Griffin McGuinness

Griffin McGuinness

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OOC First Name
Birch Wand 14 1/4 essence of dragonstone

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Name: Gryffin Chase McGuinness
Griffin means strong of faith, or strong lord
Chase means huntsman

Nicknames: Griff, Finn,
Birthday: July 22, 2021
Hometown: Carlingford, County Louth, Ireland
Current Location: New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Languages: Griffin speaks both English and Gaelic fluently, as well as a very small bit of Spanish.

Astrological Sign: Leo
How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.
The good
Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving
The bad
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant
Leo loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement. This makes Leo prone to stir up a situation out of nowhere just for something to keep their vivacious temperament satisfied. Leo has an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events. They do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right again. Leos could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who will not take orders and not give an inch, Leos will not budge their opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others but they do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them. Leos are extremely sensitive but they hide that very well. The secret of the Leo is that they need to be needed.

Physical Characteristics
"The loner who looks fabulous is one of the most vulnerable loners of all."

Hair: Brown, unruly, often unkempt. Gryffin’s hair does not cooperate with trying to be tamed very well, and most of the time he simply can’t be bothered to do anything with it. Despite this, Griffin prefers to keep his hair long-ish and shaggy.
Eyes: striking blue. Griffins eyes are his most prominent and noted feature, and are very similar to his fathers.
Smile: It is rare for Griffin to smile, he usually smirks, or grins slightly. When he does genuinely smile it is wide, whole hearted and lights up his whole face.
Nose: His nose is straight, average size, and triangular with a rounded tip.
Body: Very tall and lithe, Griffin moves with a catlike grace. At twelve, he is already 5'5 Griffin is well muscled, but not in a bulky way. His mother often says he has a "swimmers body".
Style: Griffin's style changes by the day. He often looks messy, but can usually pull it off. His most common style includes tighter fitting corduroys and band t-shirts (some of them from bands of which he’s never actually heard) under plaid shirts.
Scars: A small scar on his left earlobe from when he was bit by a dog when he was three.
Other: Griffin is left handed

Would you like you,if you met you

Quick Look
Best Quality: Griffin is extremely loving, caring, nurturing and loyal to those close to him. He would readily die for his family or close friends
Worst Quality: Griffin refuses to bend on his opinions and likes for things to go his way

Likes: Being right, Tolkien books and movies, Science Fiction, Tattoos, pretty girls, laughing, the outdoors, hiking, mountain climbing,
Music- Griffin loves everything about music and has been playing instruments since he started learning the drums at 2 ½ years of age. He sings, plays guitar and bass and writes music, though he rarely lets anyone hear him sing or see his songs.
Flying- Griffin loves to fly, and often does so when he wants alone time (which is often). His father taught him to fly when he was just four years old, and he's been flying ever since. Though quite skilled Griffin only likes to fly for fun and is unlikely to ever try out for the Quidditch team
Family- Griffins mother and younger siblings are the most important things in the world to him.​

Dislikes: Being wrong, romance novels, insipid girls, glittery clothes, whiny people,
Routine- Griffin likes to have spice in his life. When things become routine and settle into patterns Gryffin tends to become dissatisfied and a bit depressed. He will usually cause some sort of ruckus and make poor choices just to break with routine when this happens
Organized Sports- though Griffin is somewhat athletic, and will play some sports occasionally for fun, he hates organized sports. To Griffin, being forced to practice something every day takes the fun out of it.​

Strengths: I want to be the kind of person that kind people like and want to be like
Listening- (when he wants to) Griffin can be an amazing listener, from the beginning to the end of what you have to say, and often gives quite good advice. Of course, this is only if he likes you.
Reliable-if Griffin says he’s going to do something you can bet it’s going to get done.,
bounces back from things well, - despite being quite sensitive initially Griff gets over things quickly, and does not brood over most things.
Caring and selfless- if you become close to Griff he will quite literally do anything for you

Weaknesses: I've always been very confident in my immaturity.
Sensitive- initially, Griffin is quite sensitive to rude remarks or attacks on his character, though he hides it well
Moody- When Griffin allows things to affect him he can become moody and a bit mea
Stubborn- getting Griffin to bend on his opinion or do something he doesn’t want to do is like trying to move a mountain.

Favorites Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.
Instrument: classical nylon 12 string guitar
Book: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Band: Flogging Molly
Food: Italian
Drink: Dr. Pepper
Movie: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Movie Genre: Comedy
Book Genre: Science fiction, fantasy
Word: indubitably
Color: Emerald
Quote: The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.

In Depth
Ogres are like onions, onions have layers.

Griffin can be a somewhat hard person to get to know sometimes. Though you might not guess it at first, Griffin loves to laugh and is a bit of a free spirit. He is, however, prone to mood swings, and can sometimes go from laughing, to testy to brooding within a matter of minutes. Griffin seems to need life to constantly be fast paced and changing in order to be happy, and will sometimes do outrageous or stupid things to mix things up a bit. Griff tends to hide behind a macho man exterior he’s been building up to prevent people from getting to close., because he’s afraid of people leaving him. Despite his flaws, Griffin is fiercely loyal, caring and loving after you peel back all the layers and get to his core. Griffin is a bit lost, and still has a lot of growing to do.

Biggest Fear: In essence, Griffins greatest fear is losing a loved one. Currently, if he were to face a boggarts, he would see his mother and two younger siblings dead, or in terrible pain. This fear stems from his father walking out on his family.
Biggest Secret: He really just wants to find love. Griffin wants nothing more than to find people who will accept him for who he truly is, and someone he can take care of.
Greatest Regret: He's still living it actually. We'll get back to you on that one
Worst Memory: The night his dad left. Callum came home and said some horrid things to Griffin and his siblings, and then proceeded to beat up on his mum before packing his things and walking out.
Best Memory: A picnic he took with his family on the coast of Ireland when Mavis was still just 4. It was the last time he can remember his family being truly happy.
Patronus: Sea Eagle- In animal symbolism, and eagle signifies swiftness, strength, courage, wisdom, keen sight, illumination of the spirit, healing, creation and the ability to see hidden spiritual truths.

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Griffin Chase McGuinness was born to Callum McGuinness and Evelyn Flaherty-McGuiness at 2:18 in the morning on July 22, 2021. He was the couple's first child, arriving only eleven months into their marriage. The young McGuinness family was a happy one in the early years, close with extended family and often going on family trips and outings. They lived in a small but pretty little cottage in the country outside Carlingford, Ireland. Callum worked at the Ministry of Magic as an auror to support his family while Evelyn stayed home with the baby. Just before Griffin's second birthday, the family welcomed their second child Lonan Cael McGuinness. Three years later, the last of the McGuinness siblings was born, a baby girl they named Mavis Carowyn McGuinness.

For the first seven years of his life, Griffin was an extremely happy child. While his mother loved all her children equally, young Griffin was clearly Callum's favorite. His father took Griffin nearly everywhere, spending time with him every day after work and teaching him everything from how to fly a broom to how to talk to adults. Griffin adored his parents, but especially his father. Griffin was also very close to Lonan, passing down all the lessons their father taught him to his younger brother. Both boys loved hearing stories of their parents school days at Hogwarts and would often stay up late into the night talking of the days in the future when they themselves would finally be allowed to attend. Those were good years, years of serenity and peace.

Everything changed for the family shortly after Mavis' third birthday. Callum's father Shea McGuinness passed away suddenly. Callum fell deep into grieving, disappearing for weeks at a time. No longer able to count on her husband, Evelyn procured a job as a healer at St. Mungos. During this time Callum turned heavily to drinking, becoming both emotionally and physically abusive towards his wife and sons. Mavis was the only one spared from Callum's wrath. Those were terrible times for the McGuinness family. Young Griffin suddenly found himself without his best friend, the man he had once loved most turned to his bitterest enemy. As Callum grieved for the loss of his father, so did Griffin grieve for the loss of his own.

The drinking and disappearances continued for the next two years. Each time Callum disappeared it was for longer and longer periods of time, and each time he returned he was crueler toward his family. Evelyn did her best to shield her children, while Griffin tried hard to shield his younger siblings, taking most of the abuse onto himself. Both Griffin and Lonan became fiercely protective of little Mavis. Still, the family struggled to try and stay together, until one day upon returning home from one of his disappearing acts, Callum announced that he was leaving the family for good. The scene that followed was the worst of young Griffin's life, to terrible to write in words. When the dust cleared, Callum was gone. Griffin was just ten years old.

In the years that followed Griffin gallantly took up the role of man of the house, watching his younger siblings while his Mum was at work, teaching the children all that he knew and even doing odd little jobs around the neighborhood to try and help his mother with money. (He was too young to realize that the ten dollars he made cutting the Murphy’s lawn was not exactly supplemental income).The family would have never made it if not for the support and love of Evelyn's parents. Griffin was still the happy, imaginative, dreamy boy with his family, but he had built up protective walls, keeping out strangers and trusting very few.

My family is my strength and my weakness.

Callum Mcguiness
Relation: father
Born: November 13, 1999
Callum McGuiness attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Scotland were he was sorted into the Slytherin house. Callum is a pure blood, from a family of pure bloods and is a strong blood supremacist. In his first four years at Hogwarts, Callum was a stereotypical Slytherin. He despised anyone who was a 'mud-blood' or muggle born, and rarely associated with non-pureblood wizards. He toned down his prejudice outwardly when he fell in love with Evelyn Flaherty, a Ravenclaw, while he was in his sixth year and she in her fifth. Callum had met Eve in his fourth year when she was his Charms tutor. Initially he didn't give Evelyn the time of day, doing everything in his power to make her life miserable. He despised her as a blood traitor. After a year of Evelyn being his tutor, his antagonism had still not gotten a rise out of the beautiful girl and he began to see her for who she truly was. Evelyn had begun dating Callum's best friend, Orion Selwyn, and was around often, giving Cal ample opportunity to get to know her. Orion was also a pureblood, and quite prejudice, but he was young and Evelyn was beautiful. Callum knew Orion was with Evelyn for her beauty, but said nothing. During the summer of that year Orion died unexpectedly. The cause was unknown.

Callum and Evelyn turned to each other for comfort. Drawn together by their shared grief, the two began to form a friendship, and Callum began to fall for Evelyn. She had been the only one able to give him comfort after the death of Orion. Callum fought his feelings, was both ashamed and horrified by them. Evelyn came from a family of blood traitors, they could never be. Cal couldn't fight his feelings long. He held out a a little over a year, asking her out after they attended the Halloween feast together. Callum kept his relationship with Evelyn secret from his family, knowing they would never approve. He had intended to end the relationship after he had graduated, while Evelyn was still in her seventh year. His plan was to wait until after Christmas, and break the news to her then. Before Cal's plans could be carried out however, Evelyn became pregnant. Cal felt bound by duty to stay. The two were married after Evelyn's graduation in 2018.
They moved to a quaint cottage near Carlingford, Ireland and he began his training as an Auror (presumably to be a mole for the less savory purebloods). Evelyn knew nothing of his family's history, and the McGuiness' did not speak to or socialize with the young couple. Evelyn gave birth to a girl they named Wren, and life continued. When the baby was two years old Evelyn was called out of town for 2 weeks to finish her training as a healer. Cal was left in charge of watching Wren. It was during those two weeks that Callum's father decided to pay his son a visit, demanding that Cal set his family on the right path, the pureblood path. Callum stubbornly refused, not because he disagreed, but because he was angry that his father should try to order him. Outraged, Callum's father flew into a fury, murdering little Wren were she sat playing with her toys. Evelyn never knew the truth. Callum kept it secret, thinking that he deserved such punishment for having married a blood traitor. Still, he loved Evelyn.

Callum and Evelyn remained out of contact with Cal's parents until Evelyn became pregnant with Griffin. Upon hearing that Evelyn was having a boy Shea was pleased and convinced Callum to 'do the right thing'. Callum began secretly and cunningly trying to convert his wife to his families way of thinking and pledged to his father that Griffin would be brought to see reason by the time he turned sixteen. Life continued and the family was happy. When Callum's father died, the family 'duties' fell to Callum. For the first time in his life, Cal became a killer. Unsure of how to balance his family life with his dark secrets, Callum fell into a depression, disappearing for periods of time so his family would not discover the awful truth. He had not yet been able to bring Evelyn around; she had resisted all his efforts. After two years of leading a double life, Callum fled, abandoning his family. His current location is unknown.


Evelyn Flaherty-McGuinness
Relation: Mother
Born: October 2, 2000

Evelyn Flaherty was the only child of Gareth and Niamh Flaherty. She was a kind, intelligent bubbly girl growing up in a world of magic but never losing her wonder for it. She attended Hogwarts where she was a Ravenclaw, attaining exceptional grades and even becoming a prefect. In her third year Evelyn became a charms tutor. She was assigned many students, but her most challenging was Callum McGuinness. The boy was insufferable. He would tease her and play nasty tricks, often verbally abusing poor Evelyn. Some nights after tutoring sessions Evelyn would cry herself to sleep. Though she considered asking for Callum to be re-assigned, Eve was stubborn. She would not give up. Callum McGuinness was not going to beat her.

During that same year Eve met Orion Selwyn. Orion was a handsome quidditch player with a bad boy streak a mile long. Eve, though intelligent, was naive, and she fell for Orion hard. Eve knew Orion was close to the insufferable Callum, but she didn't care. She began dating Orion in November. Orion was truly Evelyn's first love. She turned a blind eye to his blood prejudice, choosing to be ignorant. Orion could be a bit moody at times and there was some talk of him being unfaithful, but he treated Evelyn like a Princess. Orion was the bad boy everyone wanted, and Evelyn actually had him. Being Orion's girlfriend brought her in Frequent contact with Callum and the two began to get to know one another. Cal's nastiness wore off as the year went on. It came as quite a shock when Evelyn received an owl from Callum, alerting her of Orion's death.
At first Evelyn thought it was a nasty joke but she could not ignore the truth staring up at her from the pages of the Prophet the next day.

In her grief and confusion Eve turned to Callum, seeking comfort and offering it in return. Evelyn began to see a softer side to the boy she's once thought to be evil and the two formed a friendship of sorts. Through Evelyn's fourth year she and Cal grew closer and closer. Before she knew it, Evelyn had come to rely on Cal as her best friend. Of course, Cal still had his flaws, but he was the only person with whom she could really talk of Orion. Still, Evelyn thought of Cal as only a friend.

In her fifth year Eve attended the Halloween feat with Cal, thinking that they had gone as friends. She was surprised and strangely pleased when Callum asked her to be his girlfriend. She still thought of him as only a friend but decided to give it a chance. Over time, Evelyn grew to love Cal for the side he rarely showed to others. Evelyn became pregnant unexpectedly in her seventh year. Though young and still in school, she was overjoyed and excited to tell Cal. He proposed a week after she announced the prgnancy. The two were married shortly after Evelyn graduated and Evelyn gave birth a month later.The baby was a girl whom they named Wren.

Evelyn began training to be a healer that September. She was busy as a student and a mother but was able to manage with help from her own mother. Occupied as she was with her studies and Wren, Evelyn rarely thought of the fact that she had yet to meet Callum's family. He had told her he had a bad relationship with his parents, so she never asked questions. Shortly after Wrens second birthday Eve had to go away to finish her training. On the day she returned home she found Callum cradling their infant daughter in his arms, sobbing. Wren was dead, murdered by dark wizards. Evelyn does not know who they were til this day. After her daughters death Evelyn fell into a depression, but was soon forced to come out of it when she learned only three months later that she was pregnant with her second child.

The couple found out they were having a boy and soon after Callum's parents came into the picture. Cal said he had reconciled with them, realizing just how important family was after Wren's death, and Evelyn believed him. She was happy for her husband despite the fact that his parents seemed cold and aloof. Life was good for the next eight years. The family welcomed two more children and life continued. Evelyn was happy.Everything changed with the Death of Cal's father. Cal once again became the boy Evelyn had first met all those years ago. Evelyn was beside herself, holding fast to the hope that it was a phase and her dear Cal would come back to her. All hopes were dashed when Callum disappeared. These days she tries to forget him and raise her children the best she can on her own.


Wren Eloise McGuinness
Relation: Sister
Born: July 5, 2018
Died: July 28, 2020
Wren was a happy, playful little girl. She always slept through the night and rarely threw tantrums. Wren is deceased.


Lonan Cael McGuinness
Relation: Brother
Born: July 11, 2023
Lonan is a kind boy with a gentle soul. He and Griffin are very different, but very close. Lonan is outgoing, good natured and friendly, but a bit of a home body. Already a hopeless romantic, Lonan believes that one day is father will change and return to the family.


Mavis Carowyn McGuiness
Relation: sister
Born: April 20, 2026
Mavis is the jewel of her family. Adored by everyone, especially her big brothers, she is perhaps a small bit smile. However, Mavis is extremely kind. She is outgoing like Lonan and makes friends easily. Little Mavis is a princess and a tomboy all in one package.


Shea McGuiness
Relation: Paternal Grandfather
Born: July 5, 1967-May 1, 2029
A former Death Eater, Shea was a strict man. He was extremely prejudice, not associating with anyone who was not a pure blood.


Duana Stone McGuiness
Realtion Paternal Grandmother
Born: December 31, 1973
Duana is a cold, vain woman. She never shows affection and places great stock in appearances. Duana places status and money over family.


Gareth Flaherty
Relation: Maternal Grandfather
Born: September 11, 1975
Gareth is a warm and friendly man. He is very loving, always spoiling his grandchildren. Gareth loves to tell stories and jokes.


Niamh Flaherty
Relation: Maternal Grandmother
Born: July 1, 1977
Niamh is the picture of what a grandmother should be. She's always dropping by with cookies and baked goods to see her grandchildren, and always available to lend an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on.

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