Happy Birthday to Me

Scorpius Knight

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
After Scorpius had gotten in that horrible incident with the centaurs in the Forbidden Forest with Thomas, he had spent more than enough time in the Hospital Wing, which he had said he was going to try to keep out of this year. On that night he had cut his lip up pretty severely that the cut going diagonally all across his lips required many stitches for a long while. Today it was his thirteenth birthday, finally feeling older for being a 'teenager', however he was upset that he had to spend the day at the Hospital Wing yet again finally getting his stitches removed. Nurse Kanti had also told him that he'd have to stay there for a while just to see that he was well all afterward he just hoped it wasn't all day.

Scorpius had slept in as long as he could, in order to waste time and not have to go to the Hospital Wing, and after eating lunch, rather slow and carefully due to his stitches, he finally, reluctantly made his way down to the familiar place. He threw himself onto his usual bed and announced his arrival to Nurse Kanti who had to be around somewhere and drummed his fingers impatiently, wondering what his friends were doing right now. He had told them about getting his stitches removed but he didn't know if they'd remember that today also happened to be his birthday.
Taylor made her way up to the Hospital Wing, wearing a red shirt and skinny leg jeans. She had wanted to get a little more dressed up, but it was the school's hospital, Taylor had concluded it would be a little weird. She had straightened her hair for the day, which was a bit of a change. Trust Scorpius to wind up in the hospital on his birthday, Taylor thought fondly, while also feeling slightly sorry for him. She admitted it would suck, also the fact that he had to get stitches and the whole nerve situation. It only increased Taylor's dislike for the forest. She shuddered remembering the last time she had been in there.

Under her arm Taylor held a brand new skateboard for Scorp considering he lost his at the Borely Mansion. She had placed it in a silver box, not wanting Scorp to know what it was as soon as he looked at it. She walked down the corridor that lead to the Hospital and arrived at the door within minutes. She hadnt realised she had been walking so fast, but she guessed she was just eager to wish her boyfriend a happy birthday. She entered the Hospital Wing and noticed him lying in the bed he always did. The nurse may as well label it 'Knights Bed' and be done with it. Knowing Scorpius would see her, she announced her arrival from the door. "Happy Birthday Scorp!" She exclaimed, bounding over to him and placing a kiss on his cheek, not wanting to risk hurting his lips because of the stitches. She grinned at him and sat down on the edge of his bed, placing the large box at the foot of it. "How does it feel to officially be a teenager?" She chuckled.
Sam was still in shock about what happened Scorpius and hated the fact that he would have to spend his own birthday in the hospital wing. Sam wasn't sure if Scorpius wanted any of his friends to come down to the hospital wing but Sam figured that it was his birthday and it would cheer him up a bit for them all to be there, he hoped it would anyway.

He was wearing a denim shirt, black jeans and white runners. Sam grabbed his present for Scorpius which was a remebrall due to Scorpius poor time keeping, but really Sam's gift was more of a joke than anything else. He had it in a small box as he was an awful gift wrapper and sphere shaped objects were almost impossible to wrap- well so he liked to think.

Once he finished writing his name on the label attached to the lid of the box, Sam left his dorm and headed down to the Hospital Wing. He had only been in the hospital wing a couple of times and that was only for visiting people, usually Scorpius. Walking inside Sam instanlty spotted both Scorpius and Taylor, he waved to them and then hurried over to them. "Hey guys." He said with a smile, "Happy Birthday Mate!" Sam said with a wider smile to Socrpius and placed his gift on the bed side locker.
Toni had spent her first year staying away from the hospital. No matter what she didn't want to go into that dreaded place. Truth be told, Toni had a fear of needles and just being in a hospital wing made her cringe. But it was Knight's birthday and once again he was in the hospital wing. Deciding that she would have to be brave for her friend, Toni woke up that morning getting ready. She wore a normal jean skirt with one simple red and black patch right on the right thigh section. Then she wore a simple short sleeve black shirt with a matching patch on the bottom left side of the shirt. Nothing too special but it would due for today. Toni kept her hair down, pin staight as she made sure that she was perfect in the mirror image view of herself.

Smiling she hoped she would be able to manage this. Toni grabbed the gift that she had gotten Knight. Really she didn't know what it was exactly. After three letters home to Dylan asking for advice as to what to get a boy who liked to skateboard, Dylan finally replied with something that was called an Indo Board. After much research Toni decided that this would be nice. This item showed up in many fields for skaters and perfect gifts so she hoped that he would like it.

The Indo Board was wrapped up in a nice dark green box with a fluffy white bow. Holding the box in front of her, Toni walked to the hospital wing. The second she entered the wing a shiver ran up her spine. How I hate places like this She thought putting smile on her face, forcing one is more like it.

Toni walked over to the group which was Knight, Taylor and Sam. She couldn't help but be slightly surprised at this whole situation, but she kept the smile on her face and the surprise away from it. "Hey" She said brightly to the group. "And a happy birthday to you" She said to Knight placing the box carefully next to the bed. Her eyes lingered around the hospital wing inside she was praying she would never have to end up in here, ever.
Scorpius had only been laying on the bed in his red baseball tee and jeans when he heard the door open. Reflexively, he turned to look only to see his girlfriend standing there, with a gift no less. She wished him a happy birthday and he grinned widely, the stitches no longer straining anymore since he had been wearing them for a while now. "Hey! Thanks," he said rather humbly. She came over to his bed and kissed him on the cheek and asked how it felt like to be a year older. "It feels great!" he said truthfully, he was finally thirteen, a 'teenager', and the first one in his entire group, that made him feel cooler too.

No sooner had he finished his sentence when Sam came in closely followed by Toni. "Hey guys!" he greeted them excitedly and thanking them for their birthday wishes. He saw that they all had gifts and said, "You know gifts really weren't necessary, so no Christmas gifts for me okay!" he said with a soft laugh.
Taylor grinned at Scorp's reply and then turned her head when she heard a familiar voice, followed closely by another. "Hey guys!" She said brightly as Sam and Toni entered the room. She got up off the edge of the bed, but left the large box at the foot of it. Taylor shook her head when Scorpius said gifts werent neccessary. "Are you kidding? Its your birthday, of course gifts are neccessary!" She countered.
Sam looked towards the door as Toni came in, dressed and made-up perfectly. How beautiful she looked. Sam's eyes lingered on her for a moment but realised where he was and looked away. He had forgotten about his advice to himself: Not to make any eye contact with Toni when she was there. It would work for a while Sam thought to himself but then brought himself back to reality. He rolled his eyes playfully at what Scorpius said about the gifts that they had all brought for him. "Aww don't be ridiculous mate." Sam said with a playful smirk. He glanced at his stitches before looking back to make eye contact, "How are the stitches doing then?" He asked him casually leaning a clenched fist on the bed.
Scorpius laughed when they insisted they give him gifts and rolled his grey eyes, today a bright silver in happiness. He humbly said thanks, feeling rather spoiled but smiled nonetheless. When Sam asked how the stitches were, Scorpius stretched his lips and puckered them as if testing them out. "I'm ready to have them taken out," he said truthfully. Having stitches on his lip made people stare and he hoped that once he got them off they wouldn't anymore, hoping that a scar wouldn't be left in its place though somehow he doubted it. "I feel like I can't move my bottom lip freely anymore though," he said thoughtfully and more to himself since he didn't want to worry them. He wished the nurse would just hurry up and take them out already.
Toni tried to not focus on the fact that she was in a hospital nor was she trying to look right at the snitches that seemed to be in Scorpius's lips. In a way they creeped her out. The idea of basically sowing up someone was so scary, this Slytherin didn't even want to think about it.

Instead she smiled at Scorpius not focusing on his mouth. "Well I guess we can leave it to you to be in the hospital on your brithday" Toni teased slightly knowing that it was something Knight would do. Her brown eyes focused on Taylor and gave Taylor a smile though she knew it would be riduculous to even try to focus on Sam for a moment. Toni still didn't really know what or why she was feeling so she would leave a little time and see if the feelings seemed to disappear. Deep down this Slytherin knew they wouldn't. It was worth a try though.

Toni listened to Scorpius as he said he was ready to have the snitches out. "I bet. I know you'll be fine though." Toni said with a comforting smile. "You'll bounce back in no time" She added hoping that this was true. Afterall this was a wizarding hospital in which they could grow bones in the matter of 24 hours. It only seemed reasonable that the nurse would be able to take out some snitches.
Taylor glanced in Toni's direction to catch a smile directed at her, she grinned back, noting that her and Toni needed to catch up. It had been ages sinse they had chatted one-on-one. Tay remembered back to the days when she was determined to befriend the once snarky Slytherin, just to prove she could. Scorpius had even doubted her, but look at how the group had turned out.

Taylor glanced from Sam when he asked the question of how Scorpius's stitches were doing, to Scorpius who she was eager to hear an answer from. Taylor grinned when he said they were going to be taken out, she would admit she was a little concerned about the not being able to move the bottom lip part, but she was sure it was nothing to be worried about. Taylor agreed with Toni on the matter, knowing nothing as simple as a few stitches would hold him back. He would be up and about in no time, most likely landing himself in the Hospital again shortly after.

"Well, its your birthday-" Taylor started, moving around to the other side of the bed, grabbing a chair and pulling it up to the side of Scorp's bed. She planned on staying until Scorpius got his stitches taken out later, not sure if everyone else would still be around then, or even when the nurse planned on doing so. "-I vote you do something birthday related, rather than talking about medical issues." She continued with a wide grin, nodding slightly in the direction of the gifts. "I think you'll be safe to open, just one?" She said looking over at Sam and Toni, before glancing at her present still located at the end of Knight's bed. Taylor didnt know who else was coming, but surely Scorp was aloud to take a peek at his presents?
Sam nodded in agreement to what Toni said though he didn't let his eyes slip over to her, they were fixed on Scorpius. He knew that Scorpius was the type of guy to get through things and not to moan about them. Afterall he had a bit of experience in the hospital wing.

As Taylor moved a chair around to sit beside Scorpius she suggested that he should do something birthday related. Sam grinned as Taylor looked back at himself and Toni for reassurance, "Yeah it is your birthday afterall. Its bad enough being in here-" Sam said with a hand gesture indicating the large plain room around them. "-never mind not opening presents." He said with a soft chuckle. "Go on, open them." He said backing Taylor up. There was not much point of them moping about the place especially not on their best friends birthday.
[Sorry guys! :doh: ]

Scorpius grinned up at them all when Taylor suggested they stop talking about his medical issues and do something more birthday related. He wholeheartedly agreed so he chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. Even though it was his birthday, he still felt rather undeserving of the presents but he wasn't going to continue being all sappy and say 'Aww you shouldn't have' again. "Presents," he repeated eagerly, reaching over to the end of the bed and pulling the closest one to him. It was from Taylor. Scorpius looked up at her for a moment before opening it up. His mouth dropped in surprise, pleasant surprise, when he saw what it was. "A skateboard!" he said out loud in complete excitement. He had left his in the Borely Mansion when he had also tripped over it and broken his leg. Now that he thought about it, he was really accident prone, or just attracted danger - he liked the latter, it sounded cooler. "Thanks Taylor!!" he said about five times as he practically stroked the board, feeling the familiar roughness of the board against his hands. He had missed skating so much but because of it he had taken up flying more often. Now when Brightstone was open again he could skate there again. "You're the best!" he said to his girlfriend with a boyish grin.
Taylor grinned as she watched Scorpius reach for her present. She smiled back as he looked at her just before he opened it. Her grin widened when she saw Scorp's reaction. "No problem. Im glad you like it." She said as he thanked her. At his next comment she blushed slightly, not sure what to say, instead smiling. She then remembered something else. "Oh! Turn it over." She said softly. She felt a little stupid about it, but on the deck of the board she had written in permenant marker a message for Scorpius. In her bubbly font, it said:
Dear Scorpius,
I said you were fantastic the first time I met you.
I dont think I've been more right about a first impression in my life.
I still cant believe any of this has happened, but Im so glad it has.
Taylor xx
She watched as Scorp read it, her blush increasing. "Yeah I know its cheesy." She said, rolling her eyes playfully.
Scorpius smiled at her again and turned it over when she told him to. He read the note she had written on it and his smile turned into a full out, goofy grin. It was about the cutest, most simplest thing she could ever do and he loved it. "Thanks a lot, it's fantastic," he said playfully though his grey eyes were showing nothing but sincerity in his words. He wanted to lean up and kiss her but his stitches were still in so he felt weird about it, plus Sam and Toni were still in the room and he didn't want it to get any more awkward than it probably was getting. He laughed a little lightly to relieve any awkwardness and reached for the next present, a very small box, noted from Sam. Scorpius grinned up at his best friend and opened it up, instantly laughing at what it was, a Remembrall. "Nice one!" he said in enthusiasm as he twirled the small sphere in his hands. Thankfully it wasn't turning red right now, but he had a feeling it would often.

[Louise is gone for a wee bit so... :mellow: do we just continue for a bit or wait for a response?]
[Sorry for holding this up :oy: ]

Sam watched as Scorpius opened his first gift from Taylor which turned out to be a skateboard. Skateboarding was something that Scorpius loved to do and it seemed like the perfect gift for him. As Taylor said to turn it over Sam guessed it was a personal message so he looked away while Scorpius read it. Sam kept his gaze around the room though he managed to not look at Toni either which was somewhat of an accomplishment as she looked exceptionally glowing today. Once he heard Scorpius opening his present Sam figured it was time to look. He grinned at Scorpius "Well I figured you of all people needed one!" he said boldly though with a light-hearted tone to it. "But.." he paused, "You may be a lost cause for arriving on time so it may be no use.." He said trying to keep a straight face which was shortly broke with a cheeky grin.
Scorpius laughed and playfully rolled his grey eyes at Sam's remark. "Ha ha, well I'm sure this thing will come in handy," he replied, instantly pocketing the small ball. He had a feeling it'd be part of his usual things in his pocket from now on. "Who knows, maybe the next time I go to Brightstone it'll remind me to buy a watch so I won't be so late anymore," he joked though he knew he really should buy a watch. Every time he went to Brightstone he always seemed to forget, so this Remembrall thing had better come in handy.

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