- Messages
- 839
- OOC First Name
- Amanda
Out of Character:
- This particular thread is for graduates and speakers to post in. Guests and spectators may post in "Graduation 2029: Spectators/Guests."
Even though Gabriel Lloyd hadn't truly gotten to know any of the seventh years in attendance today, he was proud of every one of them, from the most upstanding prefects to students who struggled for their Ps and As. These students all deserved to be here, no matter which path had brought them. A wise man had once told the headmaster that there was more than one way to climb up a hill. Graduation was such a hill- no doubt, it was only one of many they would encounter after they took their final ride on the Hogwarts Express.
Streamers of different colors dangled in thin air, celebrating each house in no particular order. After all, the soon-to-be-graduates were here as the class of 2029, together, not simply as badgers, lions, snakes, and ravens. The ceiling reflected a sky painted blue and stuck fast with glued-on, cotton-ball clouds. All the long tables had been removed in favor of chairs and a stage. Seventh years filled the front row of seats while their guests filled the back. The headmaster and his deputies had their own place on stage.
Gabe rose and made his way to the podium. The buzzes and murmurs of dozens of voices died down as he began to speak.
"I'd like to welcome all who've journeyed here on this fine May afternoon," he began, "whether you're a graduate, staff member, family, friend, or someone who just wandered in. We're here to commend the blood, sweat, tears, laughter, smiles, effort, perseverance, love, and dedication the class of 2029 has put into seven years at Hogwarts New Zealand." The dark-haired wizard smiled as his attention gravitated towards those at the front of the audience. They were the reason for today and for the school's very existence. "Class of 2029- when you do board the train for the last time, take with you what you can. Do what you will to leave your foot and handprints on this world, to leave it an even more beautiful, better place. Above all else," he paused, "be true to yourselves. Don't ever give up on what can be."
Holding the silence for just a second, the headmaster intoned, "Next, I'd like to give a few moments to our Head Girl, Dannii Merrythought." Gabe waited for Dannii to take the stage before returning to his seat.