Graphics Request [C]

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Manami Sona

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew 14", Essence of Fairy Dust
I would like anyone to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Manami Sona
Banner Type: ummm... Whatever the designer prefers. :)
*Banner Size: (You may leave this to banner maker's discretion)
Celebrity you're using: Le Hoang Bao Tran (if you could find her with short hair like this that would be great as that is how Nami wears hers)
Images on banner:
*Background Image: Feel free to find your own if these don't tickle your fancy!
*House Crest/Dark Mark: No thanks!
Text on banner: Just her first name please.
*Fonts on banner: Your choice
*Colour Scheme: I kind of liked the muted pinks of the 3rd background so maybe something to go along with that.
*Border colour/size: No preference
Links: None.
*Other: She has a streak of gold hair on the left side of her face.

Avatar Request Form
Character Name: Manami Sona
Image(s): I really like this on but there might be copyright issues.
Text (if any): No thanks
*Other: Let me know if you need any thing else! And Thank you!
Hey, so I haven't done a request in some time, so I gave this a shot. If you like it, cool, if you don't, just give a shout and I'll be willing to take another shot. If you rehost, be sure to save it as .PNG, but rehosting isn't necessary. ^_^

I really like it! Do you think you could just take off the one of her looking up? I kind of just want the one with her resting on her elbow.

Thank you!!
Sounds like a good plan! Thanks again and take your time!
Love it! Thank you so much!!
An avatar would be great, thanks!
Hey there! I just thought, I'd make a quick avatar for you! Since you didn't have one yet! I just did a little colour, so it's nice and simple!


Thanks Emzies! It's perfect! :)
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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