Closed Gravity is pulling

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
Outside was a nice time and were able to spend some time outside the castle walls, Thomas decided to spend the day outside. He took notes, where he wrote down the songs, then left the common room, which was quite empty today. Leaving the castle, he did not know where to go. Halfway to the lake, it was decided to go to the cliffs, because there was a wonderful view. Thomas climbed to the top of the cliff, sat down on a rock and looked into the distance and began to sing. While not taking notes, he still held them in his jacket pocket, where he put them out of the castle. Thomas thinks of Allison because a few days had passed since he caught him wandering around the castle outside of the appointed time. He was angry at her, so he did not talk to the girl and even avoided. Those few days were strangely difficult for him. Anger is already gradually began to disappear. How long can get angry?

@Allison Beckett
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Allison had been out of the castle most of the morning, feeling miserable. She hadn't seen Stanis in what felt like forever. Addy had been pouting over something and Casper had been hiding out in the gardens. She felt down herself. She just wanted to protect her brother, what was so wrong with that? She always got in trouble when she was only looking out for her family. Maybe there was just something wrong with her. She had decided to go out to the cliffs with some strawberries, thinking she just needed some time to clear her head. She stepped out of the trees, hesitating as she saw Thomas. She automatically took a step back, her eyes dropping to her feet. "H-hi Thomas," she greeted softly, feeling nervous. What was she doing? He probably didn't even want to see her. She hesitated there, torn, unsure if she should step closer or just leave.
Thomas didn't think anyone would join him in this place and stopped singing as soon as he heard the greetings from the girl and he turned his head to where the voice came from. He saw Allison and his heart began to beat in his chest like a fool. ''Hi, Allison.'' He said, then got up from the stone and approached her and kissed her, then took a step from her waiting for her reaction.
Allison was staring at her feet nervous, and was caught off guard when Thomas kissed her. She gasped softly, blushing. She looked up at him, surprised, unable to help giggling when he pulled back. "I thought you didn't like me anymore," she replied, tucking her hair behind her ear and glancing away nervously.
Thomas probably expected such a reaction as well. She nervously curled her hair behind her ear and did not look at her. He touched her cheek, then with the other hand got Allison hand. "Then you think completely wrong. I like you even very much Zoa." he said with a smile. They had told a lot to each other and their other names, and he came up with an acronym for the girl's other name. "Look at me."
Allison could swear her heart was about to jump out of her chest. She glanced up at him, giving him a shy smile. "I, um... I have strawberries," she offered quietly, lacing her fingers through his. She was tempted to step in and lay her head on his shoulder, but held back, unsure if he'd let her.
Thomas removed his hand from the girl's cheek, then looked into her eyes, when their eyes met. ''What are the strawberries? If I don't really like strawberries. Come on, let's sit down and talk.'' He said because he had to ask something that had been bothering his mind all this time until he talked to Allison.
Allison smiled shyly, holding up her little box of strawberries. She swallowed nervously as he said they should sit. "Sounds ominous, " she teased him, moving to sit down on the cliff. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked over to the older boy. She set the box of strawberries between them but didn't reach for any yet.
Thomas released the girl's hand, then turned to sit on the rock. He didn't know how to start a conversation because it was a little complicated.
''You seem to be hiding something from me. It has to do with your night walks, which I didn't realize for the first time.'' He said, looking at the girl. ''First of all. And secondly, be careful next time, because you don't want to ... '' he was silent because he couldn't say the sentence to the end. He was silent for a moment to continue. "Will you come to the ball with me?" it was the most important thing he wanted to ask the girl, but he couldn't start with.
Allison winced. She was indeed hiding something. But it wasn't her secret to share. She didn't mean to be caught by Thomas again, either. She was surprised when it went another direction, blinking and looking over to him when he asked her to the ball. "Wait, what?" She asked, startled. "You haven't spoken to me for days and now you're asking me on a date?" She blinked, her blush deepening. "Is it a date? Or am I in trouble again?"
Thomas looked away. He did not insist on revealing the secret. However, he hoped that he would not catch him next time, because he would not be as favorable as last time. Then began to think that it had become a call to the ball for her now, because it sounded she was not excited about it. Before answering he had to think for a few minutes what to say. ''I didn't speak because was angry with you. I couldn't call for a last minute when someone else would have done it.'' He looked at the girl and smiled at her. ''You're not in trouble. Yes, it's a date.'' Now we had to wait for an answer, because he didn't know anyone else had already invited Allison to the ball.
Allison was definitely surprised, but as he explained she couldn't help but giggle, covering her face with her hands. "Wow, I was- I did not see that coming," she laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking away, biting her lip. "I- yes, of course, I would love to-" she let out a small sigh, taking in a deep breath. "I'm sorry I upset you. I have a few secrets that aren't mine to share, and I'm sorry that I broke the rules. I was only trying to protect someone. I know it was the wrong thing to do, even if it was for the right reasons." She peeked over at him, giving him a small smile.
Thomas looked at the girl that at one point wanted to remove his hand from his face, but still suppressed that desire in himself. "So be careful next time, if you have to protect someone." He said, his voice sounding rather warning, then raised hand and stroked her cheek. Hearing that she agreed to go to the ball with him, a smile appeared on Thomas' face. ''Nothing is over now, only next time you don't do it again. Are you sure that the one you are trying to protect will appreciate it?'' He looked at her and smiled.
Allison's breath caught when Thomas stroked her cheek. She shut her eyes, leaning into his touch and bringing a hand up to hold his to her face. She sighed, feeling her heart drop at his question. She let his hand slip away, turning her head and pulling her knees up to her chest. "I... I don't know anymore," she sighed softly. "All I do is fight. For everyone. For everything..." she bit her lip, her shoulders slumping a little. "I can't help but wonder sometimes if any of it matters. If... I matter."
Thomas will not understand what is happening to him. While holding the girl's face and hands when she touched the heart chest literally threw somersault. "Everything matters if it's done from the heart." he said, then looked at Allison. "Maybe I'm wrong, but someone who matters and he's important to you, then I'll try to understand." he took a box of strawberries in his hand and sat closer to her. "Zoa what happens tell me."
Allison sighed softly, turning and leaning her head on his shoulder. She shut her eyes, relaxing a little. "It's... nothing, really. I'm just worried about Stanis." she admitted softly. "He's been avoiding me and I can't seem to change his mind," she frowned, biting her lip. "He's been my best friend since first year, we adopted him. I worry about him." She told him, her gut twisting a little bit.
Thomas slowly put his hand on the girl's shoulder and squeezed it lightly. He looked straight ahead and listened intently to what Allison was saying to him. ''Maybe you should try to capture the common room and talk. If you want, I can do it so he can't get away from you." He said, because it was obvious that she was very worried about Stanis. ''You told me about him, that he is dead mother.'' He remembered the evening when they met in the common room.
Allison sighed, smiling softly. "Thank you, but no, I need to catch him myself." She replied, sitting up and taking a strawberry. "I did," She agreed, laughing softly before taking a bite of the strawberry. She smiled, enjoying the taste of the treat. "I'll have to trap him later, maybe sit on him or something," she mused, plotting ways to distract her best friend.
Thomas looked at the girl. ''Okay, if you need help tell me. Will be happy to help you.'' He refused, but then picked up a strawberry. It was really delicious. ''Surely it will succeed. Maybe he'll take you to a place where there aren't many people.'' He offered. ''Do you remember asking me what I wanted to become after graduation?'' Thomas asked, smiled, then bit another piece of strawberry.
Allison smiled, trying to hide it by turning her head. She doubted Stanis would listen, but it was nice to think he might. She turned to peek back at him as he asked her a question, smiling softly. "I do. Have you decided?" She asked, curious.
Thomas smiled, although he did not try to persuade the girl to help his friend, although he was quite sure he would not ask for help. ''I haven't decided yet because I have two options. One of the ministry to work in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures or me healers accurately about Muggle doctor.'' He revealed his plans for which were not yet sure what to choose.

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