Graduation 2028: Guests

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Taking a look around the room, Cyndi was pleased with how beautiful the hall looked on this fine day. The house banners, which took over most of one wall, looked like new as did the chairs that had been placed for the staff, graduates and guests. All of the candles around the hall had been lit, setting of a nice, warm glow about the room. As the guests filed in, she hoped that they were nothing short of impressed with the set-up. The young professor wanted the students to feel proud of the place they had called home for seven years of their life and she wanted the parents to see how well everything- from the halls to the walls to their children- was taken care of.

Having seen one or two of these done before, Cyndi knew the role that she had to play in the graduation. It took a while to get through the speeches, but soon enough it was time for the graduates to stand up and receive their diplomas. Cyndi shook each student's hand with vigor, allowing them enough time to receive the praise from their family before repeating the process. It took a while because this was one of the largest graduating classes the school had seen. She didn't mind much, though her shoes began bothering her about halfway through the ceremony. She figured the students would use the time to allow the experience to sink in, to think about their futures, or to begin thinking about their goodbyes. Cyndi had done all three at her graduation several years earlier.

When the ceremony was over, Cyndi stood on the stage, watching as the students entered the swarm of guests waiting to congratulate them. She waited several moments, stopping to speak to her fellow staff members, before heading into the crowd to congratulate the students and speak to the guests.
Maya sat with her mother Gwen, both woman where invited to attend Elvera graduation this year. She was told a few weeks back and went on and plan ahead to miss work today, giving her superior heads up before doing so. She was glad to be granted to be here, it would be such a pity to miss her cousin's big day. With years of not knowing of their existing or connection from before, it was just another event in their life to bring them back together. Reminding them repeatedly of each other, and to celebrate Elvera's achievement with magic. Maya clap the loudest, one can't help to be please with her cousin. She understand no doubt the struggle of magic and how hard it was to learn.

She remain seated, till they started handing out diplomas. Maya stood up for cousin, her mother following after doing the same, when it was over they waited for Elvera and Morgan to come back to them. With a bouquet of flowers in hand, Maya wanted to celebrate, all four of them. Tonight they can dine and cheer for Elvera. Graduating would be no fun without celebrating afterwards, Maya knew that from her mom, who took her out on the town when she graduated couple years back from Scotland. Plus it was fun and it was the best time to share a few drinks!
Ariah sat with her legs crossed and her expression full of curiosity. She had never been to a Graduation at Hogwarts before so this was a little new to her. This wasn't the first Graduation she attended either, she had also gone to Adrian and Yvo's Graduation when it came to their time. Ariah had no knowledge of Colton ever existing at that time she would have never been to his if it hadn't been for him and Adrian Graduating the same year. It was kind of sad that her own brother was the one giving the speech that Azerail was making today and she hadn't even realized it. Her father should have told her before he died about Colton. Ariah didn't like finding out through a letter after it was too late for him to tell her the truth. Her eldest brother ended up being the one taking care of her too so she wished that Colton had been given a better light in the family. It would make things feel a bit less awkward. The Graduation differences from here and other schools weren't really noticeable so she was enjoying herself. Soon it would be her turn to be in the Graduate's shoes. That was a little scary to think about but she was sort of excited to be a big bad Seventh Year. It would feel awesome to no longer have to worry about looking up to someone in the school that was older than her. She would be the dog dog, or one of the many since there were other's in her class Graduating too. It was hard to believe how quickly time flew. It felt like just yesterday that she arrived here and now she was getting close to her finals years. Ariah let her mint green eyes flick over to Leviathan softly. How was it that he still managed to look grouchy? "Hey, stop looking so grumpy." Ariah nudged him softly with her elbow and turned to give him a soft smile. That was his family member up there so he should be happy to be here. Austin was Graduating today too so he deserved to be honored as well. The mint eyed beauty was just grateful that she had been invited all together. It would be nice to get a peak at what it would be like when it was her turn. Soon it was time for Azerail's speech and Ariah let her eyes turn away from her boyfriend to the Head Boy. He sure knew how to give a speech for being as shy and quiet as he seemed to be whenever Ariah happened to see him.

When the speech was finished and both of her future family member's received their diploma's, Ariah clapped happily and cheered. It was sad that next year she would be without them, but she was happy for them nonetheless. They should be proud of themselves for making it this far actually. It was a hard feat to keep in school when there was so many things going on around them. When the ceremony was over, Ariah tugged on Leviathan's arm to hurry him going so she could say hi to Austin and Azerail before the crowds got too bad. When Ariah caught sight of Azerail she made to give him a big hug and a good job for his speech, he did an amazing job! Austin got a hug too but he didn't give a speech so she couldn't Congratulate him on that. Ariah's hands glided until she grasped onto Levi's. She didn't know if he liked hand holding at all but she figured that it was small enough to where it could be easy to tolerate plus it showed others around that she was with him. "So, I really hope you guys won't forget all of the little people your leaving behind at Hogwarts." Ariah puckered our her lower lip playfully and winked one of her eyes. It would not be easy to forget them but she was joking around for the most part. Ariah knew that she could certainly never forget either of them. Then again she also wasn't Graduating and being forced to soon leave the school and go out into the real world.​
It was the day that Dannii had been excited for and dreading all semester, Azerail's graduation. Of course she was extremely happy for him, but at the same time she was sad that they would never be in school together again. No more Halloween feasts, or yule balls, or quidditch games against one another. No it was all coming to an end. So Dannii sat down next to some other students who were attending graduation and kept telling herself over and over that she would not cry. Dannii had never been to a graduation before so she really didn't know what to expect besides the speeches from the head boy and girl. Soon the Deputy Headmistress was introducing Azerail and Arianna Tipley. Dannii felt so proud when Azerail stepped up to the podium and began his speech. All promises she made to herself about not crying during the graduation were broken and she found herself crying for the first time in public since her parents funeral.

As all the graduates received their diplomas Dannii clapped politely for each one, cheering for a the few people she knew. When the ceremony finished Dannii pushed her way through the crowd as fast as she could to meet up with Azerail. When she got there Dannii flung her arms around him and hugged him tight against her. "Congratulates Head Boy" Dannii said quietly before kissing him gently on the lips. "Your speech was amazing" she commented. Dannii turned her head to see who else she was standing with. How did I not notice everyone else when I got here? Dannii wondered to herself. "Congrats Austin" Dannii added when she saw him. She didn't really know the boy that well but that really didn't matter. Then there was Ariah who she knew from class, and another younger boy she didn't recognize, but Dannii said hi to them both anyways.
Grezhen Varius was not exactly one of those to dress up formally. Grezhen stopped wearing so many formal things when he was always getting too warm and sweating. Despite how much hair he grew on his face and his head, his arms were not that bad actually. Just normal. However, he was usually more sensitive to his surroundings when he was closer to the full moon. Thankfully, he took his potion on a regular basis so he won't have to transform. Grezhen was here for his adopted son, whom was Head Boy, an accomplishment that he had never earned though he did earn Prefect when he was in school but that was it. Now he was sitting here with his other family members that Azerail invited, though he still felt a little out of place. Perhaps he was one of the only werewolves that looked like he could actually be one, though with his miscolored eyes due to being blind in his right eye, it would be even weirder to see him with yellow eyes. Once Azerail finished his speech, Grezhen clapped loudly, and then he even cheered once he got his diploma, and same for Austin. Grezhen was allied with the Zhefarovich Family though unknown that he was merely a watch dog for Azerail until Azerail became of age. Did not stop him from knowing some of the people though.

Once the graduates were free to join their families, Grezhen moved his way through the crowd, before he saw Azerail who has surpassed his height greatly. Grezhen said to the both of them, "Congratulations, you two, you have done it!" Grezhen put his hand on Azerail's shoulder, proud of him in every way possible. Though he was worried about Leviathan being here, and he knew that the boy was bad news just by staring at him. Grezhen pointed out, "You are one of the Zhefarovich's, huh. And you must be Ariah Rowan, heard a lot about you, from Azerail." He stuck his hand out to shake hers. He already knew Dannii, but he cast a smile at her as well. But he did not know everyone Azerail knew.
Soon to be a sixth year Slytherin sat next to his Prefect of a girlfriend and fiancée. Leviathan was not in the best of moods, and he was so grumpy right now because he knew that next year, he would be sitting here watching Ariah graduate. He was going to stay grumpy because he could not remember his first year, and he could not remember a time without her. He needed her here, and she was just going to leave him. Why did she have to be older than him, and put in a higher grade? He needed to have her around for his own sake. Sure, he was being selfish but he truly did not give a hoot. Levi glared ahead, and he heard what Azerail's speech was which was not that long thankfully. And then there was the thought of himself graduating and then getting married. Why did he have to face up to that so soon? Levi glared ahead some more, before shifting his silver eyes to teh ground, and he sneered when the diplomas were given out, when he thought that there were some there that did not deserve to graduate from this school. They should not have even been here. He knew that there were some unworthy of being Slytherin, and of being magical too. He dared not to think of who they were anyway.

Once every graduate got their diplomas, he was being dragged by Ariah to meet with Azerail and Austin, though Austin he did not like so much, but Azerail, Kaleb and Theodore, with him, were some of the best people that he had ever known. Levi smirked a bit, and he thought about telling him that he did a good job when Ariah hugged him and Austin, and then some girl did who he assumed to be Azerail's squeeze. He glared at her for a moment, before shifting his attention to the mutt. The guard dog actually. Levi almost smacked the hand from touching Ariah and Levi sneered, "I am, and don't you touch her, mutt." Levi might be acting like the biggest prejudice jerk the school had ever seen, but he did not care. It was how he was. To him, Levi was above everything that was not pure, and his mind would not be changing for anyone or anything.
Kaleb Styx was just attending here for his friend and uncle, Azerail Varius. Kaleb was one of the most troublesome of the bunch, though he was as much of an ass as the next one. Kaleb sat through the whole ceremony, and then finally it was time to see those that would receive the diplomas. He would be going through that next year, and he did not know how he would feel about that at all. Kaleb was sitting next to his family and he rose up to go greet his newly graduated family though Austin was not really that much in good standings with Kaleb. However, he went to Azerail and he congratulated him on a good speech. He stood next to Leviathan and he also nodded once at Ariah Rowan. He nodded once at her and smiled, but he laughed a bit at Leviathan's little crack at Grezhen. Kaleb, like his father, hated his type and that was because they had a run in with one a while back. Kaleb turned to Ariah and he smirked, "Don't worry, they will be around. Family always stick together."
Frances Alexandra could not believe it had been almost eighteen years since she had given birth to her twin daughters in a muggle hospital all on her own, but as much as she wanted to forget that those girls were growing up, the fact of the matter was that they were, or already had. Frances had been only seventeen when she had given birth to Riley and Lani and all seventeen years of their lives she had fretted over them and worried that she was doing the wrong thing or that because she had them so young she wouldn't be a good enough mother. But as she sat next to one of her daughters, the Head Girl of Beauxbatons, Frannie knew that she had done as well as she could have and she couldn't have been happier with how brilliantly both of her beautiful blonde girls had turned out. Though truthfully the main reason Frances knew she had not failed as a parent was, as far as she was concerned, that neither of her twin daughters were pregnant like she had been, an achievement in itself. There were many things about being an adult and a mother that Frances had never quite grown into the way she should have and sitting quietly through long ceremonies was one of them. Even though her daughter Riley's surname came at the beginning of the alphabet, Frannie founf out the hard way that she still had to stay and watch all of the other childen who she didn't know recieve their diplomas also.

When the time came for her to stand up and properly congratulate her daughter, Frances found the most peculiar feeling near the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to be that embarrassing mother who cried when her children achieved things, but here she was with tears pricking at her eyes and she could see no way that they could be stopped. It had been odd to hear the name Alexandra spoken when her daughter received her diploma, because somehow Frannie sensed that because of her engagement and pending wedding it could quite possibly be the last time she would hear the surname she had given them announced in such a public setting. Looking down happily at the engagement ring balanced perfectly on her ring finger, the thirty-four year old assumed that even though her daughters were almost too old to be adopted by Tamas, that they would take the name Mauven, and even still someday she would marry them off and their names would change again. No matter which name they had, they would always truly belong to her, they were her little girls and with their blonde hair and features there was no mistaking that they were the spitting image of her, and luckily not their long forgotten father.

Looking out through tear stained eyes as she dabbed at her mascara, the mother looked towards her daughters, "Doesn't mama get a hug?" she asked, almost pleading for something to cover up the warm tears that stained her cheeks. She had been through so much with her daughters, their first steps, first words, first friends, first everything. She had been there every step of the way and though she had almost accepted they were growing up and wouldn't always need her, Frances felt like their graduations from Hogwarts and Beauxbatons were really the last time they would depend on her. They were all grown up, and so beautifully too. She was ever so thankful that Riley and Kalani were going to stay together when they left school, she couldn't bare to think that once she married Tamas they would all live entirely separately. But it was good for the girls to have their own space, she was sure that someday she and Tamas would be starting an extension to the family, and she couldn't imagine her daughters, especially Riley, wanting to be woken up at the crakc of dawn by the wails of a baby, unless it was that of their own. Frances wanted to hold onto her daughters forever, but as both of them fell into her, embracing her, she knew she would have to settle for just one last family hug.
Azerail was pleasantly surprised with how many people had arrived to see him. He hugged Ariah back and smiled at her, though frowned a bit at Leviathan's comment. Azerail could not believe what the boy had said. Azerail shook his head and he turned over to his girlfriend. He was kissed and he was just laughing too much to really give her a kiss back. Azerail nodded at the compliments, and he smiled over at Austin. This was over. Azerail turned to Ariah and said, "Hey, you will still see me at the Zhefarovich Manor, you know that. And you got your grumpy boyfriend with you too." Azerail was just happy to finally have this year done and over with. "Thanks for the compliment on the speech. I kind of just winged it." He reached around and scratched the back of her head. Azerail wanted to get on to Kaleb for leaving but in a way, but he did not because it was ultimately Kaleb's choice to leave the school. Azerail glanced over at the rest, and he wondered where Theodore Snow was. He knew that he was around here somewhere. "Hey Ariah, did you see Theodore? I know I've seen him, Merlin, he isn't asleep is he?" Azerail hoped that his speech did not put him to sleep or anything. That would be awful!
Today was a very proud day for Kat. Her baby cousin, Lola, was graduating from Hogwarts and she couldn't have been happier. Over the last seven years she'd seen her cousin bloom. The young Ravenclaw had gone from the most extreme version of an introvert to the slightly more outgoing young woman she was now. She had a boyfriend, whom in Kat's opinion had done her wonders and now Lola would be opening up for Marleigh a couple nights a week. The former Gryffindor simply couldn't believe it. Kat sat quietly while the Head Girl and Boy gave their speeches, feeling as if it had been a lifetime ago that she'd once taken her walk across the stage to receive her diploma. When her cousin crossed the stage she stood up and yelled and chanted. "Woohoo! GO LOLA!! That's my girl," she beamed brightly, taking great pleasure in watching her cousins face turn bright red. The brunette took her seat once again, feeling her pride bubble over as she clapped her hands together in her lap and watched the remainder of the graduates take the stage.
Serena followed her sister into the Great Hall of the school, sitting down beside her. Today was a good day. Lola was graduating. The blonde looked around and realized that only a few years prior she too had graduated. Time seemed to fly by when you weren't considered a child anymore and had adult responsibilities. Serena watched and clapped as each of the graduates walked across the stage, but just like her sister the former Gryffindor stood and cheered loudly for her cousin. "That a girl Lola!" Serena grabbed her sisters hand and squeezed it and they exchanged a look that meant they knew they'd succeeded in embarrassing their baby cousin.
Daniel never thought that he would step foot in an actual school again after he practically ran out of his first and last one after only being there for a few months. Although today was the exception to the rule, much like the reason he was here. He was here today for Lola, his girlfriend’s, graduation. Even after being together for this long he still found it hard to believe that he had a girlfriend whom his feelings grew for more and more everyday. Daniel was a shy guy and anyone who knew him, knew this very well but ever since he had known Lola that he changed a lot and he had her to thank for that and he promised himself that he would let her know how much he appreciated her for helping him out of his shell. He sat through the whole ceremony just waiting til he could see Lola, it had seemed like forever since the last Brightstone weekend when he got to see her. When it came time for the seventh years to receive their diplomas he sat up slightly trying to get a good look to see Lola. When her name was called he clapped as loudly as he could and laughing at Lola’s two cousins beside him shouted for Lola, he stood up and cheered along as he beamed up as his girlfriend who was going her usual shade of red. Laughing a bit he sat back down and when the ceremony was over he was up like a shot to seek out Lola.
Ariah softly pinched Leviathan after his rude comment to Grezhen about him being a mutt and telling him not touch her. "Nice to meet you Sir." She greeted Grezhen with a small smile before she turned her eyes back to Levi and let them roll softly, he was such a grump today. She gave him a small hug as if to warn him that he needed to calm down and learn to smile or something. Ariah wondered how the two Graduate's felt right now. If they felt scared, or relieved, or a mix of both of them combined. It would give her an idea of how she would feel next year. The dumbest part of this would be her and Leviathan being separated. Maybe if she got him to work hard enough the Professors would be impressed and let him skip up a grade so they could Graduate together. Even Kaleb tried cheering her up about the whole situation of them leaving. "Easy for you to say, you left us too Kaleb!" She playfully thumped Kaleb on the arm. "Well you had better say hi to me if you are around. But yeah, thank goodness that I have Levi at least. He's so cute when he gets grumpy." Ariah laughed purposely avoiding everyone's look. She knew guys disliked it when girls called their 'angry faces' cute. But how could she help it? He was adorable! When asked about Theodore, Ariah pointed her head in the direction of the dozing blonde. He looked so peaceful one would think he hadn't slept in months.​
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