour. He chuckled as she did so, though. He thought it was funny, and it was better then him leading her around. He wouldn't know where to take her, regardless, and he would probably get lost. He was horrible with directions, and that was a fact he had been reminded of his whole life.

Dante smiled as he looked down at her card, and smiled when he saw that it was pink. He didn't really like the colour, but at least she hadn't given him some colour like blue. He preferred purple, though. Maybe he was weird because of that, but he didn't really care what anybody said about that. "Thanks for the card! It's perfect! I love it." He said, smiling. He felt a little bit sad now because he knew that he hadn't gotten her anything, and she might have expected him to. Well, she wasn't his valentine, so maybe he didn't have to get him anything. Though, she was as good as his best friend, so maybe he had been supposed to. He sighed, and reented to just admitting to her that he hadn't gotten her anything. "I'm sorry, Flora, but I didn't get you anything. I would have normally, but I well, didn't know what to get you." Dante said, hoping she wouldn't care, though, he had a good feeling she would, he really hoped that she wouldn't turn around and walk away, though. He liked being able to spend time with her, and if she got up and left now, he would have to return home, and read or something. Not that he didn't like reading or anything. But when there were other things he could be doing it was kind of pointless.

Dante stopped when she did, and saw her looking at all the couples, and couldn't help but sigh. He didn't see the point in all of this, most of the time. All of the couples being overly-romantic. He really couldn't see himself being like that in the future. But really, he couldn't see himself being anything other then brutally honest with himself. He sighed, and he couldn't tell if Flora was having fun, or what she even wanted to do for the day. He smiled at her, and walked over to her. "They all go to far too much trouble. You can have a far better time here just by spending time with your wife or husband. Is there really a need to buy them things, or take them out to places?" He asked, sighing to himself. Dante wasn't one for romance, and he didn't think that would change any time in the future. He wanted to get away from these people as quick as we could. He didn't like the look of them, and Flora might get some ideas if they hung out here for too long. "What do you want to do for the rest of the day, because I don't think I could stand to be around here for much longer." Dante said, sighing. Dante just wanted to spend the day with Flora, so it didn't bother him what they did. He wouldn't complain, just as long as they were away from these lovey-dovey couples.
Flora's gentle smile turned into a happy grin when Dante said he loved her card. Flora was so happy he liked it. She didn't mind much that he hadn't gotten her anything, its not like she was his valentine. "I didn't give you that card hoping to get something in return, I gave it to you because you're my friend" Flora replied. Besides, Flora had gotten flower and a teddy bear from her father earlier that day. It was something he had done for her and her mother every valentines day for as long and Flora could remember. Not to mention since she attended a muggle school everyone had to give a card to everyone in the class.

Flora was happy to be spending a few hours with Dante. He was her best friend from New Zealand, well her only friend from New Zealand really. That still meant allot though! Flora nodded in agreement with what Dante said as they moved away from the sickening cute couples. Flora was looking at all the shops to try and decide where she and Dante should go first. Flora was very tempted to stop at the clothing store that had a beautiful floral dress on display but decided against it. She wanted to do something she knew both her and Dante would enjoy. Flora realized she really didn't know what Dante would like to do. This made Flora sad, if she was going to be a good friend then they needed to get to know each other more. Flora stopped when she saw the beach though. The ocean was beautiful that day, all blue and sparkly in the sunlight. "Lets play here!" Flora said excitedly tugging on Dante's arm harder. Flora loved the beach, but the combined factors of living in England and her parents busy work schedule made it almost impossible to go.
Dante smiled at her, as she said she hadn't expected anything in return, but he still felt bad about not having got her something in return, but she didn't seem to care, so he wouldn't worry too much about it. He winked at her, and together they walked through the somewhat busy streets of Obsidian Harbour. He didn't have much to worry about today, it was just a day where he could be with his friends, and hang out with them randomly for the rest of the day. Dante knew he would be able to stay with Flora for the rest of the day, because she was practically his best friend.

Dante chuckled, and wanted to stay here with her all day, away from the sickening couples who looked ready to stick their tongues down each others throats at any second, and he really didn't want to have to watch that happen, he would probably quite easily puke and then run away with Flora in queue. He didn't like that kind of atmosphere, and he stopped when she stopped him, and wanted to play at the beach. He nearly jumped for joy, but didn't. He loved the beach, and being able to spend the time with Flora at the beach would make both their days. "Yes, let's!" He said, taking her by the hand and pulling her over onto the beach. He would love this oppurtunity, and it had been ages since he had been to a beach.

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