Closed Glitter Bomb!

Fayre Styx

rory's tormentor; dad's thorn
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
OOCOut of Character:
int- Durmstrang - Day
Fayre and Delilah are standing in the corridors waiting for their first dark arts lesson of the morning

"The Durmstrang Quidditch team are useless and they'll never hit a Bludger to save their lives. Have they ever won a game, like ever?" Fayre asked into the ether already knowing the answer. All they were was big, dumb jocks, and she didn't care that either her brother Rory or her father would be counted amongst those. It wasn't like being a Quidditch player ever did her Dad (or Rory) any favours after all, since getting hit with bludgers tended to put them in hospital and she'd been to see her Dad after a game enough times to know how she felt about it. She tended to avoid them like the plague they were and instead spent more time redecorating any room of the institute that she could get her little fingers on. That and supporting Delly - because Delly was the only important person in the school for her to care about knowing. She genuinely could not have thought of someone more well suited to her company. Not if she'd even had a million years to think about it. "That one kid fell off of his broom and the whole game just ended. They're so useless they don't even let us play in their inter school games! Can you believe that, Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny battle it out to see who gets to take on Hogwarts in New Zealand and they get to just have fun playing over there and we don't get any of that! How dumb is that?" Rory was playing their winning team this time, she vaguely recalled him saying in one of his letters.

"I just think that given this whole Magical Cooperation thing, shouldn't we be getting as much access to it as they do? I want to go to New Zealand during the Semester and watch my brother fall off of his broom! Is that too much to ask?!" Fayre didn't think it was too much to ask at all, but she didn't like that no one had bothered to ask her opinion on it. "I mean really, when you think about it- Delly!" She quickly pulled her friend's head down as a stream of spells came careening down the corridors and set off a bunch of what seemed like glitter bombs all over the waiting fifth years. She didn't see who had done it, but it would not have surprised her to hear it was that damned Applewhite boy and his goons. @sshole. "You @ssholes! If this doesn't come out of my hair, you're dead!"
Delilah was checking her face in her pastel compact, the periwinkle color matching the acrylics on her nails to a tee. There wasn't a hair out of place on the young Veela, and her makeup she happened to think was flawless. She flicked her azure eyes upwards to look at her friend while she talked. "I genuinely don't think they could win the game if you used engorgio on the snitch until it couldn't fly." She said, her French accent smooth on her voice - as if she practiced speaking in her free time just so she'd sound more aesthetic. Which could be the case, Delilah was all about appearances.

Fayre continued to rant about Quidditch. Delilah didn't like the sport either so it was okay. It was a dirty sport, and most of the members of the teams seemed like they didn't care what body wash was - sweating showed their hard work or something gross like that. "I don't think it's dumb, the school is obviously subpar." Delly didn't keep it a secret that she had wanted to go to Beuxbatons - no she made sure people knew she thought that school was better.

Delly was prepared to answer her next set of ramblings when Fayre yanked her slightly, keeping her from being hit by whatever spell had just flown by them. She turned to look at Fayre, and then at whoever might have shot the spell. "If I could tell who the guilty party was I'd curse them into next week. Immature jerks." Delilah looked over her friends hair. "Here let me." She said, presenting her wand and casting scourgify in case there was any glitter left over. "You look much better with paint in your hair than glitter." She teased with a smile. "I wanted to pick your brain, does your family have plans this summer?"
Fayre watched after the boys running away, mostly unidentifable of course and cursed under her breath. She was going to have to ask Felix to teach her some of those blacker curses. He might not have graduated but he had his wand. He knew a thing or two, come to think of it, so did her dad. Either of them would probably be a good option to learn how to hex those @ssholes into oblivion. It was bad enough that they got glitter on her (she sparkled enough as it was) they'd almost his Delly and she wasn't here for that. "I'm glad I was a good look out, I won't stand for someone ruining your pretty hair," she said, frowning at her best friend and looking her over to make sure she'd done her job and nudged the other girl out of the way in enough time. It was hard work being Delly's best friend, but it was so worth it. The tiny, baby crush she had on her though, ah, oh well. Not like she would ever do anything about it. She just enjoyed admiring her from afar. "You're not wrong. I am glad you didn't go to the french school though, at least not in first year else we would never have met and then we would be Delly and Fayre It Girls." Well, Delly was the it girl, Fayre just like to tag along though her name did tend to open special doors on occasion. She had some family running around.

"Plans? Well, not really. Felix's daughter is heading into school this September so he's going to be super moapy over Summer because he won't get to see much of her. Her Mum wants her to stay with her because she won't see much of her when she starts school. So that's going to mean Dad's going to be preoccupied with him, which probably means Hadrian and me will just... I dunno, do dumb sh*t." She said, peering over at her friend to try and figure out where this part of the conversation was going. She knew it wasn't that Delly would be angling for an invite to her home, way too noisy there, but perhaps she wanted something from Fayre? She hoped she could provide, whatever it was.

@Delilah Chevalier

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