Open Going for a Dip

Magne Kleos

thalassophile | overwhelmed
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
02/2050 (13)
After spending so much of the day getting all of his supplies. He had enjoyed it quite a bit, but it had gotten pretty boring. He headed for the harbour, where his parents and their boat was, but instead of going directly to it. Magne placed down all of the supplies, fairly sure no one would take any of it, and then took off his outer layer of clothes - he was always ready to go swimming at a moment's notice. Magne jumped into the water and began swimming a little, just enjoying the coldness of the water.
Violet wasn't sure how she felt about her first year at Hogwarts. It wasn't as interesting as she thought it was going to be and part of her feared that her parents lied to her about how great it was just so that she could go. Another part of her also knew however that she had to put more effort in if she wanted it to be interesting. For now, she was on her break, and she decided some fresh air without any worries was well deserved. She sat down beside the harbour, observing everything closely. When she noticed a boy close to her age with some supplies of some sort, her eyes locked onto him, staring at him as he placed them down and jumped into the water and began swimming. "Hey! What are you doing!?" Violet shouted out to him curiously, unable to help herself. It definitely seemed suspicious.
Magne was enjoying the refreshing nature of the water. Feeling himself more at ease in the water, and not intending to spend long in it. But a girl was shouting at him, he moved in closer, keeping himself afloat with ease. She was looking at him and the water and he figured she'd asked either what he was doing or what his name was. "Svømming," he answered before shaking his head. "Swimming," he corrected, and motioned a little to show what he was doing.
Violet raised an eyebrow at the boy's response. She didn't like when people were smart with her. He was obviously swimming, and it didn't take a genius to notice that. But it just wasn't very often that people swam in the harbour. Was it even allowed? "Then what's all of this?" she asked a little suspiciously, gesturing towards the supplies he had just left. She needed to know what he was doing. After all, if it was going to be fun, she wanted to join in.
Magne glanced at what she was motioning and then back at her. "My...greier," he stopped and then added, "Stuff, school stuff," he spoke slowly and with a heavy accent, he swam a little closer to her and his things. "Not allowed?" he asked, in case he had missed some sign that he couldn't leave his things there, or worse that he wasn't allowed to swim in the harbour.

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