Closed Gotta get used to seeing me less

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Things with Killian Borisyuk and Amethyst have been...interesting to say the least. Started off as him working as a club bouncer and DJ, with her working at the same club. Her teasing him until they became more intimate. His jealousy over her interactions with his brother despite the two being rather hostile at first, then her setting him up with one of her friends. So, he really did not have anything to worry about. Except he could never take her swimming since she didn't know how to swim. That was a mistake that would always haunt him. But today, he received word that he had been hired as the new History of Magic professor, and he sent in his notice at the club. While he was still working out the kinks to get Amethyst out of there, his own direction was taking off.

He poured himself a tall glass of his favorite vodka, and a 'normal' glass for Amethyst when she came home. He was not sure what sort of emotion she would have with the news since he didn't consult her. He would be both at the castle and here, especially since he would only be teaching half a subject. Killian should be prepared for her teasing since History of Magic might be considered a 'nerdy' subject. He sat down in his armchair and sipped his vodka while thinking of what he needed to pack.
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Amethyst had no idea how she ended up seeing Killian Borisyuk. He was a hug pain in her rear at work, and an even bigger pain in her rear in real life. Overly jealous, insecure, and a little emotionally closed off. Still she had found herself growing fond of him from the minute their tension had broke and they decided to become an item. From little hiking trips to miniature fights over silly things that ended with both of them apologizing, Amethyst had grown quite attached to Killian. In fact even now as she left the club she was thinking of him.

The blonde arrived home, heels slung over her shoulders and a pair of sneakers on that didn't match her work outfit at all. It didn't matter to her, she was tired and her feet hurt. She entered Killian's house and smiled. "Missed you at work, even if the music was better without you." She teased, approaching him to give him a kiss. "Where were you today?" She asked, while they had their separate lives it wasn't like him to be off on a day she was on. Usually they just always worked together.
Killian heard his door open, which he had to put a smaller door inside of the larger door to let people like Amethyst and Kade inside. Kade was doing a late night sleeve so he would be gone a while. But the door opened to allow Amethyst inside, wearing practical shoes versus those hills of hers. Shame it barely made much of a difference while standing next to him. Even while sitting down, he had to lean to let Amethyst kiss him. "Well, guess you might have to get used to that music, unless you are over here, then I play what I like." The club was just too boring for someone like him.

No, the music he needed was something much harder. He sighed as he made sure his glass was safe before he reached down to grab Amethyst to set her on his lap. It would be easier to talk to her this way about his change of career. "Amethyst, I don't work there anymore. I put in my notice. I'm the new History of Magic professor over at Hogwarts New Zealand. Upper years." Killian was not entirely sure that this was his calling or not, but he did hope that it was. He was not happy at the club. At all.
Amethyst rolled her eyes at the way Killian was always such a harda$$, especially about music. He was so easily annoyed by the upbeat pop rhythms that the club typically played. It was something she thought was cute about him if she was honest. She let out a soft squeal as he picked her up unexpectedly and sat her on him. It was relaxing though and she cuddled up against him smiling gently. However her little bit of bliss didn't last long when Killian spoke again. He was going to be a teacher. "Wait what? They let you teach children?" She asked flabbergasted.

Amethyst moved so she could look at him a little more head on. She was looking to see if he was joking. But he looked so serious. Her face softened into a sad expression. "B-but that means you're going to have to be gone during the semester. Who is going to make sure I'm studying instead of online shopping?" She asked with a whine in her tone, immediately becoming immature over the topic.
Killian held her steady on him as she cuddled into him. It looked odd coming from him considering how he looked, but apparently he might as well be a giant teddy bear in her eyes. But his news seemed to a little offensive, actually. What was wrong with him teaching kids?! Well, as his green eyes looked over himself, he sort of saw why she would think that. But he was still just as good as some of the other professors - surely. He just had a lot more going on with him. And how he looked. "What the hell is wrong with me teaching kids? And it wouldn't be children, exactly, but teenagers."

Wasn't sure if that made much of a difference, but eh, still. He opened his mouth but closed it when she mentioned studying and online shopping. He did help her study after all, or at least, stay on topic. He pointed out, "If you really wanted to be a healer, you would keep studying. You don't need me looking over your shoulder. Or I can have Kade help. He's pretty good with studying." Wasn't his brother in university or something now? Something about marine life and fish. Not that Killian cared much for it.
At his question Amethyst raised a brow at him. "Well you aren't exactly approachable, so if a kid needs help they're gonna be scared of you." She pointed out. "Plus you're always grumpy. And you also hate people in general." She said all of this plainly, none of it meant to be an insult. As he points out about her studying she sighs. "It's better to study from your lap though, even when you're not paying attention to the things I'm looking at it makes me happier."

Amethyst looks down for a minute. "I'm gonna miss you but I'm proud of you for doing this." She said before glancing back up at him. "How are you going to go without my snuggles for months at a time though?" She asked with a cheeky smile.
Killian was about to snark back, but then again, she was right. He was not exactly approachable, and how he was always grumpy. And then there was the fact that he truly did not like people. "You are right. But maybe they won't be too bad. The subject might be too easy to need extra help for all I know." Yet, even though he was so unapproachable, he had been approached several times. She was one of them. He never would have talked to her if she didn't consistently bother him until they were an item. She even got him to fall for her. Someone as hardened as him. Kaelan would be rolling if he knew. Luckily, he was alone in this situation.

He looked down at her curiously as she sighed. Amethyst just wanted him around. "Now you know how I will feel when you become a healer. I'll write to you every week, or more if you want." Killian barely wrote to his family, so him offering that was a feat on its own. But going without her for months, now he was a little unhappy about that. Killian shrugged his shoulders, "Guess we need to get it all out of our systems before I head to the school."
Amethyst stayed frowning as he spoke. Getting it out of their systems? Only hearing from him once a week? Going to bed alone. She sighed. She hated the thought of it and couldn't help but pout about it a little bit. She snuggled into him nuzzling into his chest. There was something so comforting about him. How did this giant donkeys rear become home to her. She wasn't sure but she wasn't complaining either. "You're going to have a lot of making up to me when you come home on breaks too. We'll be so busy you won't be able to take home work." She said coyly, leaning so she can attempt and kiss his cheek, pulling down on his face as she does. "I'm proud of you." She says finally.
Killian continued to look down as she snuggled against his chest. It was still rather comical that she was so small compared to him. The fact that she has to pretty much stand up on his lap to even reach his face. His lips curled into a smirk as she mentioned how busy they will be. Dating for months and they were still in the honeymoon phase. "I'll be sure not to bring any sort of work home so I can focus on you." He leaned down a bit so that she could kiss his cheek, though he was having to really bend over for it. He wasn't quite as limber, not with his muscles in the way. "I'm glad. I was worried that you'd want me to stick around at the club." He rubbed her back a little bit, and smirked, "So, how shall we celebrate my new career, Amethyst?"
Amethyst smiled, it was comical to watch him try and bend over to give her a kiss. After all, he wasn't nearly as flexible as she was - she did yoga regularly! She shook her head slightly. "No, the club isn't for you. You hate the music, you hate the way the customers act, and you hate the bosses for the most part. So I'd never want you to stay somewhere you aren't happy." She said - a mature outlook on his new job. "I have a few ideas on how we could celebrate." She said, glancing toward the back of the house with a smirk. "if you're up for it." She said with a feign of worry that he'd be too tired.
Killian averted his gaze as she listed off how much he hated everything while he was at the club. She was not wrong at all. Everything about that place, he hated. The only good thing was that he could meet Amethyst there, even though at first, he really did not like her. Even called her by different jewel names. "You were the only good thing about that place. And throwing some of the customers out. That was always fun." He shifted his head toward the room that she was looking at, and realized where her mind went. "You are truly insatiable, Amethyst," Killian commented, but he picked her up to hold her to his chest as he stood up from his chair. "Let's see how long you'll last against me when I'm not fed up with the old job." Killian made his way into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. He wouldn't break her. After all, she did work today.

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