Hades Prokhor Styx II

Hades Styx II

Well-Known Member
Curly 13 1/2" Unyielding Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
"Black then white are all I see in my infancy...

red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see..."

As below so above and beyond I imagine
You crawled away from me
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[name] Hades Prokhor Styx II
[etymology] The name Hades means unseen as well as gravely, death and Hell which gives the impression of the Lord of the Underworld. This first name fits Hades as he looks like he had just came from the grave, and he is highly unseen as much as any other person. His appearance alone looks gravely. His middle name Prokhor gives off the meaning of being a leader and gives the impression of a strong and loyal person. His middle name is not something that he shares, even though if he wanted to, he could live up to his middle name and be a great leader. Hades has the last name of Styx and it means the underworld river of Styx. The surname is very rare, but it has power behind it. It comes from mythology. Hades most definitely lives up to the meaning of this name, as for most of his life, he has been the quiet type, and stalking people which would fit in with the stealth. Hades has the perfect name in all aspects that fits his character. It supports his character, down to the last syllable. His name is the exact same as his father's.
[origin] The origin of Styx was by none other than his father, Kalif. After he was on the run from the Ministry, he started over with a new name, and had a clean slate. No one knows where he had gotten the name Styx from, but it represents one of the four rivers in the Underworld. So far, only their family is recognized with the last name, and most of them are pure-bloods, so it is a pure-blooded family.
[nicknames] Hades does not have many nicknames that are associated by his name. However Mylie happens to call him either Creeper or the Hogwarts Stalker.
[alliance] Hades' alliance rely in the evil and darkness, often the Death Eaters. Those say that it was truly with the family. Ultimately, it is with the side of evil.
[birthdate] Hades was born on January 15th, 2016 in Russia, at his mother's house at the time. He was born around two in the morning.
[age] He is currently twenty-years-old.
[gender] Hades is a male.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual which means that Hades is attracted only to the opposite sex, which is females. He has absolutely no interest with males, and he does not like to interact with those that do in fact like other males. When it comes down to choosing whether Hades is attracted to aesthetics or personality, it is sort of both. However he is attracted mostly to females that act more like himself.
[dialects] The languages that Hades speaks are as followed: English, Bulgarian and Russian. His first language is Russian, and he can speak and write in Russian better than any other language, however English and Bulgaria were learned at a young age. He had the most trouble with English.
[hometown] Hades was born in Saratov, Russia in a rather large house. He loved it there however it was not long before he moved in with his father after Vritra made her way there.
[residency] Hades has many houses and places to get away to, but the most well known areas that he was seen entering a house in Wellington, New Zealand and around Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. He deems the Zhefarovich Manor as a home as well, seeing as his house can be connected to it. He used to spend a lot of his time in Russia, but he recently moved to a house in New Zealand close to Brightstone. Right now, he lives alone.
[heritage] Hades was born from Victoria Minn, whom was completely French, and Hades Styx, whom is one-half Russian, one-fourth Bulgarian and one-fourth French. This would make Hades five-eighths French, one-fourth Russian and one eighth Bulgarian.
[blood status] Hades is a Pure-blood. He is actually prejudice, and refuses to associate himself with anything less.
[blood type] AB Negative is the type of blood that runs through Hades' veins. It is rumored that in his family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. These traits relate to Hades perfectly.
[wand] The wand that chose Hades was the Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth. This wand brings determination, strength and courage to its bearers, however it is a wand for the sly, cunning and ambitious, those who deem kind and welcomingly are not welcomed by this wand. It is the excellent adapt for dark magic and for those that find pleasure in watching people suffer. This wand is highly picky, and will not work for anyone else.
[occupation] Obliviator
[health status] Hades is perfectly healthy.
[allergies] He is not allergic to anything.
[pet] Hades currently has a black Raven named Aeacus.
[special that required approval] Animagus (Vampire Bat)
Drawn beyond the lines of reason
Slipped away from me
[five words] Cold, Unfeeling, Distant, Dark, Cruel
[personality] Hades has a very unique personality. His personality is very dark, very judgmental. In his mind, he will often insult people, as he never voices his opinions unless he is asked to do so, which would make him very obedient. Hades happens to be rather dark, and everything about his personality is dark. His mind is often full of murderous things. This would also make Hades rather unfeeling when it comes down to almost everything except the things that he holds close to him such as his siblings and family. Hades is also cruel when it comes to most things. He doesn't care if someone lives or dies, and he often thinks that most are an abomination to the human race, and the wizarding race no less. Hades is very distant, and will not let anyone unless he knows them completely. He happens to be very secretive, and will not tell anyone anything for the life of him.
[beliefs] Hades believes that anything lower than pure-blood should be wiped from the world.
[boggart] This is currently unknown at this time.
[fears] There is not much that he fears, but he does fear that one day he will eventually fail at making his family believe that he is worth something more than just blood.
[likes] There is not much that Hades does like. He does like to spend time with his family, and he does like to get his anger out on things such as playing Quidditch. He does like to attend classes depending on who is teaching them at the time. He enjoys observing people from afar and will continue to do so. He likes to have some time to himself, where no one and nothing will bother him. He likes it when he finds someone that he can talk to that he is not related to, but he also enjoys spending time with Mylie.
[dislikes] Hades dislikes being busy all the time because he hates it when there isn't enough time for him to do things. He dislikes most other blood types excluding pure-blood, as that will be all that he associates himself with. Hades practically hates most of humanity, except for a select few in his family. He doesn't like most of the professors and the students that he attends school with. Hades dislikes many things, most of which are self-explanatory. He does not like most subjects and he does not like attending class.
[goals] To become an Animagus.
[good habits] The only good habits that Hades has is keeping himself clean and his things put away.
[bad habits] He doesn't really have any bad habits.
[strengths] Hades has many strengths, most of which are obvious to his character and how he shows them. First of all, he is quiet but when he speaks, his words will go so far, and affect so much with so little. He uses this to push himself more into what he truly enjoys. Hades is highly intelligent, and he will use his intelligence against people to see how inferior they are to him. Hades has a high tolerance level which means to get what he desires, he can put up with more than some in his family without completely snapping. He is highly determined, and his determination also defines just how far he will go in order to get what he wants. Hades has a strong voice, so he could probably deliver some powerful speeches if he wanted to. When it comes into school, his strengths are in Transfiguration and Defence Against the Dark Arts, which he finds to be rather simple and easy to get. He will in the future have a strength to the Dark Arts, but this has yet to be discovered as he is still in school.
[weaknesses] Of course where there are strengths, there are weaknesses. Often Hades puts himself into too many things, where he will become so stressed, he will crack under the pressure, which he would get physically violent. Hades has a weakness to doing things too much, and will end up destroying himself eventually if he never slows down. Hades also has a weakness toward people that he cares about, seeing as he would do anything for them but there was nothing he could do to help them, then he would feel at a loss. He does not react well if he feels helpless. He also has a weakness of letting his anger get the better of him if he were to do something out of spite, which he would on several occasions. Such as if he gets mad at his team while on Quidditch, he will purposely not save them from attacking bludgers. Hades does not really have many weaknesses when it comes down to school, but he doesn't always get the charm on the first try.
[loyalties] His loyalties lay with the Zhefarovich Family.
[magical talents] He is magically gifted in Transfiguration and most offensive spells with curses. Hades is also a fair flyer. Since he is only in his fourth year, more will come as he ages.
[other talents] He has a talent of observing people from afar, and how to mess with the mind by simply saying so few of words. He also has a talent of keeping in the shadows and unseen. He can write some dark things. His talents exceed over into music, although he does not play much at all.
[patronus form] He believes his patronus form would be a panther.
[annoyances] There are many, many things that get on his nerves. Hades absolutely gets annoyed about anything that is muggle related, or when someone speaks to him that he believes should have been knocked off during evolution. He also tends to get annoyed with the simplest of people, or just people, annoy him.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
I tried to keep ahold, but there was nothing I could say
[chinese year] Being born in 2016, it makes Hades a Monkey. People born in the Year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the cycle. Clever, skillful, and flexible, they are remarkably inventive and original and can solve the most difficult problems with ease. There are few fields in which Monkey people wouldn't be successful but they have a disconcerting habit of being too agreeable. They want to do things now, and if they cannot get started immediately, they become discouraged and sometimes leave their projects. Although good at making decisions, they tend to look down on others. Having common sense, Monkey people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. Monkey people are strong willed but their anger cools quickly. They are most compatible with the Dragon and Rat.very independent and rarely listen to advice. They are most compatible with Tigers, Dogs, and Sheep.
[zodiac sign] Hades is a Capricorn, the goat. Being a Capricorn, it makes Hades practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous and reserved. All of which Hades is, but on the downside, it makes him pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly and grudging. All of these traits aligns with the rule of the Capricorn, and they fit closely with Hades' character. What a Capricorn likes are reliability, professionalism, knowing what you discuss, firm foundations, purpose, and they also dislike wild Schemes, fantasies, go-nowhere jobs, ignominy and ridicule. The colors that are associated with Capricorns are brown and most dark colors, which Hades does indeed prefer. The startstone of the Capricorn is black onyx, which is coincidently the color of his eyes.
[cardinal sign] A capricorn is a cardinal sign, and a person that is this sign are associated with initiation, creativity and leadership. This is somewhat true.
[transpersonal sign] Also being a capricorn makes them have a transpersonal sign which makes them principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns. This does not really pertain to Hades, as he has little to no interest in it.
[planet] The planet that rules Hades' character is Saturn. Saturn is the planet that in earthly life serves to signify restrictions and obstacles someone must face if their personal goals are incorrect for them or they have a karmic debt that needs paying. Saturns placement in the chart can indicate areas in their life that they will need to be particularly diligent about trying to change or work with. Thus Saturn has been called both, the planet of fate and the Lord of Karma. Saturn symbolizes the course of time and patience, tradition, and experience. At the best of times it helps to consolidate, and at its worst it restricts the persons efforts. Someone under the rule of this planet makes someone knowing in limitation, restrictions, boundaries, practicality and reality, crystallizing, and structures, as well as being self-disciplined, responsible and reliable. On the downside, it also makes someone morose, cold, miserly, indifferent and rigid.
[element] Being a Capricorn, Hades' element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career succeess. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Though Hades does not really fit the profile of being 'earthy' however some of the traits do fit him which are lively, truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in their dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, non-caring, center of attention and thinking they are never wrong.
[birthstone] Hades was born in January, making his birthstone the Garnet. The garnet was once thought to be connected with the blood. This stone is supposed to protect the wearer from nightmares and offer guidance through the dark.
Over thinking, over analyzing, separates the body from the mind
You slid away from me
[martial status] Hades is currently seeing Mylie Thoreau, and is not interested in breaking it off.
[when] Since December 28th, 2031.
[hades styx ii and mylie thoreau] Hades first met Mylie when he was in his first year, when she was venturing into the forbidden forest. He thought that there was something particular about the second year. Hades was in a tree when she noticed that he was there. He let himself know that he was around her, and first noticed that she could change her eye color from brown to red to brown. He first asked and she ran, so he followed her. It was not until his third year and her fourth when he figured it out, and confronted her. In his mind he was giving her one chance to get to know him, to be around him, or else he would truly leave him alone. In the end, they went to the lounge to be alone, where he told her his own secret. However going into his fourth year, his time with her shortened because of all of the stress he had been over, with Quidditch, tutoring and his Animagus training. He began getting frustrated because he didn't know what he felt. His time with her shortened, and he was getting angrier with it.
[past relationships] None
[innocence] Hades lost his virginity to Mylie Thoreau when he invited her over to his house. They turned their relationship into a physical one on August 2nd, 2033.
[past sexual partners] None
[turn ons] Blood, dark women, uniqueness, coldness, apathy
[turn offs] Blondes, stupidity, with the crowd
[aphrodisiacs] Blood, unsweetened dark chocolate
[the perfect female] The perfect woman would be similar to his father's ideal woman, someone that is like him, and someone that is dark, evil.
[the perfect date] Outside at night, close to a storm in the distance and just talking.
Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
You crept away from me
[playby] Andrew Dennis Biersack also known as
[ages used] Ages thirteen to present
[former playby] Cameron Douglas Crigger Bright
[ages used] Ages nine to thirteen
[natural hair] His natural hair is very dark, the color of black. His hair is fine, but there seems to be a lot of it. It is long, where he grows it out to the middle of his back, and cut in layers. It is generally normal to the touch, and it is usually straight. He often uses his hair as a curtain so he can hide behind it.
[eyes] Hades' eyes are onyx, which are close to black. When they are looked at in the light, they appear to be silver, or a dark gray. When one would look into his eyes, they would see nothing but sheer coldness, and another would be the stress that school is giving him as of the moment. His stars could send chills up someone's spine, and one would seem an evil gleam also. Otherwise, it is nothing but a swirling, dark abyss of utter glacial coldness. Black is an absolute and mysterious color that has connotations of night, secrecy, mysticism, goddess-worship, intuition, sexual intercourse, and magic. Black eyes may indicate a deeply intuitive, sensual, and secretive person who can tap into the powerful energies of the unconscious and who may have psychic tendencies.
[height] Due to having his father's genes, Hades currently stands at a height of five feet eleven inches. He is still growing as well.
[weight] Hades currently weighs one hundred seventy pounds due to his muscles and large body structure.
[complexion] White as a ghost - if not whiter - and clear as well as smooth to the touch. This is because he rarely goes out in sunlight.
[scars] Hades does not have any notable scars.
[birthmark] A crescent moon on the left side of the neck
[smile] A smirk that has many darker and devious intentions behind it, if it is killing, scheming or other pleasures.
[body build] Completely white due to lack of sunlight, however he is rather built, full of muscles but not overly large as they do not bulge out his veins or anything of the sort. He is tall and massive when he wears his regular clothing and robes. He keeps his shape and build by working out when he needs to.
[body modifications] Hades currently has his lip pierced on his left side that he had pierced himself.
[dominant hand] He is dominant in his left hand, and is currently learning how to do things with his right hand also.
[style] His style normally has a subtle goth look. He often wears a plain black tee-shirt, black jeans and heavy boots. Hades generally wears something similar every day, as his style never changes however at times he will wear traditional black robes. However, he sticks with the solid black look.
Feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines
I tried to keep you down but there was nothing I could say
<FONT font="times new roman">
[school] Hades currently attends Hogwarts New Zealand for his schooling.
[hogwarts house] He was sorted into the house of Helga Hufflepuff. This was his sorting post:
One would think that the most important day in any eleven-year-old's eyes was going to school and if that school was to be Hogwarts, or Hogwarts New Zealand in this case, then one would be nervous and excited about what house they would be placed in. Whereas Hades' parents were in Durmstrang, so he had no clue what he would be in. Hades stood there, his aura alone was eerie, and he was a younger version of his father. One would say that was not too much of a good thing, however to Hades, it was something much better. The school itself seemed bright, and he was perhaps the palest boy in the Great Hall, thanks to his lack of entering the sunlight. He honestly hated anything do to with light, except fire because it was destructive. He enjoyed playing with it, however he knew no spells to create fire of his own, so he had to make due with what he currently had. Hades' onyx eyes stared down at the floor. The moment he could start learning magic, the moment he would be able to learn as much as he can, and prove his worth in the family. Hades wondered how long it would be until he was able to actually perform the charm to create fire.
His name was called, and Hades' eyes went up to the front. He did not feel nervous, as much as he was just looking around, seeing everyone. He could read people to an extent, but then he looked over at the staff table. His grandfather was Professor Styx, and Hades wondered if he would be his Head of House. Hades walked through the crowd, his tall form towering above students. He approached the stool and he sat down. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw or Salazar Slytherin. Which do I favor most? thought Hades as the hat was set upon his black head, almost covering his eyes. He could feel something, almost poking around in his head. In a way, he thought that the hat was some sort of ancient being, perhaps the first Legilimens. That would be interesting indeed. Hades folded his arms across his chest, and he wondered how long this would take. He was not impatient, but he preferred not to have so many people staring at him, as if he were some sort of stage actor. Hades waited in silence, as that was the best thing one could do right now in his situation. Wait and be judged.

"It's not about which you favour most - it's about which would favour you the most. The answer to that, by the way, is HUFFLEPUFF!"
[special titles and awards] Hades currently holds the title of being Beater for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and he has won a few awards. In his second year, he won Most Unique, and in his third year, he won Most Unique, Most Likely to Take Over the World and Most Outrageous Style. In his fifth year, he was awarded Prefect, and also Quidditch Co-Captain. He became sole Captain in his seventh year.
[extracurricular activities] Hades does not participate in clubs at all, however he does play Quidditch for his house team.
[favorite subject] Defence Against the Dark Arts
[best subject] Transfiguration
[loathed subject] Muggle Studies
[worst subject] Herbology
[favorite professor] Professor Styx
[loathed professor] Professor Jinxx
[grade average] Outstanding
[owl grades]
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding;Exam: Outstanding
Charms: Outstanding;Exam: Outstanding
Transfiguration: Outstanding;Exam: Outstanding
Muggle Studies: Outstanding;Exam: Outstanding

[newt grades] Not available
[graduated] Due to graduate in June of 2034

-----Too be continued on the next post
"There is so much more and it beckons me...

to look though to these, infinite possibilities..."

Feed my will to feel this moment, urging me to cross the line
What you're trying to say is you don't wanna play
<FONT font="times new roman"><SIZE size="50">


[mother] Victoria Alicia Minn
[born] August 19th, 1998
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] French
[seeing] Joaquin Fredrick Hawthorne
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[playby] Bar Rafaeli


[father] Hades Prokhor Styx
[born] January 8th, 1997
[blood status] Pure-blood
[title] Guardian of the Zhefarovich Family
[heritage] 1/2 Russian, 1/4 Bulgarian, 1/4 French
[seeing] Etoile Hera Lefevre
[occupation] Dark Priest, Death Eater
[education] Durmstrang Alumni, Prefect
[playby] Wes Bentley
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn


[adopted older sister] Arakaia Elvera Styx
[born] November 1st, 2015
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] Russian
[education] Hogwarts New Zealand; Ravenclaw, Prefect
[playby] Olivia Wilde
[roleplayer] Jessye


[younger sister] Vritra Aliah Styx
[born] February 19th, 2021
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 5/8 French
[playby] Amanda Hendrick


[half younger sister] Callista Rhiannon Styx
[born] June 6th, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 1/8 French
[playby] Zooey Deschanel


[half younger sister] Titania Antigone Styx
[born] July 7th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/2 Greek, 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 1/8 French
[playby] Katy Perry


[half younger brother] Lestat Marius Styx
[born] September 16th, 2028
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 5/8 French
[playby] Stuart Townsend


[half younger sister] Elysia Kore Styx
[born] September 16th, 2028
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 5/8 French
[playby] Amelia Dolore


[half younger sister] Estelle Pashmina Styx
[born] November 30th, 2030
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 5/8 French
[playby] Felicity Jones


[younger half-brother] Viktor Draegan Styx
[born] Due February of 2032
[blood status] Pure-blood
[heritage] 1/4 Russian, 1/8 Bulgarian, 5/8 French
[playby] Eddie Allamand
Reaching out to embrace the random
What you want and what you need don't mean that much to me
Hades Prokhor Styx the Second was born not on purpose in 2016, after his father was a Death Eater, but could not stick around for too long due to his father wanting to find his family and his Death Eater routines. Hades was raised in a rather large house, with plenty of money but he proved to be an interesting lad. Every now and again he would see his father, where his mother and father maintained a healthy relationship. Hades was soon old enough to remember everything, and then he was born a sister named Vritra. Hades and Vritra immediately clicked, and they became something stronger than normal brother and sister. Hades missed his father, and wanted to be able to be raised by him opposed to his mother because of the way his mother was. When Vritra was five, that was when his father returned, demanding his children back. Hades obliged and he went to his father's house where he was being raised in the term of darkness. This was the way that he thought that he ought to be raised. Hades soon found a girl that he thought that would make a good sister, and he asked his father if he could adopt the pure-blood girl named Kaia. His father eventually agreed, despite the fact that he was having children left and right, but he did not care, as Kaia seemed to need a home and he could provide for her if he really wanted to. It was not long until the two were accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand where their father felt that it was better for them to learn. Hades was sorted into Hufflepuff because he didn't have any qualities for the other houses. Immediately he did not take up to his house, in fact he hated it and almost everyone in the school during his first year. However he ended up meeting this interesting girl that he ended up following all through his first and second year. It was not until his third year when things got even crazier. He pushed himself into training to be an Animagus, and then he became the Hufflepuff Beater for Quidditch to help get his anger out. It was also during his third year when he really connected with Mylie, when he confronted her with what she was, and then gave her one chance to get the privilege to knowing him, and she soon accepted. However things had changed after his fourth year when he started to have too much to do, and no time for her. He was growing more and more frustrated, and he never understood why. He finally meets with her, and he loses all control.
"Reaching out to embrace whatever may come...

I embrace my desire to..."

To feel connected enough to step aside and weep like a widow
I can see your back is turning

Why Trust You
none in this year
[first year] Years 2027-2028
Separated but For How Long?
Watching. Waiting.
[second year] Years 2028-2029
Diverse Crowds
Now Who is This?
[third year] Years 2029-2030
I Know What You Are
Ultimate Decision
Hufflepuff Meeting (Y14)
[fourth year] Years 2030-2031
Y15 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff
Frustration and Mutilation
Two brains are better than one
[fifth year] Years 2031-2032
Y16 Hufflepuff Try Outs
Y16 Prefects Meeting!
Hufflepuff v Slytherin
Meet My Family
Pure Fear
Ravenclaw v Hufflepuff
[sixth year] Years 2032-2033
Y17 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
Take Your Breath Away
SlytherDor v HuffleClaw
We Will Move the Earth
Graduation 203:cry: Spectators and Guests
[seventh year] Years 2033-2034
Y18 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try Outs
Hufflepuff House Meeting (Y18)
Regretful Decision
Were We Really That Stupid?</FONT></SIZE>
To feel inspired, to fathom the power, to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain
If I could I'd stick a knife in...

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Black - Lateralus by Tool; White - Crawl Away by Tool
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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