Gryffindor Pride Practice

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Cyndi walked out to the pitch with her Sienna Storm, her beater's bat and her gear, all set to begin a practice with the team. She had been up since very early in the morning because she was very nervous about this practice, as it would be the first one that she and Kat would be in charge of. After arriving back for the term, the two girls had been taken aside and briefly asked if they would consider being co-captains of the Gryffindor Quidditch team while their captain, Bruin, was away. Cyndi had been thrilled to accept, though she was still sad that Bruin wasn't back yet. He was a dear friend and although it would be odd to be on a quidditch team without him, she was determined to do him proud.

Because their first game was only a short time away, this practice was very important. Cyndi hoped that everyone had seen the bulletin and that they would begin to arrive shortly.
Kat had slept for a record sixteen hours. Her 'condition' had been getting increasingly worse and her entire body showed it, but of course to her she thought nothing was wrong...just the flu she kept telling herself. She knew that today was a big day as it was both her and Cyndi's first day on the post as co-captains for the Pride. Kat was very nervous about this, but was determined not to let that stand in her way because she wanted to make her captain and honorary big brother proud.

Slowly she pulled herself out of bed, praying that this morning her legs wouldn't give out from under her as they so often had as of late, and got dressed. Grabbing her Scarlet Streak she headed down to the quidditch pitch where she saw Cyndi already waiting. Her sunken face formed into a very weak, but genuine smile as she looked at her friend and asked, "You ready for this?"
Cyndi turned as she heard a familiar voice and smiled. Her smile faltered a bit as she saw her friend's diminished form. Kat had been so gorgeous before and though she was still gorgeous, there was clearly something wrong with her. She had lost way too much weight. Now's not the time, Cyndi thought to herself, though she didn't know when the time would be.

"I sure am. I'm really excited" she replied easily as a grin spread across her face, "are you ready?"
Kat nodded when Cyndi asked if she was ready and stated, "I'm pretty sure I am. Little nervous though." Thinking for a moment she walked over to the supply shed and levitated the trunk with the equipment in it over to where her friend was standing. "I hope everyone shows up on time," she said looking at her watch. Kat sighed and covered her mouth as if she was nervous. After about ten minutes she let out an extremely mighty BELCH. WOW.

((Since Hilary Grace isn't here for right now should we use Taylor as our Seeker?))
Andy walked out onto the pitch to see Kat and Cyndi preparing for the practise. A lump formed in her throat, so it was true he hadn't come back yet. She fought the urge to cry which seemed dumb in the light that she had allowed another boy to kiss her over the holidays but he hadn't touched her heart as Bruin had and deny him all she could, there was still a place there with only his name on it. It hurt to know he was not going to be here but she also knew it was good training for her heart anyway, for when he left at the end of the year.

Putting on a brave face, she walked down towards them and getting closer to Kat, knew that there were more pressing matters to be dealt with than her badly reparo-taped heart.
"Hey you two, excited about your first training session" she rolled her eyes smiling, "rephrase that, the first session you'll be overseeing".
"Me too" Cyndi answered as she saw Kat look at her watch. She remained rather quiet over the next few moments because she was more nervous than she was trying to let on. Finally, another familiar voice broke the silence asking if they were ready. "Yup...are you ready for us?" Cyndi asked with a laugh.

((Yea..and Kida will be promoted from part-time back-up to full time starter))
Andy smiled as it appeared both girls seemed pretty nervous about this undertaking, well taking over after Bruin was no mean fete.
"You know just because our Captain isn't here doesn't mean both of you aren't going to be able to step up to the plate. You've more or less being doing this since way back when, only now it's more official. Just remember to have fun with it and if it looks like the others aren't taking you two seriously I spout out a few "yes Cap'n no Cap'n" lines, alright?" she smiled at Cyndi. She had heard Kat's extremely loud belch a few moments earlier but tried to do the decent thing by not referring to it but she simply wouldn't be her if she didn't say something.

"Wow Kat, a few more of those and the whole castle will be down here thinking there's a fully fledged game going on with horns and everything!" she winked at her as she placed her broom on the ground and went to the chest beside Cyndi. About to open it she had a very strange sensation overwhelm her as if she simply knew that Bruin had been the last to touch the chest. What in the world was wrong with her? She stood back and smiling at Cyndi and Kat again asked them about their strategy for the practise session.
Kiera walked down to the pitch carrying her broom. Kiera wondered where Bruin was. She hadnt seen him in some time but she didnt see why Kat and Cyndi were left in charge if Bruin was completely fine. Kiera walked onto the pitch and saw her roommates already gathered around. Kiera skipped over to them. This year was going to be a good one.

"Hey Guys!" she said cheerfully. Keira turned to see what there might be for her to help with. She couldnt think of anything. "So whats on the agenda today? and where is Bruin?" she asked slightly confused.
"Thanks for the pep talk Andy" Cyndi said after her young Gryffindor friend had finished. It made her feel slightly more comfortable about all of this. When Kiera arrived, Cyndi smiled. She immediately asked about their plans, which made Cyndi realize that she hadn't exactly come up with one.

"I dunno...I was thinking that maybe we can split into two teams and practice for a bit?" Cyndi looked at Kat as she said this, wondering if she thought it was a good idea. When Kiera asked where Bruin was, Cyndi shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure...the night of the Yule Ball, he told me he had to head home and then rushed off and he still hasn't returned. I don't know much more than that."
Mike arrived at the Quidditch Pitch for training, his scarlet streak in his hand. "Hey guys" Mike said waving hello. Mike looked around but still Bruin had not returned. Mike was a little sad, but was sure that Cyndi and Kat would do great as captains for the pride. "So what's the plan?" Mike asked whilst waiting for everyone else to arrive. Mike took a seat on the grass. He was still thinking about the Yule Ball, and his confrontation with Isaac. His nose was back to normal, after it being fixed, but still couldn't help feeling sorry for ruining Bella's night again. Mike tried to stop the train of thought, for his sake. He wanted to do well in training and knew he wouldn't be able to if Bella was on his mind.
"Hi Mike" Cyndi said with a smile as the Gryffindor Keeper arrived. "For right now, just hang out while we wait for a few others than we'll split up and practice." she answered as she waited. Cyndi was dying to get on her broom and wondered whether she should simply begin without them.
"Sorry, sometimes I just can't help myself," Kat said with a bit of tired laughter. Turning to Cyndi she said, "I think that sounds like a good idea. That way we can get a short scrimmage in...prepare us for next weeks match."
Andy smiled at Mike as he made his way over to them, trying to ignore Kiera's inquiry into Bruins whereabouts and even more Cyndi's revelations about the yule ball and his leaving. It didn't matter to her anymore, he didn't matter. She was over him, it was as simple as that. Or so she told herself time and again, if she weren't then why would she have kissed Dom on her summer break?

"Hey Mike, how's that nose?" she smirked having heard rumours that had trickled from the Slytherin house about his goings on the night of the Yule Ball. Mike was turning out to be a regular dark horse but apparently his actions that night had also cost them house points. This didn't sit well with her but she couldn't say anything, considering she had cost Gryffindor points way back in first year and never let herself forget that point either.

"That sounds peachy guys" she smiled at the girls before gazing up into the sky and wishing she were up there already.
Kida made her way down to the quidditch pitch, she had her moontrimmer in her hand, she smiled as she saw people down there, he walked over to Cyndi and Smiled "Hi Cyndi" she said as she rested her broom on her shoulders, "i think i was bored until i remembered that i had training, Un Bored-afied my day" she said as she laughed to herself.

((still looks like 1 spoiler in sig ;) ))
Cyndi smiled as she saw Kida walk onto the pitch and join them. Doing a quick head count, Cyndi saw that nearly the entire team was there.

"Ok everybody, get ready to get up in the air" she said to the team before turning to Kat. "I guess we should start since nearly everyone is here." Cyndi began, "Are we going to go with the plan and play on just half the field?" she asked. All of their chasers were there as well as their keeper, and Cyndi knew that it was easy for Kida and herself to practice. The bludgers had a mind of their own anyway and usually ended up dictating to them what they should do.
Taylor had been sending her Mum a letter in the owlery and was now slipping back into the common room after spending some time up there by herself. Walking through the common room and up into the dormitory she saw her broom next to her bed. Broom. Quidditch. Practise. "Shoot." Taylor cringed and grabbed her Nimbus 2001 and ran towards the pitch. She may have tripped over at the bottom of the Grand Staircase but that was nothing to worry about, she had only brought one first year down with her.

Reaching the pitch she noticed alot of the team already there. "Hey guys." She breathed. She didnt appear to be too late, she hoped it wouldnt make her look bad. She gave everyone a small smile as she listened to the plan of action for pratice that they were currently discussing.

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