Closed Glimpses of the Past

Apolline Fontaine

eldest child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Aspen Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2049 (14)
Apolline had been exploring somewhat the school she was now in, but it wasn't because she wanted to see it. It was more to almost deal with all the echoes of the past that she had experienced. Apolline had therefore decided the place she needed to see was the trophy room. Apolline was now in that room. She didn't struggle too much to find the trophies in the room with her mother's name, with her father's name. The top points one and the halloween one. It was interesting to see their names there, their achievements. Apolline had known some of it, but it felt all the more real. She began looking at the other names, the other awards. Apolline hoped that one day she might have her own name here, to join with her parents.
Summer was determined to see as many places in and around the castle as possible during her first week at Hogwarts. Mostly so she'd know where the cool kids hung out but also because she just wanted to always have an option of where to go. And just to keep herself from getting bored, there was that as well. She had no history with the school, didn't know anyone who had spend seven years there. She was confident that by the time she'd graduate people would know her though. Especially since by that time it would probably just be on a plaque or a trophy somewhere. Somewhere like the trophy room. Having heard of this particular room Summer had made it today's mission to find it, glad when she finally did. "Apolline, hi!" She greeted when she walked in to find one of her classmates she had known from daycare already there. "Anyone you know on those?" Summer asked curiously, nodding towards the trophies.
Apolline hadn't been in the trophy room long when she saw someone walk in. Apolline knew her vaguely, they'd been in the same day care class together, even spoken a couple of times. "Hi Summer," she said with a polite tone. Summer seemed nice enough from day. "Oh yeah, both my parents, and my uncle too. Do you?" Apolline said, gesturing to one with her mother on it. "Congratulations on Slytherin," she added, since she had remember and paid attention to Summer's sorting.
Summer had to admit she was a little impressed when Apolline mentioned that both of her parents names' could be found on the trophies, as well as her uncles. That had to mean that the other girl had probably heard dozens of stories about the school growing up. She had too, just not this version of the school. "Oh, no." She replied with a shake of her head. "My dad went to school in Scotland and my mom's a Muggle, so." Summer added with a small shrug. If they were in Scotland, this might've been a different story. But they were not and she was kind of proud to be the first of her family to head to school here. "Thanks." She smiled. "I mean I'm not a fan of green but I'll make it work." She added with a giggle, tossing some of her hair over her shoulder. "You'll definitely rock all of that red though."
Apolline nodded as Summer explained her own family. "Oh," she said, she hadn't known that Summer's mum was muggle, and nor did it really matter, it was just interesting to hear. "What house was your dad in?" she asked, a little curious about if he'd been a slytherin too. She knew from the conversations she'd heard around Summer that fashion was important to her. "I'm sure you will," she agreed, since it seemed only logical and nice to say such a thing. "Yeah?" she looked down at herself, though she wasn't currently wearing any red. "Red is an easy colour though,"
Summer shrugged at Apolline's response when she mentioned her mom was a Muggle. It had honestly always been kind of fun to have a foot in both the muggle as well as the wizarding world. Made her feel like she had more experience than some of her classmates who might've grown up in just one of those worlds. "He was a Gryffindor." She answered Apolline's question. People always told her she was such a clear mix of both her parents personality wise so whilst it wouldn't have surprised her if she had been a Gryffindor too it also didn't surprise her that she wasn't. "Oh, definitely." Summer nodded. "I mean it is. It's also very diverse though, plenty of pretty shades of red." She added with a bright smile before glancing back at the trophies. "So with your parents' names on there, you thinking of adding your own?"
Apolline nodded thinking it interesting to see how people were placed based on their parents, how things and people changed depending on their parents and those personalities. "I think you'd have been a good gryffindor too," Apolline said, though of course she had no basis for that, just a general feeling that she would've maybe suited the house. "There are plenty of shades of green too," she added, trying to hopefully make Summer feel better about it. "Plus we don't need to always wear house colours," but at the trophies, Apolline shrugged. "I'd like to, but it's probably difficult," she said. "Are you looking to?"
"Thanks." Summer smiled when Apolline said something about her being a good gryffindor too, still confident she'd be great in any house. She nodded when the girl mentioned there were plenty shades of green. There were. Most of them just weren't pretty. Not as pretty as red or blue. But she was sure to find the pretty ones and work with them as best as she could when she needed to do anything to do with house rep. "For sure." Summer nodded confidently. "I mean I'd like to have my name on at least one of them. Have some sort of legacy, I guess. That'd be nice." She explained. Really, Summer just wanted to be populair. And having her name on a few trophies could surely help with that. "Plus, it'd be a fun thing to brag to my siblings about." She joked. Partly.
Apolline wasn't sure she'd said the right thing about the houses, but it didn't seem like Summer was that bothered by it. She looked back at the different trophies and then nodded, it seemed like Summer was pretty determined to get on one of them. "It is cool to have a legacy in this place," she said, since she was on the other end of it. Being able to see the legacy left by someone that she was related to. To know they had once walked the halls of this school. "It certainly would be, if they care about that sort of thing," Apolline knew her brother wouldn't, but perhaps Summer's siblings might. "How siblings do you have?"
Summer nodded when Apolline mentioned it was cool to have a legacy. It sounded like it would be, which meant she had seven years to create one for herself. "Did your parents do a lot of cool stuff around here?" She asked curiously, eyeing the trophies and scanning for names that might match Apolline's. "I'm not sure they will, but that won't stop me." Summer joked. She was sure her brothers had to think she was cool even if they wouldn't admit it. Perhaps they would once they got older. "I have three." She answered Apolline's question. "Two brothers and one sister. My oldest brother is two years younger than I am, so it'll be a while before they're all here." She smiled. "Do you have any siblings?"
Apolline laughed slightly at what Summer said. "Depends on your definition of cool," she said, since for some, being head girl, getting top points and all that wasn't cool. "But, it's just cool that they, I guess," she said. But Apolline knew it wouldn't matter if her brother cared about her adventures at school or how cool it was that she was able to learn magic and stuff. Apolline's eyes widened a little at the number of siblings she had, four had to be a lot. "Just the one, younger brother," she said. "Is it fun to have three siblings?" Apolline asked. She loved her brother, but there were days when she wanted nothing more than to be an only child.
Summer's thoughts drifted off a little as she imagined herself in a similar room at the Scottish version of the school, curious of she'd see her dad's name on any of the trophies over there. She would be sure to ask him when she got home for the break. Or write him about it, perhaps that would be better if she didn't want to forget. "Cool. How old is he?" Summer asked curiously before shrugging at Apolline's next question. "It can be.. a lot." She answered genuinely. "I mean they can be, like, super annoying. But they can also be lots of fun. Depends on the day, really." She added with a laugh.
"He's nine," she replied to the the question before listening to what Summer said about having three siblings was like. Apolline could sympathise, it seemed like it was what she experienced but just more. Having a brother was fun some times, depending on the day, but even just one could be a lot. "I'd rather have a sibling than none though, no matter how annoying it can get, you know," Apolline said, sure that given what Summer had said, she likely felt the same.
Summer raised her eyebrows when Apolline told her about her brother's age. That was her brother's age. Which meant the chances of their brothers being in the same class were big. If her brother was supposed to attend Hogwarts too. "What's his name? Will he be coming to Hogwarts too?" She asked curiously, wondering if they would like each other. She didn't need her brother annoying one of her friend's brothers. "Oh, gosh, yes. Having three sibling can be a terror but I couldn't imagine being an only child. That would just be so boring."
Apolline gave a little smile, "Henri, and he should be," she said. She assumed her mother would want both she and her brother to attend the same school, the same one she'd attended and the one in the country she led, but there was no being completely sure about it. "What's your brother's name?" she asked, keeping it about the specific brother who would be coming to Hogwarts. Apolline nodded in agreement, though there were moments when she disliked being and having a sibling, she knew it would be awful without it. "Oh yeah, it's nice just to have someone there," Apolline agreed.
Summer was shaking off the thought that she'd need to meddle in however her brother would interact with Apolline's. They had only just gotten to school so it'd be a while before their brothers would even attend. Plus, she was sure she'd be able to establish her friendships and reputation well enough so he wouldn't be able to ruin any of it. "His name's Harrison." Summer answered Apolline's question, making sure she'd remember the other girl's brother's name just in case. "Right? That's why it's so good to have friends around here as well. Could you imagine not having anyone to discuss these things with around here? Even better is you can't pick your siblings, but you can pick your friends." She added with a giggle.
Apolline wasn't sure she recognised the name Harrison, but her brother might've. She agreed that it was nice to have things, and nice to have friends too. She hadn't been sure about the daycare centre to begin with, having liked the structure of muggle school, but it was at least helpful in giving her friends and people to know for when she got to the school. "Yeah!" she said. She liked the few friends she had and was sure with more time she would make more of them.

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