Graphics Please? [C]

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Adam Simons

Well-Known Member
I would like You, yes you! to fill my request.

Banner Request Form
Character's Name: Adam Simons
Banner Type: Blend
*Banner Size: Up to you :)
Celebrity you're using: Garrett Hedlund
Images on banner: Take you pic from *PICS*
*Background Image: Up to you
Text on banner:"Adam Simons" and "Older, Stronger, Wiser"
*Fonts on banner: Anything from
*Border colour/size: Small if it looks okay
*Other: Thank You :hug:

Avatar Request Form
Character Name:Adam Simons
Image(s):Same as above
*Border Small if any
*Other: Thanks Again :D
Okay, so I made this, and I was pretty pleased with it, a rocky start but it was getting there, then my photoshop decided it hated me and stopped working. Meaning I lost it. But I gave it another go. It's not great, so Apologies!


And with a border
Oh Wow :wub: Those are so amazing, better than I could have imagined! Thank you so so much :)
Okies, Awesome!
Would you like me to do an avatar as well?
Or close it? Or leave it open for someone else to try?
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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