Closed Happy to Help

Marnie Frogg

Scrivenshaft's Asst 🐸Chatterbox 🐸 Froggtastic
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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8/2045 (17)
Between spending time with Penny after Quidditch injuries and her own occassional stints to the Hospital Wing (usually for colour changing charm related mishaps), Marnie felt fairly at home already on the third floor. In fact getting to so regularly watch the nurses at work after Quidditch games had been half of what inspired her to pursue healing in the first place. Who wouldn't want to be able to look after their friends and help them feel better?

This year however, Marnie actually wanted to try, not just pass, but try when it came to her schooling. Planning ahead and setting goals wasn't really her forte, but with Pen's help she'd realized if she really wanted a chance of doing this after school, she needed all the help she could get. And besides, asking to help out at the Hospital Wing would make reading all the healer books she'd picked up in the holidays so much more interesting, especially after Milo had outright refused to let her practice any healing charms or potions on him.

"Hey, Ms Josephine, hi I was wondering if I could ask you a big favour only I notice especially during Quidditch and dragon pox seasons you guys could probably use a hand and I'm really interested in being a healer now partially because of you guys which isn't to say you couldn't handle Quidditch and dragonpox season on your owns or anything but I just figured I can be pretty handy sometimes and I'm really great at talking to people so maybe you could let me grind up potion ingredients or clean stuff or whatever and I could shadow you sometimes while you're working? I even bought a bunch of books about magical ailments and stuff I promise I'm super serious about it," Marnie said, spotting Nurse Arora, making sure that her prefect badge was visible just in case it helped her case.
The year usually started pretty quietly, which Josephine liked. She hummed to herself quietly as she arranged the potion bottles on the shelves, enjoying this quiet time after spending most of her break with he two young daughters. It was startling how soon the oldest would be starting Hogwarts, only a few years from now. The peaceful moment didn't last very long. Josephine looked up as a girl entered the hospital wing. Before she could ask her what was wrong, the girl opened her mouth and talked. She kept on talking, and Josephine just blinked at her in surprise. When she was done, Josephine just stared at her for a moment. "So you want... to shadow me? Assist here?" Josephine asked, genuinely unertain if she had understood it all right.
Marnie waited for the nurse's response, fairly used to having to give some folks appropriate buffering time to respond to her and doing her best to hold her tongue while she waited. "Yes, exactly I spent a lot of time here since my friend Penny, you know Penny, she's the seeker for Hufflepuff now, but yeah since she joined the Quidditch team I like to come by and check on her and it seemed really cool how you guys are able to help people feel better and I thought wow I wanna do that too so I've been reading a lot and taking my OWLs and stuff and I thought I always do way better at things if I'm like actually doing them instead of just reading them so i thought maybe I could come by a few times a week and help out and watch and ask questions and stuff, wouldn't that be cool?" She said hopefully. "I know it doesn't seem like it but I promise I can be quiet when you need to focus and I don't mind doing gross stuff well I mean I don't love it but I can totally do I paint a lot and I forget to clean out my paint water and brushes all the time and they are D i s g u s ting to clean up but I'll do it so I can handle some grosser stuff plus I've done herbology and potions so I know sometimes that's pretty gross too but I can handle it and help so really it's a win/win for us both, right?" She added, unable to try and plead her case more before Josephine could speak again.

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