Graphics Request for Row [C]

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Rowley Cairns

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4", Essence of Raven Feather.
This request is for anyone who has the time and would be ever so kind as to make it for me :)

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Rowley Cairns
Banner Type: Blend
Celebrity you're using: Chloe Moretz
Images on banner: I know there's supposed to be four, but I really like this photo shoot and I can only find two from it, If someone can pull something together I'd be very grateful, but understand if it can't be done. If there are no replys in a few days I'll change it, I'm just having trouble finding a lot of pictures of her from the same photo shoots
Text on banner: Rowley Marilyn Cairns and Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
Fonts on banner: I like Windsor Font, but I'm not too bothered, you might have something which looks better
Colour scheme: Again, not too bothered :tut: whatever looks good, I like plain and simple really.

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes a whack at it :wub:
I gave a go at this. Let me know if you want/need anything to be altered.




Thanks a lot Steph, there really good :D
and Ahh, Clair that's amazing, I lovee it :wub: thank you very much, I can't change it at the moment as my internets down for some reason and I'm using my phone, but if I work out how to do it I shall! Thanks again to both of you for taking the time :D
You're welcome. Do you need a new avatar as well? I noticed that it doesn't show up anymore.
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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