🌹 Rose Giving Frogg Rose

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The blonde went on for her third rose which was again for an Gryffindor. June didn't bothered to look very long so she asked people who this Milo was, with the most dumb last name she ever heard. She made her way to the seventh floor and asked someone to find this person and call him outside of his common room if he would be in there. And give him the rose and see who this person was.

@Milo Frogg
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Milo felt like he couldn't catch a break. Between the mess that was the school right now and his own deliveries, he'd barely had a second to sit down before another student had passed by to tell him someone was asking for him in the hallway. Groaning, Milo got to his feet, sticking his head out into the corridor and frowning when he spotted an older girl standing there looking like she'd smelt something bad. Well, Milo figured if she already looked that way...

It didn't take long to dig the stink pellet out of his robes, holding his own breath as he tossed it towards the girl, unable to hold back a laugh that definitely gave himself away as the stench started filling the hallway, starting right at the girl's feet.
When June waited impatiently she saw someone coming her way. '' Milo?'' She said as he came. When suddenly something was thrown in her way. And June smelled something really bad close to her and moved backwards. Moving with her hands around as an green smoke appeared. And she than heared someone laughing. '' O-M-G!'' June let out. She quickly took out her parfum from her bag she carried around and sprayed around her. Than through the smoke she saw the Frogg dude, who she supposed to give a rose laughing. '' You..'' The blonde than said irritated and walked towards him with the look in her eyes like she was gonna crush him. And put away her parfum. She took the rose out of her basket and threw it to his face.
'' Here your stupid rose, loser Gryffindor!'' June said and felt her blood boiling. But she was not gonna ruin her good reputation for this loser Frogg Gryffindor. But in her mind she was planning her next move towards this guy.

Dear Milo,
I know this might seem out of the blue, but I have to put myself out there or I will be kicking myself if I don’t say anything now and some other girl snaps you up. I've always seen something special in you, Milo. I admire your great sense of humour, your dashing looks, and your incredible Quidditch skills (alt is wasted on you). There's something about the way you carry yourself that draws me in and here I am here, taking a huge leap of faith. I would love to go out with you, if you feel the same, please come see me at the Ravenclaw table at dinner, and tell me you have feelings for me too. If you don’t, please save me the heartbreak and never look at me again.
All my love, Audrey Beauchamp xxxxxx
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