Grace Raven

Grace Raven

Madame Farfalla | Old Soul
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Full Name:
Grace Margaret Raven

Date of Birth:
August 18th 2015

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Long Blondie-brown hair. Green eyes, and slight freckle on her nose. She is 4ft 5 and 70.4 lbs.

Snob. That’s pretty much it. Grace is the world’s biggest snob. Grace hates any-one thats not a Pure-blood. She will even go as far as hating an animal if it’s not a pure species. Take a dog for example. If the dog was half Chihuahua and half Jack Russel, she would hate it. If it was full Chihuahua she would LOVE it.
Grace was brought up to frown on other people, and to be better than others. She believes that half-bloods and dirty bloods are a complete waste of space.
Grace can be extremely demanding and can seem unappreciative of others. Her favorite words are "Tea", "Cookies?" and "Lady" She enjoys lecturing other at every opportunity if she feels they are stepping out of line. Grace is very aware of her femininity, forever reminding others that she is a 'lady'. She is also perceived as being cold and angry, but she is actually very protective of, and cares deeply for, her friends and anyone she loves.
Grace does have a cute side, which is evident in her intense, almost obsessive, admiration for cookies and sweets.
Grace is polite in a snob and lady-like fashion.
Grace is also a great hostess at parties and other venues.

Grace has parents but they are so distant to her she knows nothing about them. She was brought up by a nanny. She loves her nanny like a mother and she learnt everything from her. Her name is Sally, but she is referred to simply as 'Nanny'.

“I do what Miss Grace’s parents ask of me. I do what they tell me to do. But when they ask me to teach her to look down upon others I will also tell her about the muggle borns and that they do not deserve to be condemned. She loves me like a mother and I love her like a daughter. I was never allowed to have my own.”

Pets :
Grace has a Pure Siamese cat. And it has her exact personality. Independent, protective, demanding and snobby, her name is Shinku as she has had a crimson collar from birth.

Area of Residence:
She lives on a small island off the coast of Italy, the only things living there are her family, her cat, a few birds and herself.

Blood Status:
Pending hoping for pureblood

Completely English. Though she lives off the coast of Italy.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Playing with her cat, and playing the violin.

Additional Skills:
Great cook, she often cooks cakes and other sweets to satisfy her sweet-tooth.

Her independence and her strange ability to make friends.

Being out of her comfort zone.

Describe your character in three words:
Polite, Independent, Ambitious.

Favourite place to be:
Out in her personal garden.

None at the moment.

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To become the best witch, and maybe an Auror. (She thinks Death Eaters, are just bums that have nothing else to do with their time) or own a bakery

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:
Tea parties, lunchens and hostessing


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Become an auror.

Your Patronus:
She doesn’t know, most likely a cat of some sort.

Your Patronus memory:
When she opened her eyes and noticed that the world is not such a bad place.

Your Boggart:
A swarm of angry, dangerous, mutt dogs.

Your Animagus:
Most likely an elegant cat or a beautiful bird.

Mirror of Erised:
The whole world consisting of pure bloods.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
You won't believe what happened to me today. I was nearly attacked by a bunch of muggles. They were running around at the park and nearly knocked me flying. I couldn't believe it. But any-way, I will just leave you now, Nanny is calling me.
~Grace Margaret Raven.

Heyy there!
I've got a couple of questions for you.
You can answer them IC or OOC

1. If Grace could go anywhere in the globe just for a day where would she go?
2. Is There anything that she could be made to do at school which she would really hate doing?
3. Does Grace like her name?
4. What are the orgins of her name?
5. Does Grace wish to know her parents?
6. If she had been raised by them instead of the nanny, do you think her personality would be different?
7. Grace has some pretty strong views about blood, how is she going to fine hogwarts because of this?
8. Do you think anyone could change her views? Why/ why not?
9. What are her thoughts on the Hogwarts Uniform?
10. What would Grace be caught wearing on a casual Sunday, a hot summer hot, cold winter day, and a night out?

If my questions are confusing say, I'll explain better.
1.If Grace could go anywhere in the globe just for a day where would she go? Well, Grace does not like being out of her comfort zone which includes any place she does not know, which would include everywhere but if given to choose she would probably go to England as that is where her family is from.

2. Is there anything that she could be made to do at school which she would really hate doing? She would hate having to sit on the side lines; Grace is a very competitive person and if she was in a team or something similar she would expect to do something, but if she is not allowed she would be quite angry indeed.

3. Does Grace like her name? Grace loves her last name and first name, but she does not like the name ‘Margaret’ if given the chance she would change her name to Grace Ella Raven.

4. What are the origins of her name? Not sure what you mean but she was named after the daughters of Maxwell off of the TV show The Nanny if that is what you meant.

5. Does Grace wish to know her parents? Grace would like to know her parents, but she is too scared too, she has an image of her parents and she does not want to be disappointed of them because she loves them.

6. If she had been raised by them instead of the nanny, do you think her personality would be different? Grace’s personality would most likely be worst, but she would probably be a little bit happier.

7. Grace has some pretty strong views about blood, how is she going to fine Hogwarts because of this? Grace will have no problems as long as she never finds out she is surrounded by non-purebloods, if she ever did find out she would probably go white and be extremely scared of everyone, she would also be very angry with her parents and Nanny for sending her there in the first place.

8. Do you think anyone could change her views? Why/ why not? If anyone could change her views it would be a close friend, parents or Nanny, Grace was told about non-purebloods but she was never told that they looked just like normal people, she has seen muggles around when she goes to the main land but she could always tell they were non-magical, it is completely different with non-purebloods, they have magic that they could use against her, she has also drawn a picture in her head of them and they look scary, but it would be possible if her close friend was a non-pureblood, though at first she would be angry with them and not talk to them.

9. What are her thoughts on the Hogwarts Uniform? Grace likes the uniform alot, she thinks it is formal and she likes wearing ties even though she is a little bit sexist.

10. What would Grace be caught wearing on a casual Sunday, a hot summer hot, cold winter day, and a night out?
Casual Sunday (alone): Grace is quite different when she is alone, she tends to talk to something with a face and loses her dress wearing rules, she would be wearing light blue jeans, a long white shirt with some sort of colouring, a black blues brother hat and socks, she would not be wearing shoes if she was alone.
Casual Sunday (Not alone): Grace would be wearing a nice single coloured dress with a bow somewhere, she would wear her rocking horse shoes and be carrying her violin case, her hair would most likely be put up in two pig-tails.
Hot summer: Grace is a dress wearing person when it is hot, she would be wearing a long, light sleeved dress, and the design would be autumn or winter, like a red dress with orange and yellows leaves on it, or a white dress with light blue snowflakes and matching sandals.
Cold winter: Grace would be wearing black, most likely a black dress of a long black skivvy with tights, she might throw a hat in with the outfit, and boots or rocking horse shoes.
Night Out: Grace likes to be glamorous; she would wear a nice single coloured dress, a light jacket and rocking shoes, she would wear pearls with the dress.

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