Great news

Megan Vine

Well-Known Member
Megan skipped own to the owlery, she was on her way to send a letter to her friend Andrew. She had followed his advice and now had two people, one was almost a friend. It seemed that Madison had rubbed off on her slightly, she was quite a bit happier than before and way more smiley but still shy.

You told me to send you an owl if I got any progress so here it is. I spoke to Lisa and she was quite nice and I met a new person called Madison.
Madison is very bouncy and happy and likes to be called Maddie. I think I may have learned from her a bit because I feel more happy since Im met her.

Hope you are well.


She called down a school bird and attached the letter to it's leg before whispering the name. The small girl watched it fly around the castle before continuing her skipping out of the owlery and down the hall.
Andrew was sleeping, enjoying the world of his dreams where he dreamt about the girl that kept showing as a sign in the tarot readings in Divination lesson.It was a cloudy dream with unclear face of the girl but it was a happy one and he was smiling as he dreamt.

This was when he realized something was sitting on his nose. He thought about a fly but it was something sharp. He opened his eye and saw a school owl, a brown one sitting on his nose. It's claws were making marks on his face. He cursed it as he sat on his bed and the owl flew and sat aside. He rushed to the mirror to check his face. Saying one more curse word, a favorite of his as he had seen a red mark of a nail embedded on his nose by the owl's claw he wiped his nose with his t-shirt. It would take a week for the mark to disappear and he would have to walk around with it. Ugh! he thought as he untied the letter and read it.

However, as he did so a smile spread across his face. Megan's finally doing it, he thought happily as he sent the owl out of the window without any treats. He quickly took a cold shower and wore navy blue trousers and a bit overlarge t-shirt and walked quickly to the great hall hoping to see her there.
Megan continued skipping on her way down to the ground floor, she was thinking about getting some food but she wasn't sure. As she made her way down the last staircase she noticed a friendly face in the corridor. Megs grinned as she watched the boy she had just sent the owl to before skipping up to him. "Did you get my letter?" Her voice was unusually normal volume and was even cheerful. She was very proud of her accomplishments so far.
Andrew walked through the entrance hall as he heard a familiar voice which sounded a bit different this time. He turned around at the question and smiled at the girl and waved. "Yeah Megan" he said grinning as he noticed her cheerfulness and her voice.

"The holidays have changed you a great deal" he said with a wink "But it's good that I like the new Megan" he said with a smile. "Shall we?"she said gesturing her to enter the great hall. "Very hungry, glad I didn't eat that owl" he said with a dangerous smile. He then realized his scratch and put his hand over his face,hiding his nose. "So, how were your holidays?"he asked her as they walked to the Ravenclaw table.
Megan giggled at the wink, she may be brainy but when it came to anything that could be related to flirting or anything like that she became as immature as a four year old and just giggled. "I know, mum was so shocked when I got home. I told her about you helping me and she said that I needed a picture of you so she can worship it because you're a saint. Then we just spent the whole holidays watching movies on the sofa with a duvet and hot chocolate."
Megan followed him into the hall, just noticing when he put his hand over his nose. "Why do you have your hand over your nose?" she asked. After about five minutes she realised where they were going. "Are you sure you don't want to sit with your friends at your table?"
"That's nice that your mom likes me but I am not a saint and so there is no need of worship" he said with a grin. "Movies are just great...especially some classics" he said as he sat on the Ravenclaw table. A few heads turned on them but he had learned to ignore them after his name had appeared thrice in the gossip mag, he was trained for something like this.

" that..the owl did it" he said going a bit red. "Never mind it" he said with a smile. "No, I am fine here. I have Ravenclaw friends" he said with a cold smile and enemies he wanted to say as Brian's name crossed his mind. "So, how are you going with your friends?" he asked her
Megan smiled and sat down next to him. "Maybe I should have used a different owl." She giggled slightly when she spoke that before getting composure. "Well, I saw the girl in my year, Lisa, again. I also met a girl in Hufflepuff called Madison. She is very bouncy and happy. I haven't seen Alfie again though, or anyone else really." It may not have seemed like much, only seeing two people, but it was loads for the small girl. In the back of her mind, Megan worried slightly about the magazine, she had noticed Andrew in it before and was worried that it might draw attension to them.
(sorry for not being able to reply 4 so long)

"That's really nice you know" he said with a happy smile. "Did you attend the ball or halloween" he asked her wanting to know to what extent Megan had tried to be social."Many times on occasions like that I am so busy to notice people around me" he said with a smile as he ate his toast.

"Do you still say facts or is that gone too?"he asked her curiously.
Megan stopped for a second. "Umm, well, no." She hadn't wanted to face that many people and she didn't have anything to wear. She grinned at his next question however. "Nope, I started to think them and sometimes i even forget to do that!"
"Wow thats intresting" he said with a smile as he chewed on his toast. "Does that boy still call you a nerd or are people being friendly to you?"he asked her remembering that Megan had once complained about a boy. "If they don't change their habit you can always bring them in the dungeons and I'll teach them the hard way" he said with a grin.
Megan giggled at his offer, she hoped he was joking but it was nice whether he was or not. "No, I haven't seen him in a while. He seemed to hang out with a big group of people, like, almost ten. I think that maybe too mush for me at the moment. I am getting there tough!" Megan grinned, she knew that, eventually, she would be comfertable with a group that size, maybe even be able to join in with their conversation.

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