Closed Go Through Me

Einar Haines

drop out; healing; alaskan
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Redwood Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
12/2038 (23)
The last few days had been odd, he’d confessed to his therapist about Lucas, about the fact that he had this shadow, that the shadow was maybe a friend. The person had seemed pretty happy that suddenly he was interacting with different people, he left out everything about lucas that could end up with him in trouble but he had just needed to mention it. Needed to mention how it had made him feel, how he had been somewhat thankful that he had someone in his life, that he had some company. He had left out how he had struggled with the touching, how some of his actions had really spiralled Einar, but he kept all the positive things in. The horned serpent wasn’t sure what to think about it and he could confess that he was feeling a little nervous as the semester was heading quickly towards the conclusion. He had been told they had a family for him, in fairbanks, who knew a little about his situation, and that would be the ones to get him from the airport when the semester had ended. He didn’t know what it would be like and he was feeling nervous. Even with Lucas around him more, there was a deep loneliness in his heart as he faced his first chirstmas and birthday without anyone. Even Lucas would manage to fill the gap of loneliness he felt. He was making his way down the corridor, trying to push those thoughts aside.
Dawson had been surprisingly quiet since the interaction with Einar a few days ago. Apparently Lucas's older brother had never expected anyone to punch him in the face for the way he treated Lucas. The boy should have known his brother wouldnt let it go forever. He had been on his way down from the library when Dawson had barreled into him, angry and yelling. Lucas wasnt sure why his brother was angry that day, but he was so surprised by it that he didnt have time to prepare himself. He yelped, clutching his bloody nose as he finally managed to break free, darting through the halls with his older brother thundering along behind him.

His original intent had been to book it to the common room, hide where his brother couldnt reach him. But as he slid around the corner he spotted a familiar face. "Einar!" Lucas cried out, darting towards the other boy, one hand still clasped over his nose even though he could feel the blood dripping a little between his fingers. He spun around Einar, hiding behind him and laying his head lightly against the boys back, struggling to catch his breath. He tensed as he heard Dawson come around the corner, shrinking further behind Einar as if he could disappear.

"Out of the way, twerp!" Dawson growled, storming over.
Einar was a little startled when out of nowhere appear Lucas, ”What?” he started saying, he noticed the blood instantly and looked up as the likely culprit seemed to round the corner too. It was clear with lucas hiding behind him that this was this boys doing and that he hadn’t yet realised that Einar wasn’t just going to back down. He looked up at the older boy, his hands balled up into fist and letting some of the initial confusion fade easily into anger. Anger towards this boy who seemed intent on hurting his brother, Einar’s only friend. The horned serpent just shook his head at him. ”Yeah, I’m not doing that,” Einar replied he raised his fist again, he flexed his fingers lightly and then looked back up at the older boy. ”If you want Lucas, you’ll have to go through me first,” Einar kept his gaze on him, a cool and angry look on his features. He wasn’t going to go down without a fight, and truly he wished to have more time to truly hurt this boy for hurting his brother. He wanted to fight him so hard. He wanted to bring him down a notch or two if he could. [/B]
Dawson looked surprised as Einar didnt do what he was told. He huffed and shook his head. "Lucca, we're going." He tried instead. Lucas lightly held on to Einars shirt and shook his head. "N-not until you calm down," he managed softly. Dawson rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest and scowling. "You said you weren't going soft, now look at you. Using some random twerp as a meat shield. No wonder you dont have friends." Dawson sneered.

Lucas paused, his grip loosening as he realized Dawson was right. What was he even doing? He hadn't even been looking for Einar and now the other boy was in the middle. Lucas was still mostly convinced that Einar hated him and was just being nice out of pity. He swallowed nervously, letting go and moving to step around him, muttering a quiet apology as he started to walk back towards Dawson with his head down.
Einar kept his gaze on the older boy. He wasn’t surprised when the boy wanted to go around him and just get lucas back. He began saying these things, and einar was actually surprised when it appeared that Lucas was actually listening to it. He watched as Lucas moved around him to go back to his brother. Einar grabbed Lucas as he moved away, took ahold of the back of his shirt and dragged him back behind him. ”Don’t listen to him.” Einar assured Lucas quickly, once again placing himself right in front of Lucas. He looked back at the older boy, ”You, don’t talk to him when I’m around,” Einar told him, knowing he could only protect Lucas when he was around him, he could help him whenever he was around him and hope that the rest of the time was just less, so that Lucas didn’t have to suffer it as much. ”If I’m there you don’t touch him, because I promise you, I’m just looking for an excuse to fight someone,” Einar told him his tone harsh, he wouldn’t let him do this to him.
Lucas yelped as Einar pulled him back, looking at the other boy with wide eyes as he stepped back between him and Dawson. Lucas's heart fluttered in his chest- no one ever did anything like this. He hesitated before stepping back behind Einar, laying his head against Einars back and shutting his eyes.

Dawson sputtered in anger for a moment, face turning redder than before, before cursing loudly at them before turning and storming away. Lucas peeked out from behind Einar to watch him go. He swallowed nervously, stepping back. "I'm s-sorry," he murmured, staring at the ground.
Einar was pleased when lucas remained behind him, he was still as the boy leaned against him, but he held his ground as he held his gaze on the older boy. He held his gaze, holding his ground against him, and then finally the boy left. He would’ve really liked the fight him but it seemed that he was all bark and no bite, at least to him. He waited until the boy was out of sight and then he shook his head, ”Don’t say sorry Lucas,” He told him as he heard him apologise. Einar hadn’t been looking for any friends, but he wasn’t going to let his only one apologise whenever he got hurt because of his terrible brother. He reached out to Lucas and his nose and the blood that had dried, using his wrist to gently guide his face up so he could look at him better, see the damage cause. ”Are you okay?” he asked, it seemed that was his only injury, but he couldn’t really know. Einar was able to push down his anger, fading now he was just facing Lucas, now that the older boy was gone.
Lucas swallowed nervously as Einar told him not to apologize. "I didnt mean to get you involved," he explained softly, "I was just going to hide in the dorms." He rubbed his arm, eyes widening a little as Einar lifted his chin. He swallowed again as Einar asked if he was okay. "I've had worse," he answered quietly instead. His face hurt and he probably skinned his knee when Dawson pushed him over. It could have been worse but he still ached all over. His heart wasnt hammering so hard in his chest now and he felt like he was starting to relax a little.
Einar shook his head, ”I don’t mind,” he told him, since he didn’t, he wasn’t even lying when he’d said to Lucas’ brother that he’d been hoping for a fight. Fighting was such an easy way for things to just feel calmer, more at ease. He shook his head when Lucas tried to say that by having worse that it made this okay. ”That’s not answering my question,” his tone was still cold as he spoke, he had some concern within it, but it had gone back to his usual tone. He hated Lucas’ brother and how he treated Lucas, he hated the idea of Lucas never having the experience of good brothers of how good it could be. ”Shall we go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up?” he offered, if Lucas didn’t want to talk about how hurt he was, they could still do something to clean him up. He had more questions too, keen to figure out more about why this was on going, if it had been caused by something specific or if it really was at random.
Lucas smiled a little as Einar said he didnt mind. "I dont like the idea of you fighting him," he answered softly. "He holds grudges. I dont want him to hurt you," he grimaced. "Especially not over something so stupid," he didnt think Einar should be fighting for him when he didnt think he was really worth fighting for.

Lucas shrugged as Einar said it wasnt an answer and nodded as he asked if they should clean up. "Yeah, okay," he agreed softly, taking hold of Einars sleeve lightly and letting him take the lead.
Einar shrugged at his response, ”He can’t hurt me, Lucas,” Einar told Lucas with a serious expression, his gaze and tone remaining hard. It was something he meant too, sure Lucas’ brother could physically do him harm, but it would be nothing compared to the pain in his heart he had felt over his life. He didn’t think it was a big deal, and he didn’t think it was over something stupid. He would protect and help him for as much as Lucas needed it, ”He deserves to be punch in the face and I’ll be the one to do it,” Einar wouldn’t let him get away with it at every occasion that he could help it. He knew that Lucas was worth protecting and really Einar knew he’d welcome the fight. He hadn’t expected Lucas to admit that he was in pain or okay but he knew it wasn’t worth pushing him. It wasn’t like Einar would answer it honestly either. He just led the way to the bathroom, and pushed Lucas to sit upon the bathroom counter tops. He grabbed a few tissues and wet them under a little tepid water. He walked back over to Lucas and waited for a little permission to get started.
Lucas followed quietly, sitting on the counter and tilting his head to let Einar clean up the blood. "You dont need to fight him," he insisted quietly. "I'm used to it." He fidgeted a little, pressing his thumbs together and pulling them apart. "He and Gabriel have always been this way. I can handle it. He just... surprised me today. I didnt expect him to be so mad." He tried to explain quietly.

He looked away, biting his lip. "I dont want to see him turn on you. It might not hurt you, but... it would hurt worse than if he hit me," he admitted quietly.
Einar gently wiped the blood from his nose, using the wet tissues to get most of the now dried blood away. He was happy to have something to concentrate on as he listened to Lucas, he just wanted to fight this boys brothers. He wanted to hit them so hard they’d never hit any one else. ”You shouldn’t have to be used to it Lucas,” his voice was a little detached, trying to not right too much emotion but wasn’t too devoid of it either. At the last part he sighed and rolled his eyes a little, the fact that it would be worse to turn on him, that Lucas would be hurt if he was hit. He wanted to show him how untrue that would be. ”Your brother doesn’t have the guts to turn on me because he knows I’d hit him right back, just let me help you whenever I can,” he told him, just wanting the boy to at least agree to let Einar step in whenever he had the opportunity to, that he’d always stand up to Lucas’ brother on his behalf. ”And I hope you know brothers aren’t supposed to be like that,” Einar put the blooded tissues in a nearby bin, before grabbing a few dry ones and patting the formally blooded area dry.
Lucas shrugged noncommittaly. Whither he should be or not, he was used it all the same. He smiled a little at Einars statement. "I don't think he knows what to think of you," he almost giggled. "No one has ever stood up to him before." His smile faded as Einar finished, shrugging again. "Its all I know. My parents either don't notice or don't care. You're the only person besides my aunt Cassi to ever stay long enough to be in my life at all. But she travels so much I rarely see her." He admitted a little sadly, not moving off of the counter.
Einar let himself smile a little with Lucas, it was small, and it didn’t linger for long but it was there. ”I’m happy to be the first,” He told him. Einar wasn’t sure it was a good idea for Lucas to tell him more about his family, everything he heard made him feel worse for the boy. Einar had slowly lost every member of his family, but at least while they’d been alive they’d all been good, loving people. He wished he had his fathers determination, he wished he’d had Adam’s kindness, he wish he’d had Hewie’s patience, he wished he had the same loving nature as his mother. It wasn’t even like he could offer up his home to Lucas to get away from them all, he didn’t have a home at all. ”That sucks,” Einar could only reply, taking a seat next to him on the counter. He sighed a little, the story of his own family on the tip of his tongue. ”You deserve better Lucas,” the boy spoke quietly, he couldn’t help but think that his involvement in Lucas’ life would only make things worse, but he didn’t want to leave his only friend. It was nice sometimes to think that he had someone to speak to. ”I’m really nervous about the quidditch game, my mum was the one who said I should try out, but I’m going to let them down,” if anything he was mentioning something else so he didn't go into too much detail about his own current family situation.
Lucas was surprised when Einar sat on the counter next to him. He shrugged as Einar said he deserved better. Lucas almost countered with a 'so do you', but he still didnt really know why Einar always seemed so sad. He couldnt just assume anything so he left it where he was.

"Oh, your game," Lucas straightened, reaching into his jacket. "I was actually looking for you before Dawson got in the way. I wont be able to come and see you play, which I'm still pretty sad about, but..." he pulled out a box, setting it on Einars leg. "Here, it, um... I made this. For good luck. Not that I expect you to wear it or anything, I just thought- you know, I cant go but you still have my support or whatever." Lucas grimaced. "Sorry, it was a better idea last night." He started to reach for the box to hide it back in his jacket.
Einar was quite surprised that Lucas had been looking for him when his brother had caught him. It was still somewhat surprising that there was someone who actually wanted to spend time with him. That wanted to be around him actively. It was odd to be Lucas’ friend, not quite what he had expected if only because Einar hadn’t ever had a friend before. So how could he know what to expect and to not expect. Einar had thought admitting the little bit about the game would help get Lucas’ attention to something cheerier and not so centered around him. He looked at the box that was placed on his leg and then looked back up at Lucas. A present? He had made him a present? Einar knew that with all the change in his life, without his mum and with this new family he wasn’t likely to get anything for his birthday or christmas - they just happened to be the same day - and without knowing or doing anything, Lucas was giving him something he had made, for a game he was about to play. When the boy went to reach for it, Einar shook his head and snatched the box before Lucas could take it back. ”No, it’s great,” he said quickly before opening the box. He looked at what was inside of it and smile. He pulled it out and was quick to put it on his wrist. He wrapped his other hand around it for a moment, just staring at it, surprised that he had really got him something. ”Thanks Lucas, this is really nice,”
Lucas was surprised when Einar snatched the box away, smiling softly as Einar put it on. Without thinking about it, Lucas leaned into Einar's side, resting his head lightly on the other boys shoulder. "I wish I could go with you," He murmured. "I don't think it's fair the entire beauxbatons school can see you play and I can't," he pouted. "I would freak out if you got hit by a bludger, sure, but I still want to be there." He sighed dramatically. "I wish they would let some students go, too, the ones with personal ties to the team." He thought aloud.
Einar shrugged, he had sort of wished that Lucas could come with him too, but they weren’t able to bring people, which he thought was a little unfair, the whole of beauxbatons would be cheering against them, but he figured that was the price of an international game and really the opportunity to even play a game internationally was a good thing. It was a good opportunity. He didn’t want to say that he wanted Lucas there, though he did. They were friends and he liked him, but that seemed just a step too far to say. He knew it wasn’t something bad, but for him, it felt a little much. He just nodded, ”It’s not that bad, being hit with a bludger,” he told Lucas, clearly not thinking the game was that dangerous and not caring too much about his own safety about it. He nodded, ”It’ll only be a few days, and then I can tell you all about it,” Einar said to him, it was almost enticing to him that he would be able to have someone to tell. Prior to Lucas he’d thought any games played, he would just do them and then have no one to tell, but now he would have someone to tell.
Lucas rolled his eyes as Einar said it wasn't that bad, rubbing his arm lightly. "Uh-huh. Try again, maybe I'll believe you." He teased gently, giving Einar a small smile. His smile widened as Einar said he'd tell him all about it. "Good. I... can make us some snacks? Maybe. It's been a while since I've tried. Gabriel didnt like that I was messing around in the kitchen," he shrugged. "I know you usually just eat whatever I try to share, but do you have any favorites?" He inquired, looking over to Einar.
Einar was a little surprised that Lucas wanted to make snacks for them, the fact that anyone would want to sit and make snacks for him, to be able to talk about something else. He nodded at it, and was a little surprised that it had been because of the actions of Lucas’ brother which had stopped him from baking as much. The more Lucas told him about his siblings the more Einar hated them. The more he knew at a certain point he was just going to fly for one. He thought it was nice of Lucas to even ask what his favourites were, but he didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about all of the things his mother had used to make for him that she would no longer make for him. He didn’t want to taste any of that. ”Just make whatever you want Lucas, I don’t have any favourites anymore,” Einar said, ”Let’s go, I have to get to the pitch soon,” he didn’t want Lucas to ask any follow up questions and rather just jumped down from the ledge and just looked at Lucas, expecting him to follow.
Lucas was surprised when Einar said he didn't have favorites anymore. What did that mean? He meant to ask but Einar jumped down. Lucas blinked, sliding off the counter. He wanted to just hold Einar's hand but he slid his hands in his pockets instead. He smiled up at his friend, motioning for him to lead the way. Lucas was really enjoying life more now that Einar didn't just ignore him. It made things a little less lonely.

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