Guy Friends for a Guy

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)

I have two male characters at hogwarts.
Who both have a numerous amount of female
friends, but zilch male friends. I think they have
one male friend each. Which isn't very much.

One is this Character Stefan Archer. (2nd Year Slytherin)
Stefan is going to come back after the holidays, pretty
much hating everything. On the outside. He'll push people
away and act like a jerk. But he needs other males who
won't see into anything about Stefan, just be there for
fun and chats. Copying homework. But, Overall, Stefan
is a nice and usually kind guy.

The Second is Oscar Fossil (3rd year Ravenclaw).
He's a very laid back, chilled guy, with a casual attitude to
everything. He is very hard working and has also recently
joined the Yearbook Staff. He's very easy to be friends with
and tries to not let anything phase him. When angered, which
is not all that often, he can get violent. But, overall, he's a
smart friendly guy.

So, unfortunately all I am looking for is males. So, If you
RP with a male, around there age, not really too fussed about
age then Post here, or PM me on either account.
:correct: You have James Killian who will always be a friend to Stefan which by the way we should rp soon!!

Currently working on a topic for them, Shall PM you the link.
On James' account
Also, his one male friend is James, that's who I meant.

They both still need more male friends! Please!
well, Vayne hear can be a friend.. :D
Vayne Rozeleouxe said:
well, Vayne hear can be a friend.. :D

Okay awesome. Who does Vayna want to be friends with?
Would you want to start something, or would you want me to?
Hey Em.

I feel you on the friend situation, so I have Dymetris here who can have a bromance with Oscar? @_@ I think they'll would look cool together ^^; I can start something soonish just let me know :)

Me likes the sound of that.
They are the same year, so I can see them getting along well.
If you could start it that would be Awesome.
Stefan Archer said:
Vayne Rozeleouxe said:
well, Vayne hear can be a friend.. :D

Okay awesome. Who does Vayna want to be friends with?
Would you want to start something, or would you want me to?
Stefan probably.. can you start one? :D
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