Good Time.

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Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Dymetris costume for tonight feast was the last thing he would wear, but he had no choice and had to spike it some. He wear dirt all of his face and hands, he charm it so it didn't stink and Faxen wouldn't be effected by the dirt at all. He wore a very dirty shirt again, he charm that and the pants. It was hard to come up with a suitable spells for all of this, in the end he was satisfied to the fullest in what he was wearing. On his shirt he had letters that read across in bold, "Faxen's Little Prisoner" he drew devil horn and tail to make it more mischief like around the writing. Okay he was done, he left his dorm and waited for his girlfriend by the staircase. She would be coming down the steps any minute now. He stared looking around, waiting for the brunette. He was told to look for fairy, and a fairy he was looking. No sign showed that she had appeared yet, he expect this from most girls. It's no big deal, he guessed the feast will just be like last year anyways, fun and stuff. Nothing else.
Faxen Lowart had spent weeks making her costume and it was oh so worth it. The dress was brown, mode, and dark green. It looked like she would blend right into the forest. Attached to her back, Faxen had shiny, iridescent wings, almost like dragonfly wings, that she had created magically. Her hair was a radiant purple color which she had transfigured temporarily. All in all, Faxen Lowart looked beautiful and enchanting, as if she had just stepped out of some childhood fairy tale. Faxen quickly finished getting ready with little to no make up. Her bare feet made soft padded noises as she scurried down the girls' staircase and out of the portrait hole. A few flights down, Faxen's soft brown eyes made contact with the sea green ones that she loved so much. Her face stretched into a wide grin as she hurried down the stairs, throwing herself into his arms. Once she was back on the ground, Faxen looked Dymetris over, laughing out loud. So this was the big costume surprise that he had planned. The brunette shook her head at him with a grin on her pretty face. "You would. I love the costume. I think you are going to be turning quite a few heads." she teased him lightly.
Dymetris heard someone coming, he turn his eyes up at the brunette. She looked rather majestic in her outfit, it was so her to do something out of the ordinary. He grin turning around to show the writing on his back, for added effects he also had cuffs (fake) hanging from his dirty jeans, that was the best he could come up with to make this outfit fun. "What you don't like it? I think it's wicked" he grin, he step forward and kissed his girlfriend right on the lip. "You look awesome, how did you do that to your hair?" his mom were good with changing hair color, they would so get along with her. "And the leaves? So original" he grin, she looked like a woodland fairy. After he was through admiring her choice of Halloween costume he took her by the hand and headed for the great. "You think there be a lot of people there? Halloween fest are always fun, when there's a good level amount of people" he said for a small chat. He held her by the waist as they grew nearer of the celebration, he wanted to stomp away any new rumors that maybe circling around the school. "So what you think?"
Faxen laughed and shook her head. "Of course I like it, silly! Especially the back." she teased him before she kissed him once more. She grinned at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I transfigured it. Don't worry, I'm going to change it back tomorrow." she said with sly look at him. It had taken her several tries before she got it right. She was glad Dymetris could appreciate it. Faxen stepped back from him and turned in a circle so that he could truly admire her hard work. She was pleased that he thought she had done a good job with her costume. Faxen took Dymetris' hand as it was offered to her. She walked with him down the staircase. "There should be. I know a lot of students were really looking forward to the feast. I'm sure it will be a blast." she said confidently. Faxen smiled brightly as they neared the entrance. Dymetris' arm went around her waist, pulling her tightly up against him as they walked into the hall. Faxen looked around, nodding approvingly. It looked awesome in here with all of the decorations that the professors had assembled. "Yeah, definitely going to be a good night." she said with a wicked grin. "C'mon let's dance." the petite brunette said, not waiting for his response. She pulled him out on to the dance floor.
He was pulled rather quickly before he could protest the dance. He wasn't the best at it, still he moved to the music, dancing twirling his girlfriend around in place. "I like it, it's awesome" he looked around the great hall, there was professors dressed up too, one of them being Cyndi his ancient Runes professor. She was showing just like the magazine said, but she glowed showing off her belly. Dymetris had to stop dancing to laugh at her costume. "You see what she did there, it looks like a quaffle. Wow that's very original" he went back to dancing or dancing around as he should put it. Dancing around and moving with the music.

He struggle not to get hit from her wings, quite a few times he was hit with her wings, but the ruffling of her dress pushed him back to avoid the stinging of her wings. He laughed in pain, rubbing his arms. "Oh what did you made those things out of" he asked, the sting left a red mark. He rubbed the mark on his elbow, his skin wrinkle to his touch. He shrug and kept dancing with her. He moved closer and moved really fast since the music went at a fast pace. He twirled her once more, dipping her down rotating her and picking her back up again. For a bad dancer, his veela blood did perfectly well in fixing that problem, since most veela were great dancer. Though he'd question if gender played in the role how good or bad he moved around the dance floor.
Faxen laughed happily as Dymetris spun her in a circle. She moved to the music as she was actually a really good dancer. She had rhythm that came with most good musicians. She was floating on cloud nine tonight because she was here with her boyfriend in front of the whole school. Faxen was so thrilled that they could now be seen out in public dancing, kissing, and just being together. Faxen turned her head in the direction that Dymetris was pointing. There, she saw her head of house had painted her very swollen belly. "I knew there was a reason why she's one of my favorite professors." Faxen said with a laugh. "She looks exactly like a Quaffle." the brunette said with a grin to her boyfriend.

Faxen winced as she saw the painful looking red marks on her boyfriend's arms. She was about to answer him when he spun around before dipping her low. He had caught her off guard by the dip was flawless. The pretty brunette giggled as he did so. There was something to be said for dancing with a veela boy. Her radiance shone as they danced around the floor gracefully despite her cumbersome wings. The song ended and shifted to a slower song. Faxen snaked her arms up around Dymetris' neck. Lightly, she traced her fingers on the back of his neck. Impulsively, Faxen kissed him lightly on his lips. She knew she needed to talk to him about something that happened yesterday, but this was just too perfect a night to ruin with an argument. "I love you." she said, looking deep into his sea green eyes. "Did you know that?" she asked, a sparkle in her own clear brown eyes.
He was extra pleased with the effort he made to make her smile. It's like stepping into his comfort zone every time he was around her. He could never get enough of her sassy energy and the tender emotions that came with it. "I know and I love you more, I win" he teased as the music slowed down to a soft melody. "I love you, you love me, let's get together and have babies?" he chuckled, his little song struck him as a nursery rhymes was actually twisted around in his own little way. He knitted close to her, despite her crazy little wings he wasn't afraid to get hurt by them. It's like a sign sort of, the more he danced around the larger his chance he would get a mark, but it was all worth being this close to her.He kissed her lips longingly and then swung her around a little less animated and more passionate you would say. He slowed it down some and just let her guide them around the floor, as the song should be dance slow, her let her do much of the leading for once. "Are you having a good time beautiful?"
Faxen smiled happily. She didn't think she would ever get tired of him saying those three little words that meant the world to her. Faxi laughed at his silly little chant that reminded her of something she had heard as a child. She put a haughty look on her angelic face. "Maybe, one day. If you are lucky." she said though she was teasing. Even as she teased him, she could see it happening one day. Somewhere far down the road. He held her close, kissing her tenderly. Faxen laughed as he dipped her more slowly. Her back arched gracefully. As he held her close once more, he asked if she was having a good time. Faxi smiled softly at him and nodded her head. "I always have a good time with you baby." she told him truthfully. The brunette bit her lip nervously, knowing that she needed to confess something to him. "I need to tell you something Dymetris. I know that it will probably end up in the next stupid gossip magazine." she said rolling her brown eyes. "Remember how I went shopping yesterday? Well, I ran into Enzo..." she said, knowing that Dymetris had heard about Enzo, her other best friend, before. "He kissed me. Right out in the middle of the street. I set him straight, but people saw. I am so so so sorry. Just remember that I love you." she babbled out in a rush.
Dymetris grin, he like to hear that. He moved closer as nitch up as he could be with her, his arm folder and rested right at her lower back. "That be great, you know somewhere in the future if it happens." he like making outcomes and now that he felt he could control his future a little nothing worried him not even when she told him that her friend kissed her. It made him stiff a little and his stomach started to bother him at the right moment, but only because he was hungry. And he desired some treats. "Ah, Faxen you should've told me before we got in here babes" he roll his eyes at the ditzy brunette. He let go because he thought he was hungry and he wanted some treats badly at the moment. "No matter, come on let's get something to eat I'm starving" he offered his arm and lead her to the table. "But don't ever do it again, if he's the type of friend that can't keep his arm off you then he's no friend at all, especially when you're in a relationship with me. Understand that" he said borderline serious and dazed.

The last thing he wanted was for his uncle to be right about girls, how they're all the same. It would make him look like a fool, and his uncle had warn him about this happening and now all of a sudden it was happening before his eyes. He sighed shaking his head. "You don't even understand Faxen, if only you knew what's going on right now with me and my uncle. But I rather not talk about it, it's like if I mention him he'll be the end of our relationship" he said in hopes she would take him seriously. He settle for a few treats and sat down at the table, now he was upset, only because he was beginning to think his uncle was right about all girls. That they were all the same there was never one just pleased, little did he know his uncle was much in love at the moment with his pretty little girlfriend name Irene Finch. A woman he will soon meet in his second term hopefully.
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