Grumpy boy needs plots

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Jumin Lee

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OOC First Name
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
So, this kid of mine needs some plots because I would love to flesh him out more before I decide what to do with him. It's still a toss-up between where I'm sending him when he turns 11 because I am #indecisive.</FONT>

Jumin Lee
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Jumin is Korean-Australian, his father is the wizard out of his two parents and works as a Magizoologist, meanwhile, his mother is just a plain old Muggle florist. His parents already know their son is a wizard as well after his outburst of accidental magic when he was 8, so now it's just a case of waiting until he turns 11 to get his letter and actually confirm that he is a wizard. (And then decide where he goes to school as well). HNZ would be easiest, but his parents are the sort to look at all the options and then spent forever deliberating about what's best so honestly, he could be anywhere come September. He currently lives in Melbourne with his parents but travels a lot with his father.

As for the boy himself, he's pretty judgemental and would probably sell even his closet friend for peanuts, so not really the best friend you could ask for. But he is pretty easy to get along with, smiles a lot and does want to make friends, he's just not very loyal to said friends and always does things for his own interest, dragging everyone else along behind him. He also does love a bit of trouble as well, always breaking the rules and trying to get into places he shouldn't be. He's also partial to mood swings and can be all happy and smiley one second and then a right grump the next.

I'm currently looking for anything for him. Other people his age he could try and befriend or any potential enemies as well. I just want some things going with him so I can build on his character and eventually make up my damn mind with what I'm going to do with this kid.
This is Marlowe Moors aka Sissy to Jocelynn. They are both from Australia. From near Perth on the Western side. Her father is a Herbologist. So he could totally end up 'working' with Jumin's father about getting a certain plant for a magical creature and the two of them are sort of thrusted together: "Have fun kids while us adults work!" Sort of moment. If this happens during the school year it'd just be Marlowe there. But that could be fun.

Marlowe is kind of similar to Jocelynn. But she's a girly-girl. She doesn't have a favorite color because she loves iridescent holographic design as a color. Which basically is every color since it bends like and reflects back every color. She also loves the stars and moons and anything like pastel. Also she has s pure white fluffy cat, that she'll talk about for a good length of time if she can, she finds him to be super interesting.
@marlowe: I could totally see that working! Her father could also end up working with both of Jumin's parents as he is a herbologist and his mother is also a florist. But I love the idea of the adults working and just leaving the kids together to get on with things. It would be interesting to see how they react, though when Jumin is just left alone with someone he would probably try and drag her to do something interesting and cause trouble XD
I have two girls his age that I will sort at HNZ next year ^_^ I'm not sure how much opportunity there is for them to meet before then or if he goes to a different school as neither live in Australia, but we can see if we can make it happen (school supply shopping maybe?)

I have Diana Holland: Who I can see both as a friend or an enemy. She's pretty bratty, and can be grumpy as well, but as long as he's nice to her she should be okay to him in return. Though them having a fight could be funny xD

and I have Emilia Manning here, who lives in Denmark right now but will go to HNZ next year. She's very naive and sheltered, so a friend that wouldn't be loyal to her would be something I would love to explore. She wouldn't see it coming at all, and be pretty crushed xD and maybe come back to him anyway because she's easy to talk into things. He could also possibly get her into trouble she doesn't want to do?

Let me know if any of this sounds fun :D
Bradley Ahn said:
@marlowe: I could totally see that working! Her father could also end up working with both of Jumin's parents as he is a herbologist and his mother is also a florist. But I love the idea of the adults working and just leaving the kids together to get on with things. It would be interesting to see how they react, though when Jumin is just left alone with someone he would probably try and drag her to do something interesting and cause trouble XD
We should do it then! I think it'll be pretty funny and Marlowe is up for trouble, as long as she doesn't get her clothes too dirty :p
@Daphne: Yeah Jumin would be nice to Diana, just so long as she doesn't annoy him because then he can turn into a bit of an ass and this boy is an expert at holding grudges over the littlest of things.

As for Emelia, well if you want a friend to her who is not a very loyal friend, the Jumin is your guy! I mean, he act's like a friend, but the second thing's get hard he's always going to take the easy way out and blame other people if it means he get's an easier ride of things. He would switch sides in an argument instantly if he would get more out of it tbh.

But both of these ideas sound pretty fun for me and we could totally work with both. Bumping into each other while doing supply shopping would probably be the easiest bet. Though Jumin does travel a lot with his father and has been all over the world with him as he is homeschooled, so it's possible they could have met elsewhere.

@Steph: Let's! I'm totally down for it =D and DW, she shouldn't get too dirty :p
@Steph: If you could start something that would be super helpful!
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